ç.u. yadyo 2014-2015 - CU School of Foreign Languages

2014 - 2015
Name and Surname
Write your name and mark your answers on the optic form.
This booklet includes three sections and 57 questions in total. Each section has its own instruction.
For each question be sure to pick the best one of the possible answers listed. When you have decided which
one of the choices given is the best answer to a question, blacken the space on your optic form which has the
same number and letter as your choice.
Remember, there is only one best answer for each question. If you are not sure of the answer, make the best
guess you can. If you want to change your answer, erase your first mark completely.
Answer as many questions as possible. Do not spend too much time on any one question. Work fast but
Total time allocated for this test except the listening section is 80 minutes.
Good luck.
Sample Proficiency Test / 2015
PART A – Questions 1-20
Read the following sentences and on your optic form, mark the alternative (A, B, C or D) that best completes the
sentences. (20x0.5=10 points)
1. For our holiday we will ______ a yacht and sail to the Caribbean islands.
A) lend
B) hire
C) charge
D) waste
2. I was so ______ when I fell over in the bus. Everyone laughed!
A) impressed
B) apologized
C) satisfied
D) embarrassed
3. Which do you think is more important – speaking English fluently or speaking English ______?
A) accurately
B) possibly
C) suddenly
D) fortunately
4. You should ______ in libraries so as not to disturb people who are reading.
A) shout
B) scream
C) whisper
D) whistle
5. Tom is a ______ child; he always gets what he wants.
A) damaged
B) hurt
D) destroyed
C) spoilt
6. You can avoid unnecessary ______ in tests if you read the instructions carefully.
A) observation
B) confusion
C) entrance
D) patience
7. After reading the book, please put it ______ on the shelf. This is a library rule.
A) out
B) along
C) off
D) back
8. I tried to get exactly the same colour, but I’m afraid it doesn’t ______ your skirt at all.
A) match
B) suit
C) fit
D) put
9. When they first moved to Australia, they ______ several problems, but later they managed to get over them.
A) carried out
B) came across
C) broke down
D) looked up
10. My new shoes were a real ______; I only paid £10 for them.
A) sale
B) price
C) bargain
D) tag
11. The film festival was not as successful as the organisers ______ because the number of people participated was
quite low.
A) engaged
B) expected
C) admitted
D) allowed
12. It is not easy to live ______ a tight budget but that’s what students have to do.
A) with
B) by
C) at
D) on
13. We were ______ to find out if John had won the election.
A) nervous
B) worried
C) anxious
D) upset
14. Hank ______ a fabulous story about the witches and goblins for the essay contest.
A) made up
B) made out
C) thought about
D) thought over
15. There is ______ any cheerful news in the newspapers today.
A) hardly
B) slightly
C) definitely
D) fairly
16. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky; the weather was ______ and sunny.
A) clean
B) transparent
C) thick
D) clear
17. My sister is a very ______ person because she makes up her mind very quickly.
A) indecisive
B) decisive
C) decision
D) decide
Sample Proficiency Test / 2015
18. The judge gave him a 4-year prison ______ for his crime.
A) sentence
B) time
C) jail
D) period
19. I think he takes ______ his mother. She is very clever, too.
A) after
B) up
C) over
D) off
20. The mayor has indicated his ______ of plans to build a new hotel in the old town as it will result in increased traffic.
A) disapprove
B) approval
C) approve
D) disapproval
PART B – Questions 21-25
Read the text and, on your optic form, mark the alternative (A, B, C or D) for each gap to complete the text.
(5x1=5 points)
Over recent years, Jersey, an island in the English Channel, has become a very popular holiday attraction for
British tourists. They are fascinated by its 21) ______ climate and magnificent scenery. Jersey was popularized as a
resort by an English television series 22) ______ ‘Bergerac’, which follows a police detective on his adventures around
the island. Scenes were shot in all the most beautiful parts of the island so, although ‘Bergerac’ was not aimed to boost
the island’s tourist industry, the number of visitors to the island 23) ______ increased as the series became more
popular. Most of the tourists who come to Jersey are English. Jersey appeals 24) ______ them because the ferry
crossing or plane journey gives the sense of travelling abroad, yet the island has all the conveniences of home. And as
the island is so close to France, it is easy to sense a French influence in the food, the architecture and the way of life. It
is this added cultural element that makes Jersey a popular holiday 25) ______.
