Research Paper Topics John Adams legal career and Boston Massacre and Sons of Liberty and Declaration of Independence and Constitution presidency post presidency religious views legacy Susan B. Anthony social activism American Equal Rights Association National suffrage associations United States v Susan B. Anthony Clara Barton early professional life American Civil War American Red Cross religious beliefs Daniel Boone hunter, husband, soldier Kentucky American Revolution businessman in Ohio Missouri Omar Bradley U.S. Army World War II post-war retirement recognition Louis Braille education many aspects of the Braille system later life legacy Edmund Campion conversion to Catholicism entry into Jesuits life in England persecution and martyrdom Andrew Carnegie railroads Civil War Keystone Bridge Company Industrialist/ U.S. Steel philosophy on wealth, religion, and world view philanthropist G. K. Chesterton writing views and contemporaries literary legacy J Winston Churchill military service political career prior to World War II first term as Prime Minister Churchill as artist, historian, and writer Accomplishments Jimmy Doolittle Doolittle Raid World War Ii personal life honors and awards Amelia Earhart education early flying experiences aviation career and marriage 1932 transatlantic solo flight 1937 world flight Henry Ford career Ford Motor Company Model T, Model A, labor philosophy Ford Airplane Company peace and war racing anti-semitism Sam Houston family heritage War of 1812 Tennessee politics marriage and family Indian territory Republic of Texas U.S. Senator from Texas Governor of Texas later life Julia Ward Howe abolitionist social activist poetry honors Andrew Jackson military career legal and political career Indian removal presidency opposition to National Bank family and personal Thomas Jefferson political career – 1775-1800 presidency -Barbary War -Louisiana Purchase -Lewis and Clark Expedition -Embargoes John Paul II election to papacy pastoral trips work with youth teachings apologetics assassination attempt Helen Keller education American Federation for the Blind political activities and role in socialist party companions honors C.S. Lewis World War I conversion to Christianity writing career Christian apologist Charles Lindbergh early aviation air mail pilot and pioneer pursuing the Orteig prize marriage and children (kidnapping of child) thoughts on race and racism World War II environmental causes tributes and honors Louis IX of France Crusading patron of arts veneration as a saint Louis XVI of France King of France role in American Revolution state of France and economy and French Revolution Douglas MacArthur Junior officer World War I World War II Korean War later life James Madison early political career and the constitution Federalist Papers presidency later life Marie Antoinette Ancestry Marriage to Louis XVI Lifestyle Motherhood and French Revolution George C. Marshall World War I between the wars World War II Secretary of Defense and McCarthyism Gregor Mendel plant hybridization work with astronomy and meteorology life after pea experiments life as an Augustinian monk Thomas More family life early political career …and Henry VIII trial and execution Mother Theresa Missionaries of Charity work in India spiritual life John Henry Newman education Anglican priest conversion to Catholicism writings Alfred Nobel inventions chemist engineer armaments manufacturer inventor of dynamite prizes Louis Pasteur professional career research contributions Pasteur Institute faith and spirituality principal works George S. Patton early military service World War I World War II criticisms and controversy Pius V election to papacy Church discipline Liturgy Tridentine Pope …and Elizabeth I Pius X election to papacy Church reforms and theology miracles during lifetime Church policies toward secular governments John D. Rockefeller Standard Oil philanthropy beliefs business practices Eleanor Roosevelt marriage and family life public life before the White House First Lady of the United States role during Great Depression World War II Civil Rights activist United Nations Awards Fulton Sheen education priestly life media career later years evangelization Anne Sullivan work with Helen Keller education personal life work for the blind Therese of Lisieux Little Flower at Carmel life as a Carmelite sister writings: The Story of a Soul J.R.R. Tolkien courtship and marriage World War I academic and writing views on religion views on politics and race Cornelius Vanderbilt steamboat entrepreneur American Civil War railroad empire rivalry with Jay Gould benefactor Manfred von Richtofen piloting career flying circus flying career in World War I - number of victories Booker T. Washington Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute politics and Atlanta Compromise wealthy friends and benefactors up from slavery invitation to White House honors and memorials Woodrow Wilson academic career writings President of Princeton governor of New Jersey presidency second term and World War I post war Civil Rights August 2014