Ms. Dunham
English 12
*Choose ONE of the following projects to be completed by August 21, 2013.
*Your project must be completely finished and turned in at the beginning of your class period on August 21, 2013.
(must be recorded and put on DVD; make sure it is a good quality DVD and the volume is acceptable as well)
*Create a commercial that promotes the novel
Include hints on characterization, setting, plot, and theme
Give a “pitch” for reading this book
Must be at least 3 minutes long
*Do an interview with a character from the book
Write at least 15 questions you would ask one character from the novel
Find someone to “play” the character while you ask the questions (or someone to interview you as the character)
*First person plot retelling
Dress up as a main character and retell the plot from a first person point-ofview
Must be at least 3 minutes long
*Develop a newscast of at least two climactic events in the novel.
Dress as a newscaster and use your best “television voice.”
Must be at least 3 minutes long
Include at least 5 news stories, 3 letters to the editor, 6 sales ads, and 4 classified ads about the characters from the novel
From the perspective of one of the main characters
Include at least twenty journal entries
Create a series of at least 10 postcards written by one or more of the main characters.
On one side draw and color a picture of a scene from the novel.
You need to use poster board or cardstock to make these postcards.
Size needs to be o Rectangular o At least 3-1/2 inches high x 5 inches long o No more than 4-1/4 inches high x 6 inches long
On the other side, write a short note from one character to another o Make sure to address the card and sign it
*Board game
Create a board game based on the novel o Include clearly written rules and all materials needed to play o This game must be functional and it has to be demonstrated to the teacher and class.
•Create a scrapbook as if you were any one of the main characters
•Draw or photograph people and events that show you understand the novel
•Include at least 10 pages
*Comic Strip
•Create a comic strip that summarizes the novel
•Include at least 10 different strips