A) easy
B) shy
C) mild
D) calm
A) said
B) pronounced
C) told
D) called
A) early
B) steadily
C) likely
D) hard
A) to
B) by
C) for
D) from
A) departure
B) arrival
C) destination
D) security
Sample Proficiency Test / 2015
PART A – Questions 26-30
Read the following sentences carefully and choose the correct alternative (A, B, C or D) to complete them.
(5x1=5 points)
26. Arguments between generations are common all over the world because __________.
in some cultures the education of children is an important issue to parents
children everywhere always tend to reject the judgements of their parents
as parents try to understand their children, there’s more agreement between them
in some parts of the world children are more respectful towards their parents
27. Although computers are taking over some of the tasks done by our brains, they __________.
can solve very complicated problems
have also been used in medicine
are even used at school by students
haven’t been able to replace man
28. Travel in space can be very exciting. Moreover, __________.
space exploration costs a lot
it can provide more explanation about planets
there are many problems about it
astronauts mostly suffer from loneliness
29. __________; probably the best one is that it can give an idea about a different culture and a way of life.
Even though many countries use English as a first language
If you don’t speak a foreign language, it’s a disadvantage while travelling abroad
There are many reasons for learning a foreign language
It is believed that travel broadens the mind
30. The population will continue to increase, __________.
but, unfortunately, natural resources won’t
however, most families want to have only one child
because people aren’t so happy with their children
as many countries take actions on birth control
Sample Proficiency Test / 2015
PART B – Questions 31-35
Read the following paragraphs carefully and choose the correct alternative (A, B, C or D) to complete them.
(5x1=5 points)
31. _______. Today more and more people have the chance to get medical services from doctors and nurses
in hospitals and clinics. As a result, fewer people get serious and dangerous diseases such as cholera and
typhoid. This, as a result, leads to longer lives.
A) There has been an increase in medical services in the world.
B) Older people should enjoy better health services.
C) Medical care is getting increasingly expensive.
D) There are more serious illnesses today than in the past.
32. Fairtrade is an international movement which aims to help farmers and workers in developing countries.
It does this by making sure that companies pay a fair price for the goods that the farmers produce in
those countries. The farmers who join the Fairtrade movement also receive some extra money to use in
their community. _______.
A) They include clothing such as T-shirts and other items like footballs.
B) These are some examples of the most common environmental movements.
C) Many of them use this money to pay for school books or healthcare of the families.
D) Employers treat workers and their families well in developed countries.
33. Soon, people who go to the cinema will not just watch and listen to the film. _______. A company that
distributes films is going to show the world’s first smelling films. A new computerized system, smell-ovision, will produce the smells during The New World, a historical drama about the USA in the 17th
century. If people enjoy this film, cinemas everywhere may start to use the system.
A) There was something similar in the USA in the 1970s.
B) It is very popular with audiences.
C) Smell-o-vision is not just for the cinema.
D) They will be able to smell the film, too.
34. Arranged marriages are still the custom in India. Parents still help their sons and daughters find the
right husband or wife. _______. In the past, parents decided who their children would marry and the
young couples didn’t have much choice. These days, young men and women work together with their
parents to find a partner. This is now called an ‘assisted marriage’ rather than an ‘arranged marriage’.
A) But the system is changing, especially in the bigger cities.
B) Arranged marriages are usually happy marriages.
C) Young people don’t want help from their parents any more.
D) Parents usually look after their grandchildren.
35. In London, since most people are against graffiti, authorities have reached a decision; they will have it
removed. The problem is that removing graffiti is harder than people might think. It costs a great deal of
money. For example, the London underground spends 5 million a year on cleaning its stations. Despite
this, the stations don’t remain clean for long. _______. This paint is so powerful that it will be impossible
for any other paint to dry on it.
A) People were painting on walls thousands of years ago.
B) But researchers have developed a solution – a new type of paint.
C) Some Londoners find these pictures very ugly and offensive.
D) For this reason, graffers often work at night.
