AP History Mr. Dunn Chapters 21-22 Study Guide

AP History
Mr. Dunn
Chapters 21-22 Study Guide
The Rise of Progressivism: 1880’s-1920
Important terms, people, and ideas
Club Women
16th amendment
Women’s Suffrage
17 amendment
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Anna Howard Shaw
Ida Tarbell
Carrie Chapman Catt
Lincoln Steffens
Susan B. Anthony
Social Gospel
Alice Paul
Salvation Army
19th amendment
Settlement House
Equal Rights
Jane Addams
Hull House
Eleanor Roosevelt
Direct Primary
Robert La Follette
W.E.B. Du Bois
Temperance Movement
18th amendment
Eugene V. Debs
1. What did most progressives believe regarding a modernized government?
2. What was the profession of the muckrakers & what did they direct public attention to?
3. Make a list of problems that the muckrakers addressed.
4. What was the chief concern of the Social Gospel movement?
5. What did settlement houses seek to do?
6. Who was considered central to the running of the settlement houses? Name a famous
woman who worked in the settlement houses.
7. What were the female dominated professions of the time period?
8. Describe the conditions that changed life for women.
9. Describe the transformation of Women’s Clubs.
10. Describe the arguments in favor of Women’s Suffrage.
11. Describe the arguments against Women’s Suffrage.
12. Describe Alice Paul’s argument concerning the 19th amendment.
13. Explain the arguments against the Equal Rights Amendment.
14. What motivation did the progressive reformers have to pass state level reform
measures? Who received more power through their reform?
15. What resulted from the triangle shirtwaist fire tragedy?
16. Describe how W.E.B. Du Bois differed from Booker T. Washington.
17. Describe the strategy of the NAACP to gain equality.
18. Explain the arguments of the Temperance Movement.
19. What role did eugenics play in the passing of anti-immigration laws?
20. Which groups of people supported the Socialist Party of America?
21. Explain the goals of the IWW.
The Battle for National Reform: 1880’s-1920
Important terms, people, and ideas
Theodore Roosevelt
William Taft
Child Labor Laws
Big Stick Diplomacy
Square Deal
Roosevelt Corollary
Interstate Commerce
New Nationalism
Russo-Japanese War
Progressive Party
Great White Fleet
Pure Food and Drug Act
Panama Canal
Upton Sinclair
Woodrow Wilson
Dollar Diplomacy
New Freedom
Panic of 1907
Federal Reserve Act
Pancho Villa
22. How did Roosevelt view trusts?
23. How did Roosevelt’s actions with the unions differ from his predecessors?
24. Explain how Roosevelt dealt with the 1902 Coal Strike.
25. Describe the legislation passed under the Square Deal.
26. Explain Roosevelt’s view of conservation.
27. How did Roosevelt and Morgan work together to try to solve the economic situation
of the Panic of 1907?
28. Explain the Ballinger-Pinchot dispute.