Sample 2 of Cover Memo - University of Arizona

1557 East 6th St
Rm. 378 Navajo
Tucson, AZ 85719
(520) 695-1216
May 2nd, 2003
Miss Holly Mandes
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85721
Dear Miss Mandes:
This portfolio will contain works that I have completed throughout English 102. I feel that these
works were accomplished, in part, by tactical analysis that I have studied and enhanced during
this course. The three writings that I am including in this portfolio are a reflections essay on this
past year and my experiences at the University of Arizona, my research paper which was based
on racial profiling, and a practical revision of my research paper, an advertisement.
At the end of this course I wrote a detailed reflection based on my writing process strategies, my
strengths and weaknesses which will be included in my portfolio to recap my experiences over
the course of the year. My reflections essay focuses mostly on English 102, since it is the last
English class I will be taking at the University of Arizona, and the most important because it is
my furthest advancement here at school and it taught me the most about applying writing
techniques to everyday life. The reflection letter is important because it gave me the opportunity
to look back on what I have learned and discuss it and how what I have learned will apply to my
future career.
The next item that will be included in my portfolio is a position based research paper on racial
profiling and what is being done to prevent it and the effects of those methods. This paper was
directed toward high school students who are soon becoming a part of the real world, and will
need to understand exactly what goes on as they move to areas where diversity and racial
profiling is a problem. I feel it is important for the students to understand what the government
and other law enforcement agencies are doing to stop it, because they can help participate in the
end to racial profiling if they have a complete understanding for how to go about doing that.
Ever since September 11th and the War, racial profiling has become a major issue once again in
America, therefore I feel the need to include it in my portfolio because I am quite interested in
the topic.
The last piece that I am submitting in my portfolio is my advertisement that I am especially fond
of. The advertisement is a revision of my racial profiling research paper. Since I feel that racial
profiling needs to end, I wanted to express my opinion in a creative way. For that reason I
created an advertisement that would be seen in Time magazine. This advertisement is for a more
sophisticated and professional audience who I want to target so they can understand that racial
profiling affects everyone, not just those who are profiled. I felt that this work of art should be
included in my portfolio, because it represents my artistic ability, and the though of expressing
an entire paper through a picture is an amazing concept in my opinion.
My portfolio represents the completion of three of my works in which I put much time and effort
into. This portfolio shows my abilities as a writer and I can only hope that my audience will find
an underlying message within these three pieces of literature.
Lindsay K. Baugh