The BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres 551 Chatham

The BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres
551 Chatham Street Victoria, BC V8T 1E1
Phone (250) 388-5522 or 1-800-990-2432
Fax (250) 388-5502
Executive Director and Program Directors, Friendship Centres in BC
From: Lisa Mercure, Aboriginal Friendship Centre Program and First Citizens Fund
Date: September 25, 2013
Reporting Timelines
Please find below an updated summary of the combined annual reporting for the Aboriginal
Friendship Centre Program (AFCP) and First Citizens Fund (FCF) Friendship Centre Program
Directors grant.
BCAAFC will provide one month in advance reminders of reporting required, please ensure this
reaches the appropriate employees at your Centre. If you project any delays for your annual
narrative report please contact Desiree Clarmont or Lisa Mercure at the BCAAFC office.
Quarterly Reporting – Financials:
1Q April 1-June 30
2Q April 1-Sept 30
3Q April 1-Dec 31
4Q April 1-March 31
Annual Narrative Reporting
Due July 30th
Due October 30th
Due January 30th
Due April 30th
Due May 15th
Submit annual report for activities April 1-March 31 to BCAAFC:
Two (2) copies of the AFCP/FCF annual narrative report template. This includes the
narrative summary of all program activities and total number of clients.
Annual Report presented during the Friendship Centres Annual General Meeting
Annual Financial Reporting
Due June 15th
(Keep BCAAFC advised when the audit process is scheduled to be completed-if after June 15th)
Two (2) signed original consolidated audited financial Statements
Auditors Management letter
Board of Directors response to management letter
Motion from the Board of Directors approving all program budgets for the next fiscal year
Application Due December 1
Submit two (2) signed original AFCP/FCF core funding applications to BCAAFC
The BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres
551 Chatham Street Victoria, BC V8T 1E1
Phone (250) 388-5522 or 1-800-990-2432
Fax (250) 388-5502
Reporting Dates for all Friendship Centres:
30th 3Q Financial report due
30th 4Q Financial Reporting Due
1st Email draft copies of the annual AFCP/FCF narrative report to BCAAFC for review
15th Submit two (2) signed copies of the annual AFCP/FCF report to the BCAAFC
31st Friendship Centres remit membership dues to NAFC and BCAAFC.
15th Submit two (2) original signed copies of the consolidated audited financial
statements1; management letter; BOD Response to Management letter for previous
fiscal; Board motion approving cash flow budgets by program; and Board approval of
program budget for next fiscal
30th 1Q Financial report Due
30th 2Q Financial Report Due
1st Submit two (2) original signed AFCP/FCF funding applications for next fiscal
1 DIAND, through the AFCP Transfer Agreement, requires that an annual consolidated audited financial statement of the
Centre’s operations be conducted by a firm of independent accountants/auditors licensed under the laws in force
where the Centre has its office. The audit must disclose the Centre’s various sources of funding and expenses. The
audited financial statements must also be supported by a schedule of the revenues realized and expenditures incurred
as per the eligible costs provided in Section 3.1 of this document. The Friendship Centre shall provide the Auditor’s report
and Auditor’s Management letter. Accounts shall be audited by professional accountants who are independent of the
Friendship Centre and are active members in good standing with one of the professional associations: CA, CMA, CGA as
per provincial or territorial legislation.