Sample Proficiency Test / 2015
PART C – Questions 36-45
TEXT I Questions 36-40
Read the following text and on your optic form, mark the alternative (A, B, C or D) which best completes the
statements or answers the questions. (5x1.5=7.5 points)
Have you ever found yourself in the embarrassing position of meeting someone who you think you have met
before but not being able to remember their name, or even where or when you saw their face? Well, you are not the
only one! But you needn’t worry – help is on the way. You see, a good memory depends on how observant you are.
So, if you know how to use your powers of observation, you can overcome common memory problems like
remembering names and faces.
When they are introduced to others, many people know that they are going to forget their names anyway. For that
reason, they go through a whole series of introductions without really looking at the faces of those they are being
introduced to. Their fear of failure actually guarantees that they won’t succeed. Even those who look at new faces will
often tend to see them as a general picture, and do not really look at specific characteristics. However, when you see a
new face, it is essential that you look at it properly so that you can remember any unusual features because your
memory works by making connections between ideas, and also by noticing anything outstanding. This doesn’t mean
looking rudely at the person’s face, but simply taking an active and intelligent interest.
You can practice this by looking at people in public places and focusing on different parts of the face to look at.
One day, you may concentrate on noses, another day on eyebrows, another day on ears or general head shapes, etc.
You will be surprised to find that each part of each face differs enormously from person to person and that your
increasing ability to notice differences will help to remind you of the new people you meet.
To help you even further, you can use this way of remembering names when you are being introduced. If it is
appropriate, ask for the name to be repeated, and then use it politely in the conversation you have. It is far more polite
to use the name of the person who you have just met than to refer to them as ‘you’, or ‘he’ or ‘she’ when you are
talking to a third person. Another good idea is to ask about the meaning of the person’s surname. Most people have
some knowledge of, or are interested in, the meaning of their names and are happy to talk about it.
Finally, here are some tips that I think may help you while communicating with others: during the conversation,
if there is anything unusual about either the face or the name, try to link it with something else that will help you to
remember. The advantage of this is that the more successful you become at remembering names, the more confident
and happier you will be about meeting new people.
36. When people are introduced to others, they often
A) remember only the faces of the people they see first
B) give up trying to remember names and faces too
C) are afraid of meeting people they do not know
D) remember the specific characteristics of only one
person’s face
37. What does the word ‘it’ in the second paragraph
refer to?
A) memory
B) general picture
C) a new face
D) an active and intelligent interest
38. The writer suggests that a good way to train
yourself to remember names and faces is
A) try to meet as many new people as possible
B) look carefully at every new face you see
C) concentrate on what people are wearing
D) look for differences in one particular facial
39. According to the passage, what should you do
when you are meeting others?
A) show an interest in the meaning of a person’s surname
B) ask people to call you in your name
C) avoid talking about something which requires using
someone’s name
D) explain the meaning of your own name
40. It can be concluded from the last paragraph that
A) the methods that the writer is suggesting might work
B) not everyone will be successful at remembering names
and faces
C) there may be other more effective ways of
remembering things
D) confidence has very little to do with memory
Sample Proficiency Test / 2015
Questions 41-45
Read the following text and on your optic form, mark the alternative (A, B, C or D) which best completes the
statements or answers the questions. (5x1.5=7.5 points)
Artist Susan Shepherd is best known for her flower paintings, and the large garden that surrounds her house is the
source of many of her subjects. It is full of her favourite flowers, most particularly varieties of tulips and poppies. Some
of the plants are really difficult to keep under control and seed themselves all over the garden. There is a harmony of
colour, shape and structure in the two long flower borders that lie on both sides of the path which crosses the garden
from east to west. Much of this is due to the previous owners who were keen gardeners, and who left plants that
attracted Susan. She also had the chance to work with the same gardener, Danny! ‘In fact, it was really his garden,’ she
says. ‘When I first came here, I offered him to work with me and he accepted the offer. We got on very well. At first, he
would say, ‘Oh, it’s not suitable in here’ or things like that to some of the things I wanted to put in, but he understood
what I had in mind only when I said I wanted to ‘paint’ them, though it required some time!’
Susan prefers to focus on detailed studies of individual plants rather than on the garden as a whole, though she will
occasionally paint a group of plants where they are. More usually, she picks them and then takes them up to her studio.
