
AO1 – Knowledge and Understanding
Recognise, recall and show understanding of scientific
Select, organise and communicate relevant information in
a variety of forms
AO2 – Analyse and Evaluate
Analyse and evaluate scientific knowledge,
Apply knowledge and processes to unfamiliar
Assess the validity, reliability and credibility of
scientific information
AO3 – Methodology
Describe ethical, safe and skilful practical techniques and processes
Know how to make, record, and communicate valid observations
Analyse, interpret, explain and evaluate the methodology and investigative activities in a variety of ways
Discuss biological explanations of gender development. Refer to at least one
study in your answer. (10 marks) [AO1 = 4, AO2 = 6]
Brief intro – what are all the biological factors that affect gender…(actually you wont get
marked for this its just to start you in the right direction so one sentence will suffice)
Decide if you want to pursue the chromosomal/hormonal route…
Start with an important fact – i.e. one of the most popular biological explanations for gender
comes from _______________ research – then explain why….. (AO1)
Remember your essay should be written so that every sentence (well almost) refers back to
the point you are making: biological explanations of gender development!!!
For every descriptive fact you provide – i.e. hormones affect physical and behavioural
differences in gender….. you must give a study to support. Choose studies wisely – I would
recommend a study which provides good evaluations – i.e. difficult to establish cause and
effect relationships etc….(AO1 – for study)
A02’s for evaluations of study and why they are so so great or not so credible.
Please make sure you explain to the reader if they are a positive evaluation or as
negative evaluation – i.e. do they support the biological explanations of gender
development or go against the explanations
Next include all other evaluations that you feel are the most significant for the conclusions to
your essay.
Finally a critique of the interactionist approach.
For example – essay layout
Describe how chromosomes affect gender development, i.e. typical
chromosomes are what XX AND XY etc – who they occur to and what they cause
to happen in terms of gender differences
Next describe how atypical chromosomes affect gender development and how
comparison of differences affect gender dev.
Describe Imperato Mc Ginely study to support chromosomes have a powerful
influence on gender development – describe…
Evaluate Imperato Mc Ginely study – might be accepting study (nurture) that
affects gender development
Hormones affect development – describe testosterone causes males to be….
And oestrogen makes females …..
Study to support Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia…
Criticise study – small sample – environmental influence may have had an impact
Another study by Dabbs et al proves……..
However cause and effect difficult to establish….
Next discuss the Diamond follow up study – ie argument how important biology is
Criticise by Margaret Mead – culture is important
However after many criticisms she too believed biology ultimately affects child
rearing skills
Biological explanations are reductionist…..
An interactionist approach is a best understanding of gender development as
shown by the study by Goldwyn – on Mr. Blackwell