course documents\grading procedures


Mr. Kadar’s grading procedures…

Grading, as we are all aware, is an inexact science. In an effort to demystify the grading process, I have listed below the characteristics associated with each paper grade. Interim grades like A- or

B+ fall in between the listed categories — often largely on the basis of mechanics. Remember to proofread!


Insightful thesis that demonstrates thorough understanding of text(s)

Persuasive and graceful argumentation: strong topic sentences and smooth transitions

Careful, detailed close reading of key textual passages to support argument

Concise, even elegant writing unmarred by proofreading errors, grammatical problems, spelling mistakes, or typos


Convincing thesis that demonstrates basic understanding of text(s)

Coherent presentation of argument

Citation and discussion of relevant textual passages to support argument

Some difficulties with technical aspects of writing, but readable nevertheless


Absence of clear argument and/or lack of comprehension

Difficulty in developing, supporting, or illustrating stated thesis in body of paper; topic sentences that are statements of facts; absence of transitions

Summary rather than interpretation of text

Insufficient quotation of text(s) and/or failure to perform close readings of quoted passages

Difficulties with fundamentals of writing: basic punctuation, spelling, sentence structure


Usually applies to egregious examples of the grade just described

Failure to complete assignment fully (i.e., inadequate paper length, failure to address assigned topic, etc.)


Usually reserved for uncompleted assignments

May also apply to particularly egregious examples of the last two grades described above
