ARH Research Paper Rubric p. 1 Research Paper Rubric Grade Component Substandard (F /D) Minimum/Aver age (C- /C+) Acceptable/G ood (B-/B+) Very Good/Excell ent (A-/A) 1. Accuracy of Content Paper has many factual errors. Paper has a few factual errors and/or some inaccuracies. Paper is largely free of factual errors, and interpretation of fact demonstrates thorough comprehension of material. Information in paper is factually accurate and the interpretation of fact is nuanced, sophisticated, and consistent. 2. Depth and comprehension of content. Paper incorrectly interprets art historical facts. Paper occasionally misinterprets the material, but attempts to articulate the relationship between the materials and the cultural, religious, political, social and/or economic circumstances of their production. Paper demonstrates comprehension of the material and articulates the relationship between the materials and the cultural, religious, political, social and/or economic circumstances of their production. Paper demonstrates profound and nuanced comprehension of the material and clearly articulates the relationship between the materials and the cultural, religious, political, social and/or economic circumstances of their production. 3. Formal requirements Paper is replete with mechanical errors. Relatively few errors in citation format and bibliography. Paper shows evidence of thorough proofreading and contains properly formatted footnotes and bibliography. Paper contains virtually no mechanical errors. Paper is written in a clear, persuasive style. Student writing is lucid, elegant and evocative. Paper does not meet length requirements. Paper meets stated length requirements. Weight 4. Language Use Language and grammatical errors inhibit comprehension Paper is written in a relatively clear style, with few grammatical errors. ARH Research Paper Rubric p. 2 Weight 5. Paper Organization Paper is disorganized. Organization/struct ure of paper is attempted but not consistent throughout. Organization/ structure of paper is coherent and logical. Structure and organization of paper is coherent, fluid, sophisticated, and sustained throughout the paper. Student failed to use required number of sources or sources to which student was directed. Paper demonstrates use and general comprehension of the required number of primary and secondary sources to which student was directed by Professor. Paper demonstrates thoughtful analysis of sources and some independent research (location and retrieval of information from a variety of sources). Paper demonstrates that student has exceeded research expectations, independently discovering and analyzing new primary and/or secondary scholarly materials, including foreign language materials. Weight 6. Demonstrated Research Skills Use of ILL or other research libraries. Weight 7. Use of sources Student shows a lack of understanding of assigned sources. Student distinguishes between primary and secondary sources and can use them appropriately when directed. Student recognizes the limitations of certain electronic and print sources; student shows a concomitant recognition of appropriate scholarly sources. Student distinguishes between information, interpretation and opinion in scholarly writing. Student has a sophisticated understanding of scholarly writing and can identify and question the assumptions, methodology, and arguments therein. ARH Research Paper Rubric p. 3 Weight 8. Methodology No methodological approach ascertainable. Paper lacks methodological clarity. Student constructs an historically valid, well argued art historical paper with somewhat less sophisticated awareness of a methodological approach. Student articulates a sound and even innovative methodological approach, according to which he or she supports an argument and questions sources. No clear thesis. Thesis statement reasonably clear although obvious; argument not well supported by body of paper (e.g., argument meanders); conclusions unconvincing or superficial. Thesis is lucid and meaningful; argument is developed and sustained throughout; conclusions are logical. Thesis is insightful and original; argument is well-developed and supported by visual evidence, primary and secondary sources; conclusions are valid and compelling. None included Illustrations appended to paper, not referenced properly within text, and do not necessarily support the thesis. Illustrations referenced in text and appended thereto with proper captions. Illustrations integrated into the written argument in a compelling way; images are selected and sequenced in such a way that they support an argument that is, in part, visual. Student partly comprehends draft corrections and attempts to incorporate suggestions/advice. Student comprehends corrective criticism and improves writing and research directions as a result. Weight 9. Thesis/ conclusion Weight 10. Integration of Visual Material Images selected support thesis. Weight 11. Evidence of Improvement/ Drafts (If applicable) Weight Student ignores all advice. Student comprehends and acts upon corrective criticism by assessing and editing own work. ARH Research Paper Rubric p. 4 12. Academic Integrity Student has not acknowledged sources properly. Student has attempted to adhere to the standards of academic integrity, , as detailed in the Manhattanville College Code of Conduct by documenting direct quotations but has not sufficiently differentiated summarized ideas of others from student's own observations. Student generally adheres to the standards of academic integrity, particularly regarding the differentiation of one’s own ideas and those of others by properly acknowledging sources, as detailed in the Manhattanville College Code of Conduct. Student adheres fully to the standards of academic integrity, particularly regarding the differentiation of one’s own ideas and those of others by properly acknowledging sources, as detailed in the Manhattanville College Code Of Conduct. Important deadlines missed without excuse or notification. Topics, outlines, paper drafts submitted by stated deadlines, although some minor elements missing. All requirements for submissions met; submissions timely. Preliminary submissions demonstrate a thoughtful, insightful approach to topic and/or preliminary research. Weight 13. Deadlines and meetings Weight Overall Grade: Comments: