The Navajo-Dine (The People)

The Navajo
Dine’ (The People)
The following Pathfinder presents resources
gathered to help you learn about the Navajo or
Dine’. The purpose of this pathfinder is to give students, teachers, and
other interested individuals a comprehensive list of resources with brief
annotations describing each resource.
Electronic materials add to the experience of the child learning about
the Navajo. He is able to hear first hand the traditional music and tales of
the past, to see the rich scenery, and to learn about the history and ways of
this culture. He can learn how the Navajo often blends the traditional ways
with the modern.
Although most print materials I chose are for upper elementary aged
children, the Websites and other electronic resources would be appropriate
for upper elementary and higher. I enjoy reading the traditional folktales
of this culture and I am sure that older children and other adults would too.
I included a wide variety of items in this pathfinder that cover the
early history of the ancestors of the Navajo up to the present day issues
facing the Navajo today. I think I offered the researcher an opportunity to
get a sense of the rich history of this culture as well as an idea as to how
the Navajo live today.
I used the search engine Google to locate Websites. From there I
judged their authenticity by reviewing the source and content of the site.
Several sites were academic sources; others were government sources. I
trusted these to be reliable. A few sites were commercial or sites by native
Navajos. I reviewed these before subjectively selecting them. I found
most print and CD-ROM materials listed in acceptable selection sources. I
also have first hand experience with many of the books and other materials.
I chose some resources on the basis of the reputation of the publisher or
Try these words or phrases to find more information about the
Navajo in the library card catalog or by using an online search
Long Walk, 1863-1867
Indians-Rites and ceremonies
Indians-Religion and mythology
Indians-Textile industry
Indian Reservation-History
Navajo language
Indians of North America
Navajo Indians-Legends
Kinaalda’ (Navajo rite)
Sand paintings
Navajo art
Navajo children
These Dewey classification numbers might help you with your
search in the library.
Navajo Indians, culture and history
Navajo Code Talkers and WW II
Navajo language
Legends, folktales, and mythology
Social customs
WWW Virtual Library - American Indians
Index of Native American Resources on the Internet
This site has a wealth of information with links to almost anything you
could think of having to do with Native Americans-history, education, art and
music, museums, books, bibliographies, government, and links to individual
native groups, including the Navajo.
Created by Pam Eck, IUPUI, 4/22/98
This site includes information about Native Americans of the
southwest United States including the Navajo, Apache, Hopi, Pueblo and Zuni
tribes. Areas of interest include art, food, religion, children, vocabulary,
and legends of the culture. This would be a good site it you want to compare
different groups of the southwest region.
Walton Feed, Inc. Montpelier, Idaho
This site provides a wealth of information about the Navajo culture,
language, ceremonies, family, modern life, language, government, homes,
gardening and shepherding. There are even traditional Navajo recipes.
Navajo Resources, created by Stephanie Tennille, Technology Teacher.
Update 6/2/03
This site includes numerous links to Navajo cultural information
including art, music, food, Navajo symbols, celebrations, famous people,
folktales and legends, poetry, children’s books, and much more.
Navajo Code Talkers: World War Two Fact Sheet; Prepared by Navy and
Marine Corps WW II Commemorative Committee.
Dept. of the Navy, Naval Historical Center, Washington, D.C.
This site provides information about the Navajo Code Talkers of WW
II. It includes links to a bibliography and dictionary of the code.
Treaty of 1868 Commemoration Day
Vincent H. Yazzie, Navajo, BS Physics
Vincent Yazzie provides a copy of the treaty of 1868 between the
U.S. and the Navajo people. This would be a good resource for the study of
Navajo history and land disputes.
Harrison Lapahie, Jr.
Mr. Lapahie’s site includes information on Lapahie’s family genealogy,
the culture and history of the Navajo, links to Navajo newspapers, and links
to Internet sites of possible interest. He provides a lot of information and
an example of traditional Navajo music.
Official Website of the Navajo Nation
The Navajo Nation’s official Website provides lists of and links to
press releases for 2003, employment opportunities, links to Navajo Nation
Washington Office and legislative news, and divisions such as education,
health, social services, natural resources, etc. This would be a good site to
look for current news from the Navajo Nation.
This site includes links to information about sand painting, weaving,
kachinas, potters, and other native art forms.
Betsy Tso, Traditional Navajo
This site provides links to information on Navajo land disputes,
genocide of Native Americans, Navajo-Hopi land dispute, WW II Navajo
code talkers, and more.
Canyon Country Originals
Although a commercial site, this site provides information about
Navajo sand painting, textiles, healing ceremonies, and chants.
Center for Public Service, Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, PA
This is a great site with lots of information. It provides links to
information about Navajo/Hopi history, the Reservation, Navajo culture, tips
for visitors, Native American ethics, and the author’s personal experiences.
(home page-
Inspire Kids. INCOLSA. 1998-2003
Inspire Kids is very colorful, easy to use, kid-friendly site. The
search page offers three step instructions for searching. Users can search
full text or citation. The default search uses keywords to search. I tried
“Navajo” and received 537 matches. You can narrow down your search. I
tried Navajo medicine and received 3 matches and for Navajo schools there
were 6 matches. If you click on the article’s title it takes you to a full
citation and subject links for further research. Select Read and you go
right to the article. You can also use Expert Search to search by keyword,
author word or phrase, title, subject word or phrase, abstract, accession
number, journal word or phrase, ISSN, full text, or by dates. Help page
gives a good explanation of the function of each button and also explains the
Searching Buttons. Inspire Kids is for students in kindergarten through
high school. Teachers, parents, and librarians could use Inspire Kids to
guide/teach research skills and to help children find sources of information
for their research projects. I think once they’ve been taught the skills
needed for using the site even younger children will be able to use the site
Ethnic NewsWatch; ProQuest Co. 2002.
I accessed this site through my IUPUI account. It is a full-text
general database of over 200 newspapers, magazines, and journals of ethnic
minority, and native press. It provides thorough coverage of current and
historic topics. The user can look up articles by basic or advanced search,
by range of dates, words in article, subject, publication name, or ethnic
group. While browsing the publications index I found Navajo Times, Navajo
Nation Today, Native American Times, and Native Americas all listed.
The page provides clear directions for use. I searched Navajo Times 1996present for articles on education and received 470 matches. I refined my
search to elementary education 1998- present and received a more
manageable number of three. I also tried the subject of traditions in
articles from 1998 to the present and received 98 matches. It is a very
user-friendly site.
Encarta Encyclopedia 2000. Microsoft Corp.
This CD-ROM is a common sight in schools and libraries. It is easy to
use and informative. I typed in the search term Navajo and was given a page
with an outline of articles on history, customs and religion, and contemporary
life. Related articles covering ancestors, language, classic studies, location,
musical style, and the reservation were also presented. The photos are clear
and colorful. An audio example of the Navajo Corn Grinding Song and a brief
explanation was available.
The American Indian: A Multimedia Encyclopedia. Facts on File, Inc.
$149.95 for individual user; $499.95 for site license for five users, $30 for
each additional user beyond five.
This CD-ROM is a guide through the culture and history of American
Indian tribes, including the Navajo and their ancestors. It covers major
regions and families from the pre-Columbian era to the present and contains
details and insight into North American folklore and religion. Multimedia
content includes audio, images, video, QuickTime, and photographs. It is
recommended for all levels from elementary to adult.
Children would be able to use the multimedia components to
experience the sounds and images of the Navajo. They could use this
program to compare the culture of the Navajo with their own culture or with
that of other native groups.
American Journey: The Native American Experience. Gale Group. $199.
This CD-ROM is part of a series entitled American Journey: History
in Your Hands. It is recommended for all levels from elementary to
university. This resource focuses on Native Americans from the U.S. It
includes hyperlinks, timelines, maps, picture albums, and full-text search
capabilities. Topics include creation myths, the Indian Wars, the American
Indian Movement, language, land, environment, and casino gambling.
Native Americans: People of the Desert. Rainbow Educational Media. $89
for individual user; $899 for site license.
This CD-ROM is part of a series entitled Native Americans. Students
could use it to learn about the history, languages, cultures, and social
customs of Native Americans from the southwestern desert of the U.S. and
be able to compare the different cultures. It is recommended for grades 48.
Navajo Corn Grinding Song
The above example of a traditional Navajo song can also be found on
Encarta’s CD-ROM by Microsoft.
Mabel Burnside Meyers, a well-known Navajo weaver, recalls her education
and how the children were forbidden to speak English at school. Meyers
speaks in Navajo with an English interpreter.
Canyon Trilogy. R. Carlos Nakai.
Editorial review and samples of Nakai’s music are found at Amazon:
Nakai is a well-respected and popular musical artist of Navajo-Ute
heritage. He has mastered the traditional flute melodies and musical forms
of the native people. This example of traditional Navajo music is available on
CD or audiocassette.
Indians of North America: The Navajo (Dine’). San Francisco State
University Audio Visual Instructional Television Center, 1993.
VC 973.04
This 28 minute, closed-captioned video is intended for middle school
students. It gives the viewer an introduction to the history and culture of
the Navajo. It includes comments from University of Las Vegas basketball
player and Navajo Indian Gwynn Hobbs.
The Navajo. Library Video Co., Wynnewood, Penn., 1993.
This 30-minute video recounts the Navajo creation story and shows
how the Navajo have evolved from hunters to farmers to shepherds.
Subjects noted are the Long Walk, the white man’s invasion of sacred land,
and the Navajo Code Talkers of World War II. The video focuses on Chinle,
a community on the Navajo reservation.
Native American scholars discuss the history, myths, and stereotypes
still present today. This adds an authenticity to this video. “Appealing
visuals, informative commentary, and personable hosts make these
enlightening resources.” (Booklist)
Season of a Navajo. PBS Home Video.
Paraphrased from editorial review:
In this video you meet Chauncey and Dorothy Neboyia, grandparents
to an extended family of two generations. The Neboyias are traditional
Navajo farmers and weavers. The heritage of sacred song, ceremonies, and
oral tradition are presented. We see the traditional lifestyle of this family,
their home, and fabulous photography of Arizona’s ancient native ruins and
the Monument Valley.
Bonvillain, Nancy. The Navajos: People of the Southwest. Conn.: Millbrook
Press, 1995.
This book covers a variety of subjects ranging from the Navajo
ancestors from Canada to the Navajo today. The history of the
confrontations between the Navajo and the U.S. army leading to the Long
Walk of 1864 and the imprisonment of Navajo people is discussed in detail.
Subjects include community life, religion, history, work, income, and
Bonvillain has written a well-organized book. It includes a table of
contents, a fact sheet, map, timeline of important dates, glossary,
bibliography, and index. All of these help the reader locate information
quickly and easily. Photographs range from the Navajo imprisonment at Ft.
Sumner in 1866 to a present day classroom. There is even a recipe for
traditional Navajo fried bread.
Bruchac, Joseph. Navajo Long Walk: The Tragic Story of a Proud People’s
Forced March from Their Homeland. Washington D.C.: National Geographic
Society, 2002.
This book gives an historical account of the Long Walk in 1864 when
8000 Navajos were forced to walk 300 miles to Bosque Redondo in eastern
New Mexican.
Iverson, Peter. The Navajos. New, York: Chelsea House, 1990.
This book covers the evolution of the Navajo culture and familial and
clan relationships dating from their earliest presence in North America to
the modern Navajo. Subjects include the arrival of the white man, the Long
Walk period, relocation, treaties with the U.S. government and the
government’s interference in the family and education of the Navajo. A
unique area of discussion is the Navajo Code Talkers and the role they
played during World War II. Finally, the modern Navajo nation is discussed.
The book is well organized, with a text that is easy to understand.
“Iverson treats his subject with sensitivity and writes with a welcome lack
of condescension.” (Science Books and Films, 11-12/90) There are numerous
photographs and maps depicting the life of the Navajo. Iverson includes a
bibliography, glossary, and extensive index. These tools aid in the student’s
research of this subject.
Mallinowski, Sharon and Anna Sheets. Gale Encyclopedia of Native American
Tribes. Detroit: Gale, 1998.
Volume two of this four-volume set includes native groups of the
Southwest U.S. It includes historical, cultural, and current information.
Essays are arranged alphabetically within regions making for easy access to
information. Text boxes list data often needed for student projectslocation, population, language, key dates and events. Preface gives an
excellent explanation of the book’s set up. Articles on the Navajo include
short biographies of notable individuals, information on religion, language,
way of life, healing practices, and current issues. It includes numerous black
and white photos.
McCabe, Suzanne. “Growing Up Navajo.” Junior Scholastic, 11/13/00.
This magazine article describes the home of Myra Jodie, a fourteenyear-old Navajo girl living on the Arizona reservation. The author discusses
the history of and poverty and despair on the reservation today and how
Myra’s actions led to President Clinton’s involvement in getting the Navajo
reservation wired for electricity and Internet access.
The article is easy to read for middle to upper elementary students. It
deals with an interesting and unique. McCabe discusses the young people’s
link between traditional Navajo and the modern world. Scholastic is a
reputable source of information.
McClain, Sally. Navajo Weapon: The Navajo Code Talkers. Boulder, CO:
Books Beyond Borders, 1994.
This book presents history of the Navajo Code Talkers during WW II.
It includes contributions from veterans, maps, and a glossary of words Code
Talkers used.
Pasqua, Sandra M. The Navajo Nation (Native Peoples). Mankato, Minn.:
Bridgestone, 2000.
This book tells the history of the largest group of Native Americans
in the U.S. and gives a description of their homes, education system,
government, ceremonies, stories, location, and their role as code talkers
during WW II. Includes bibliographic references and an index.
Reviewed in School Library Journal and Booklist.
Roessel, Monty. Kinaalda’: A Navajo Girl Grows Up. Minneapolis: Lerner
Publications Co., 1993.
This book briefly describes the land of the Navajo people and some of
the traditional Navajo ceremonies. It extensively describes The Kinaalda’, a
coming of age ceremony for young Navajo girls. We learn about the Kinaalda’
through the eyes of Celinda McKelvey as she prepares for and participates
in the two to four day ceremony.
Monty Roessel has written an interesting and informative text.
Roessel is a Navajo photographer and writer who specializes in contemporary
Native Americans. His photographs, most with captions “...are sharp and
beautiful, but not slick...” (Sheilamae O’Hara, Booklist, 1/94) Roessel
includes a glossary and bibliography. Short biographies of the author, gives
further evidence of Roessel’s qualifications.
Sage, Samantha and Stephanie Booth. “Growing Up Native American Style.”
Teen Magazine, 3/99.
Samantha tells of her life experiences on the Navajo reservation in
Chinle, Arizona. She discusses her school, where she not only learns English
and U.S. History, but also the language and history of the Navajo people.
She describes her own Kinaalda’ and what it’s like growing up celebrating two
different faiths with her family, Christian and Navajo.
This article is well written by a young person with whom the reader is
able to identify. It’s concise and interesting. At the end of Sage’s text she
gives facts about the government and reservation on which she lives. For
more information, the author includes two web site addresses.
Sneve, Virginia Driving Hawk. The Navajos. New York: Holiday House, 1993.
Sneve begins her book with the Navajo creation story. She then
summarizes the Navajo way of life, ceremonies, and the coming of the white
man and its effect on the Navajo way of life. The author discusses battles,
treaties, and the U.S. Army enforced Long Walk of 1864. Finally, how the
Navajo make a living with jewelry making, weaving, and farming is briefly
Ronald Himler’s soft, color illustrations depict the life of the Navajo
as described by Sneve. Sneve uses large-type titles for each topic
discussed. This makes it easy to find a topic. The author does not give us in
depth information, however. This book would be a good place to begin
research. An index and address to send for more information is included.
