Essay Questions

College U.S. History II
Chapter 34
Essay Questions
Answer these questions on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Compare and contrast the basic successes and failures of the 1st New Deal and the 2nd New
Deal? Which New Deal do you feel was more effective overall in fighting the Great
Depression? Why?
2. How did Roosevelt’s programs develop such a strong appeal for the “forgotten man” and why
did the New Deal arouse such opposition from conservatives, including those on the
Supreme Court?
3. Were President Roosevelt and Congress well within their rights in legislating the New Deal
programs, or did they abuse their authority? Explain.
Some terms and ideas you should become familiar with.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Election of 1932
Hundred Days Congress
New Deal
“fireside chats”
Civilian Conservation Corps
Harry Hopkins
Home Owners Loan Corporation
Father Charles Coughlin
Share Our Wealth program
Works Progress Administration
National Recovery Administration
Public Works Administration
21st Amendment
“Subsidized scarcity”
Dust Bowl and drought
Resettlement Administration
Truth in Securities Act
Tennessee Valley Authority
Social Security Act of 1935
John L. Lewis
Republic Steel Company massacre
Election of 1936
Roosevelt’s “Court Packing” Plan
The soaring national debt
Eleanor Roosevelt
Bank holiday
Three R’s
Emergency Banking Relief Act
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Federal Emergency Relief Administration
Agricultural Adjustment Act
Civil Works Administration
Sen. Huey Long
Dr. Francis Townsend
John Steinbeck
Schechter v. U.S.
Grand Coulee Dam
Agricultural Adjustment Administration
2nd Agricultural Adjustment Act
Indian Reorganization Act of 1934
Securities and Exchange Commission
Federal Housing Authority
National Labor Relations Board
Committee for Industrial Organization
Fair Labor Standards Act
20th Amendment
Hatch Act of 1939
Bitterness of business towards the New Deal
College U.S. History II
Chapter 34