Crucible Character Analysis 1. You have already been introduced to

Crucible Character Analysis
1. You have already been introduced to many characters in The Crucible through
our readings of Act I and II.
2. You are now going to ( in PAIRS) do an analysis of a chosen character. You and
your partner choose the character on which you want to concentrate. You may
choose from:
Abigail ( please. Let’s not everyone choose her)
Rev. Parris
John Proctor
Elizabeth Proctor
Rebecca Nurse
Mrs. Putnam
Mr. Putnam
Rev. Hale
First, you are going to draw an image of your character.
Then, you are going to reflect on the following character traits for your character:
Physical traits
How others think of him/her
How he/she thinks of himself/herself
His/her motivations
Write down at least 2-4 adjectives per category
Then you must provide one direct references from the text (yes…write out the line) that ties in to
each of the four character categories. You must explain WHY Miller would have chosen these
characteristics. ( so you will
You are then to come up with two discussion questions that focus on your character. These have
to be thought provoking questions that do not require a simple yes or no.
The question sheet should have everyone’s name on it; please turn it into me.
Please make these aesthetically pleasing.
In Summary…
• You will have on your sticky note:
1. an image of your character
2. adjectives/details that describe each character trait
3. four quotes that pertain to each character category
4. an analysis of each quote used/Why would Miller
choose these characteristics?
5. You will HAND IN TO ME your two discussion
questions about your characer.
• How you will be graded:
Drawing of character ( basically, do you have
it and is it neat?) 5 points
Character traits; two – four per category 5
Four lines from the text reflecting each
character category ( make sure to place in quotes
and provide the line number)- 4 points
Analysis of quotes; why Miller chose these
details for his character. This needs to be a clear
explanation-16 points