Thomson, Peggy. Katie Henio-Navajo Sheepherder. New York: Dutton,
Katie Henio, a Navajo great grandmother, shares her knowledge,
wisdom, and way of life with the reader. We accompany Katie as she works
her sheep camp. She tells of her life and the ways of the traditional Navajo.
Vivid photographs surround the interesting text of this book. Lisa
Mitten states, “Full-colored photographs of Henio, her sheep, and her family
enhance this fine account of a skilled woman from a strong tradition.”
(School Library Journal 3/95) The author includes a table of contents and
boldface type headings which make it easy to locate information.
Wood, Leigh Hope. The Navajo Indians. New York: Chelsea House, 1991.
This book gives an account of the history of the Navajo people. Hope
shares her insights on how the Navajo have adapted in the years since
contact with Caucasians.
The book includes a map of the Navajo reservation, a glossary of
terms used in the book, many illustrations, and old as well as modern
Begay, Shonto. Navajo: Visions and Voices from the Mesa. New York:
Scholastic, 1995.
This edition presents an index of Navajo poetry.
Sneve, Virginia Driving Hawk. Dancing Teepees: Some poems of American
Indian Youth. New York: Holiday House, 1989.
Sneve has compiled a collection of poetry by native children.
Folklore and Myths
Begay, Byrd. And It Is Still That Way: Legends Told by Arizona Indian
Children. New York: Scribner, 1976.
American Indian children retell 41 tribal legends in contemporary
Begay, Shonto. Ma’ii and Cousin Horned Toad: A Traditional Navajo Story.
New York: Scholastic, 1992.
This book presents a story of a tricky coyote that takes advantage of
his animal cousins until one of them teaches him a lesson.
Duncan, Lois. The Magic of Spider Woman. New York: Scholastic, 1996.
This is a tale of Spider Woman and how she teaches a stubborn girl
how to keep life in balance by respecting its boundaries.
Haile, Berard. Navajo Coyote Tales: The Curly to Aheedliini Version.
Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1984.
A Navajo elder tells these three stories which have been divided into
seventeen mini-stories. They have been translated into English and are also
written in Navajo giving the readers an authentic feel of the culture.
Locke, Raymond Friday. Sweet Salt: Navajo Folktales and Mythology. Santa
Monica, CA: Roundtable Pub., 1990.
Locke introduces this book of twelve stories about the Navajo with a
preface in which he tells his audience that other ethnic groups cannot always
understand the Navajo way of life. He relates his personal experiences as
they relate to each story. He also gives a description of the main character
of each story and the story’s significance to the Navajo culture.
O’Dell, Scott. Sing Down the Moon. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1994.
Summary: In the spring of 1864 life in the Canyon de Chelly was
abundant and beautiful. Bright Morning, a young Navajo girl watched the
sheep which soon would be her own and chatted with her friends about Tall
Boy, whom she expects to marry. All this is shattered when the Long Knives,
the U.S. soldiers, come and burn their village and drive them on the Long
This is a Newbery Honor book and is recommended for grades 5-6. It
is also available on video or audiocassette.
Pitts, Paul. Racing the Sun. New York: Avon, 1988.
Summary: Learning about the proud Navajo heritage of his father and
grandfather causes major conflict for twelve-year-old Brandon Rogers, who
has only known contemporary suburban life. Grandfather’s stories
emphasizing the importance of relatives, of building upon one’s heritage, and
of staying true to the important things make for fine reading about a Native
American family in today’s world.
This book includes a glossary and is recommended for grades 5-6.
Turner, Ann. The Girl Who Chased Away Sorrow: The Diary of Sarah Nita,
a Navajo Girl. New York: Scholastic, 1999.
Summary: Part of the Dear America series, this book tells the story
of a young Navajo girl and her sister in New Mexico in 1864. The girls are
separated from their parents and are forced to walk on the Long Walk
where they experience many hardships and are eventually reunited with
their parents.
