Study Guide

Introduction To Psychology
Mrs. Andrews
Intro to Psychology:
Intelligence Exam
While you study your notes, the readings from the text, and video notes, make sure you can answer the
1. Summarize the views of Spearman, Thurstone, Cattell, Stearnberg, Gardner, and Goleman with respect
to what constitutes intelligence.
2. Trace the development of intelligence tests from Binet through Terman, noting the contributions of each.
Describe the standard procedure for the Stanford-Binet Scale.
3. Distinguish the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-III from the Stanford-Binet. Identify the two parts of
4. Distinguish between individual and group tests. Give examples of group tests. List the advantages and
disadvantages of group tests. (Group tests are test like the SAT, LSAT, ACT, etc.)
5. Define creativity, and explain methods that have been used to measure it.
6. Define reliability in mental tests. Identify three techniques for measuring reliability. Explain how
psychologists express reliability. How reliable are intelligence tests?
7. Define validity. What are two measures of validity? Explain the high correlation between IQ scores and
academic performance. How well do high IQs correlate with later occupational success?
8. List two criteria used to identify mental retardation. List and describe four causes of mental retardation.
Be able to identify other forms of exceptional intelligence.
9. Understand both sides of the nature vs. nurture argument and be prepared to defend both sides with
specific examples.
Test Format:
20 Multiple Choice 2 points each
20 Matching/ Fill In – 1 point each
4 Short Answer Questions – 5 points each
1 Essay – 20 points
C.P. Essay Topic: Intelligence Theory
Terms to know:
Ability vs. aptitude
Intelligence theorists:
Spearman’s theories
Thurstone’s theories
Cattell’s theories
Sternberg’s theories
Triarchic theory of intelligence
Analytical intelligence
Creative intelligence
Practical intelligence
Gardner’s theory
Theory of multiple intelligences (know a few examples of the types of intelligences)
Goleman’s Theory
Emotional Intelligence- what are the different components of emotional IQ?
Intelligence tests:
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale
Binet-Simon scale
IQ (mental age/ chronological age x 100)
Mental Age
Wechsler Intelligence scales (WISC, WAIS)
Basal score
Group tests
Performance tests
Baley Scales/ Seguin Form Board
Culture-fair tests
Split-half reliability
Correlation coefficient (What does a 1 mean? What does a zero mean?)
Content validity
Criterion-related validity
Criticisms of IQ
Determination of IQ: nature? Or nurture?
Bell Curve
Other factors that influence intelligence: gender, culture
Mental retardation (4 different levels)
Down Syndrome
Creativity tests (know 1 or 2 examples of intelligence tests)