Business Management Homework Arrangements

At National 4 and National 5 level, pupils will have set homework to complete each
week. Initially they will be given short answer response questions to complete to
help them become familiar with the topic being covered. As we progress through
the course, pupils will be given extended response type questions based on real
business case studies. Pupils will also have five ‘end of topic tests’ which they will
sit under closed book conditions. As part of their homework, they will be expected
to revise for these tests. In S4, as we move closer to the final exam, the homework
activity will focus on exam preparation and technique. At this stage, pupils may be
asked to complete specific questions at home or learn a specific section of work on
which they will be tested in class using Past Paper questions. Pupils should spend
approximately one hour per week at home in preparation for Business
At Higher level, Students will have set homework to complete each week. It is
expected that they should spend around 1 hour per week to complete this and a
further 90 minutes revising the topics that have been taught. All students taking this
subject are given a schedule of class activity and the homework to be done is
specified on this. Initially students will be given exam type ‘End of Topic’ questions
to complete to help them familiarise themselves with the learning material. As we
progress through the course more emphasis will be placed on completing Past
Paper Questions to help them prepare for their examination. Students may be
asked to either complete specific questions at home or learn a specific section of
work on which they will be tested in class using Past Paper Questions.
This is a practical subject where pupils learn to use ICT effectively to produce
documents of business quality. The homework which is set is either computerbased practice or information gathering. Computer-based practice exercises
are used to help develop the learning that has taken place in class and will
normally be given out when a pupil needs additional practice to improve
individual competence. For pupils who do not have access to ICT at home,
computers are available at the Homework Club which is run each week. It is
expected that pupils should spend around 20 minutes per week out with class
time on ICT.
In this class pupils spend two thirds of their class time completing ICT based
tasks. To ensure effective understanding of the theory element they must
complete regular homework. Pupils will have set homework to complete each
week. Initially they will be given short answer response questions to
complete to help them become familiar with the topic being covered. As we
progress through the course, pupils working at Intermediate 2 level will move
on to extended response type questions based on real business case
scenarios that help develop higher order thinking skills. Pupils will also have
to prepare for Internal Assessments. As part of their homework, they will be
expected to revise for these. In S4, as we move closer to the final exam, the
homework activity will focus on exam preparation and technique. Pupils may
be asked to either complete specific questions at home or learn a specific
section of work on which they will be tested in class using Past Paper
Questions. Some pupils may also need to reinforce IT learning at home and it
is expected that pupils should spend around one hour of their time in
preparation for Administration.
Students will have set homework to complete each week. It is expected that
they should spend around 1 hour per week completing set homework and a
further 90 minutes revising the topics that have been taught. Initially students
will be given exam-type ‘End of Topic’ questions to complete to help them
familiarise themselves with the learning material. As we progress through the
course, more emphasis will be place on completing Past Paper Questions to
help them prepare for their examination. Students may be asked to either
complete specific questions at home or learn a specific section of work on
which they will be tested in class using Past Paper Questions.