NORTH WARWICKSHIRE BOROUGH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD 13 June 2005 Present: Councillor R Freer in the Chair Councillors Hayfield, Lea, Milligan, Morson, Sherratt, A Smith, Smitten, Sweet, Tooth and Winter. Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Moss and Simpson. Councillors Fowler, Gordon, Phillips and L J Smith were also in attendance and, with the consent of the Chairman, Councillors Fowler, Gordon and L J Smith spoke on Minute No. 17 (Application No. 1690/2004 – 109 High Street, Coleshill). 16 Declarations of Personal or Prejudicial Interests Councillor Hayfield declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Minute No. 23 (Breach of Planning Control – Slowley Hall Farm, Fillongley) left the meeting and took no part in the discussion or voting thereon. 17 Rural Renaissance Report The Assistant Director (Planning and Development) reported on the Rural Renaissance Report produced by Advantage West Midlands and highlighted the potential it had for the regeneration of rural areas of the West Midlands and its likely impact on North Warwickshire. Resolved: 18 a That the report be noted; b That the approach of working with Advantage West Midlands on rural issues whenever the opportunity arises be endorsed; and c That the Council lobbies Advantage West Midlands for funding of projects that match the criteria outlined in the report of the Assistant Director (Planning and Development). Planning Applications Details of correspondence received since the publication of the agenda is attached as a schedule to these minutes. Resolved: a That subject to (b) below, the Applications set out in the report of the Assistant Director (Planning and Development) dated 13 June 2005 be determined as recommended; and 13 D:\533559086.doc Recommended: b 19 That provided no objections are received from the outstanding consultees, Application No. 0374/2005 (Land at Ennersdale Road, Coleshill) be approved subject to the conditions specified in the report of the Assistant Director (Planning and Development). Tree Preservation Order – Overgreen Plantation, Wishaw The Assistant Director (Planning and Development) reported on the receipt of an objection to a Tree Preservation Order made in respect of Overgreen Plantation, Wishaw and the Board was invited to approve a suggested course of action. Resolved: That having considered the objection, the Tree Preservation Order made in respect of Overgreen Plantation, Wishaw be confirmed for the reasons set out in the report of the Assistant Director (Planning and Development). 20 Local Land Charges Service Charter The Board was invited to consider a draft Local Land Charge Service Charter relating to Personal Searches. Resolved: That the Local Land Charges Service Charter relating to Personal Searches be approved. 21 Civic Awards Scheme The Assistant Director (Planning and Development) reported on an outline programme for the 2005 Civic Awards Scheme. Resolved: 22 a That the arrangements as proposed in the report of the Assistant Director (Planning and Development) be agreed; and b That the Chairman of the Board and Councillor Morson be nominated to sit on the judging panel. The Control of High Hedges The Assistant Director (Planning and Development) reported that further guidance had been published in respect of the Control of High Hedges and the Board was asked to approve a suggested course of action 14 D:\533559086.doc Recommended: 23 a That, subject to Ward Members being notified of applications, the Scheme of Delegation, as set out in the report of the Assistant Director (Planning and Development) be agreed; b That a flat fee of £350 per application be agreed, but that this be reviewed at regular intervals; and c That the officers identified in the report be given authorisation to enter land under the provisions of Part 8 of the 2003 Act. Exclusion of the Public and Press Resolved: That, under Section public and press be of business, on the exempt information, 12A to the Act. 24 100A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the excluded from the meeting for the following item grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of as defined in paragraph 13 of Part 1 of Schedule Breaches of Planning Control The Assistant Director (Planning) reported on a number of possible breaches of planning control and the Board was asked to approve suggested courses of action. Resolved: a That in the case of Slowley Hall Farm, the Solicitor to the Council be authorised to issue an Enforcement Notice requiring the removal of the caravan for the reasons outlined in the Refusal Notice, and that the compliance period be twelve months; b That in the case of the Statue Factory, Watling Street, Dordon, the Solicitor to the Council be instructed to commence Court action against the two unauthorised signage boards and the banner signs, as described in the report of the Assistant Director (Planning and Development); and c That in the case of Manor House Farm, Ansley, the Solicitor to the Council be authorised to issue an Enforcement Notice requiring the removal of the portacabin and the discontinuance of the yard for the parking of vehicles for the reasons outlined in the Refusal Notice, and that the compliance period be six months. Chairman 15 D:\533559086.doc