‘I don’t set the whole thing up at once,’ she says. ‘I take one flower out and paint it, which might take a few days, and
then I bring in another one and build up the painting that way. Sometimes it takes a couple of years to finish it.’
Her busiest time of year is spring and early summer, when tulips are out, followed by poppies. ‘They all come out
together, and you are so busy,’ she says. But the gradual process which the tulips go through is also part of her
fascination for them. She says, ‘You bring them in and put them in water, then leave them for perhaps a day and they
each form themselves into different shapes. They open out and are fantastic. When you first put them in a vase, you
think they are boring, but they change all the time with twists and turns.’
Susan has always been interested in plants: ‘I did botany at school and used to collect wild flowers from all around
the countryside,’ she says. ‘I wasn’t particularly interested in gardening then; in fact, I didn’t like garden flowers. I
thought they looked like the ones made of silk or plastic that were sold in some florists’ shops – to me, the only real
ones were the wild ones. I was fascinated by the way they managed to flower in really inconvenient, harsh places, like
cracks in rocks or on cliff tops.’ Nowadays, in her garden, there is an abundance of flowers that originated in far-off
lands and seem as much at home as they did in their native country.
With two forthcoming exhibitions to prepare for, and a ready supply of subject material at her back door, finding
time to work in the garden has been difficult recently. She now employs an extra gardener but, despite the need to paint,
to maintain her connection with her subject matter, she says, ‘You have to get your hands dirty.’
41. What does Susan say about Danny?
A) He felt she was interfering in his work.
B) He immediately understood her feelings.
C) The previous owners insisted that Susan should
employ him.
D) He was slow to understand some of Susan’s ideas.
42. What is Susan’s approach to painting?
A) She will wait until a flower is ready to be picked
before painting it.
B) She likes to do research on a plant before she paints
C) She creates her paintings in several stages.
D) She spends a day to paint an individual flower.
43. Susan thinks that tulips _______.
A) are more colourful and better shaped than other
B) are not easy to paint because they change so quickly
C) look fascinating even after they have been cut
D) should be kept inside the house for as long as
44. Why did Susan enjoy studying wild flowers at school?
A) She found the way they adapted to their surrounding
B) She used the lessons as a good cause to get out of school
into the nature.
C) She was attracted by their different colours and shapes.
D) She wanted to learn how to make copies of them.
45. What does Susan say about her garden in the last
A) It is important not to leave the gardening entirely to other
B) Even if she has to prepare for exhibitions, she should
spend time in her garden to create good painting.
C) It is good to have expert help when you grow plants.
D) It is hard for her to do exhibitions because there are not
enough plants ready in the garden.
Sample Proficiency Test / 2015
Part A – Monologue
Questions 46-49
You will hear the director of a language school talking to some students who have just arrived at the school
TWICE. Listen and on your optic form, mark the alternative A, B or C that best completes the statements.
(4x1.5=6 points)
46. The students are going to stay with the families for ____________________.
A) a year
B) a week
C) a month
47. If your surname begins with the letter ‘T’, your family will be ____________________.
A) in the dining room
B) in the car park
C) by the office
48. Students who need to find a bank should ask ____________________.
A) their family
B) the school director
C) one of the staff
49. The school cook ____________________.
A) offers a wide choice of quality food
B) enjoys preparing her own recipes
C) will cook individual meals if asked
PART B – Dialogue
Questions 50-53
You will hear an interview with a careers officer TWICE. Listen and on your optic form, mark the alternative
(A, B or C) that best completes the statements or answers the question. (4x1.5=6 points)
50. What does Susan say about the work of a careers officer?
A) It has changed completely over the years.
B) It is similar to what it used to be.
C) It is better than the other jobs she has done.
51. Susan ___________________.
A) is fond of her job
B) would like to do another job
C) hates her job
52. Susan suggested the air force to the young man because she ___________________.
A) was sure that astronauts started in the air force first
B) wanted him to change his mind about being an astronaut
C) thought it was probably the best way to achieve his aim
53. Susan’s advice is that you should ___________________.
A) be ready to choose a completely different career
B) talk about your ambition only if you really want it
C) become a doctor if you can’t become an architect
Sample Proficiency Test / 2015
PART C – Various Situations
Questions 54-57
You will hear people talking in four different situations TWICE. Listen and mark the best alternative (A, B or
C) on your optic form. (4x2=8 points)
54. You hear a woman talking. When she was younger, how did she react to people who used gestures?
A) She assumed they were foreigners.