This is part of a well-respected series that gives children an historic
yet personalized perspective of the time and events presented.
The above pathfinder could be used by students in upper elementary
school, teachers, and anyone interested in the rich culture of the Navajo.
Teachers could use the resources as part of the Social Studies curriculum,
especially those teaching grade five where students study native cultures of
the U.S.
These resources would help the teacher meet Indiana’s Academic
Standards in Math and Social Studies. One site that I listed uses Navajo
weavings in math activities. Teachers could work with the concepts of
fractions, decimals, and percents using images of Navajo rugs and graph
paper. Social Studies teachers in grade five cover native groups of the U.S.
and their locations, history, the impact of the Europeans on their cultures,
economics, etc. One strand, 5.5.5, states that students will be able to
“analyze traditional arts, including folktales and narratives that depict the
experiences of ethnic, racial, and religious groups in different regions of the
U.S. Resources about folktales, mythology, sand painting, and chants and
ceremonies of the Navajo found in this pathfinder would help to meet this
standard. Many fifth grade academic standards could be covered using
resources in this pathfinder.
MARC Records for Informational Software are on the next page.
Diane Vachon
St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School
Project Creation Date: June 4, 2003
MARC Records of Informational Software
The American Indian: A Multimedia Encyclopedia
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440 0_aResearch Publications' American journey^
500 _aTitle and ed. statement from disc surface.^
500 _aIssues in a binder.^
500 _aIncludes general series guide: Using primary sources / by James A. Percoco.^
500 _a"Jace Weaver, general editor and author."--Teacher's guide t.p.^
520 _aFully indexed and searchable collection of information, primary source documents
and pictures relating to the Native American experience in America. Includes timelines,
audio, and graphics.^
5212 _aHigh school.^
538 _aSystem requirements for Windows: IBM 486 compatible or better; 8MB RAM;
Microsoft Windows 3.1 or higher; 3MB hard disk space; VGA monitor with 640x480 and
256 colors; double speed CD-ROM drive; Microsoft compatible mouse; laser printer
required to print graphics.^
538 _aSystem requirements for Macintosh: 68040/25 Mhz or higher (including Power
PCs); 5MB of free RAM (8MB total); System 7.0 or higher; 3MB of free hard disk space;
color monitor (640 x 480) with 256 colors; double speed CD-ROM drive; laser printer
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Native Americans: People of the Desert
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300 _a1 computer optical disc :_bsd., col. ;_c4 3/4 in. +_e1 teacher's manual (66 p. : ill. ;
30 cm.)^
500 _aTitle and ed. statement from disc label.^
508 _aProduced by Peter Matulavich Productions.^
520 _aIntroduces students to the history and culture of the Native American Indians of
the Southwest using text, graphics, audio and video.^
538 _aSystem requirements for IBM: Windows 3.1 or higher software; 486/33 processor
(486/66 and above recommended), 8 MB RAM (12 MB recommended), 13-inch or larger
SVGA color monitor, Microsoft compatible mouse, keyboard, Sound Blaster compatible
sound card, Double-speed CD-ROM drive or faster (4X CD-ROM drive recommended)^
538 _aSystem requirements for Mac: System 7.1 or later; LC575 68040 processor or
equivalent (PowerMac recommended) 8MB RAM (12 recommended); 13 in. or larger
color monitor; Double-speed CD-ROM drive or faster (4X CD-ROM drive
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650 0_aIndians of North America_zSouthwest, New_vInteractive multimedia.^
650 0_aIndians of North America_zSouthwest, Old_vInteractive multimedia.^
650 0_aAnasazi Indians_zUnited States_vInteractive multimedia.^
650 0_aHopi Indians_zUnited States_vInteractive multimedia.^
650 0_aPueblo Indians_zUnited States_vInteractive multimedia.^
7001 _aMatulavich, Peter.^
7102 _aRainbow Educational Video (Firm)^
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