B) She thought they were strange.
C) She accepted them with their unusual actions.
55. You hear someone talking on the phone. Why will she NOT go to the party?
A) She has to do something else.
B) She feels ill.
C) She doesn’t want to go.
56. You hear someone talking about football referees. What is the speaker’s attitude towards referees?
A) They make too many mistakes.
B) They deserve sympathy.
C) Some are better than others.
57. You hear part of a radio play. Where is the scene taking place?
A) in a restaurant
B) in a house
C) in a car
Sample Proficiency Test / 2015
Part A – Monologue
Questions 48-50
You will hear the director of a language school talking to some students who have just arrived at the school
TWICE. Listen and mark the alternative A, B or C that best completes the statements. (4x1.5=6 points)
Good afternoon, everyone. My name is Rose Parry and I’m the school director. I do hope you all had a good
journey. No doubt you are looking forward to meeting the families you are going to be staying with during the next
month. Now please listen carefully to the following arrangements as the various families are waiting in groups to meet
If your surname begins with the letter A to K, your host families will be waiting for you in this hall. At the end of the
meeting, you should wait behind in here. Now, for those of you whose name begins with L to R, you should go
downstairs, not upstairs, but downstairs to the dining room. Those of you with names from S to Z must go out of this
hall, past the post office and to the car park where the coach stopped you when you arrived, all right? Out to where the
cars are parked by the main gate and your families will be waiting for you there.
Just a few more things before you go, please. Tomorrow night, there will be an introductory party with your
teachers. We hope you will all come. There will be food and drink, games and music, and if you play a musical
instrument, let us know as we need more musicians!
During the day, your families will show you around the town. They will also tell you which bus to catch so that you
can get to school easily each day and they will answer questions about where things are, like banks, the shops, the post
office and so on. My office staff are always willing to help you, but with possible difficulties such as travel or visas.
And finally, food. Very important, as I’m sure you’ll agree. We do offer a small meal at lunch time. All your other
meals are taken with your family. However, if you have a special request, within reason, and you tell your chef what it
is, she will do her best to prepare it for you. You may need to give her the recipe, but she is an excellent cook and in the
past has cooked all kinds of different food. Now, if you have any questions, I will be glad to provide you with further
Sample Proficiency Test / 2015
PART B – Dialogue
Questions 51-53
You will hear an interview with a careers officer TWICE. Listen and on your optic form, mark the alternative
(A, B or C) that best completes the statements or answers the question. (4x1.5=6 points)
Interviewer Today on ‘World of Work’, I’m joined by careers officer Susan Walker. Susan, welcome to the
Thank you.
Interviewer Could I start by asking what a careers officer exactly do, Susan?
A number of different things. My main role is still to go into schools and speak to teenagers to find out
what kind of work they are thinking of doing and then I give them whatever advice I can. Over the last
17 years I have been doing this job, it hasn’t changed much. My area includes around 5.000 students
aged between 17 and 18. That’s a lot of interviews and a lot of advice to give out. Unfortunately, we can
only speak to each person for about 10 minutes, but I know that most of them find even such a short time
quite useful. I am very happy to be doing such a job than any other job.
Interviewer I suppose that lots of youngsters are coming to you with the same ambition.
Well, we do get a lot of people who want to follow a career as a doctor or a lawyer. Unfortunately, only
about 10% of them will actually make it. I remember one young man who said to me that he wanted to
be an astronaut. I really wasn’t certain what advice would be best for him, but in the end, among the
possibilities at the time, I suggested he should join the air force and then look for what opportunities he
might face. I didn’t think about it for years after that and then one day, I saw a photo of him in a
newspaper. He had become part of the European space program. You never know!
Interviewer What advice would you give to other young people following the show?
First of all, my favourite piece of advice is: you can change your mind. Don’t feel that saying ‘I want to
be an architect or I want to become a doctor’ means that you can’t do anything else. People’s lives go in
all kinds of direction. Try to have a clear idea of what you want, but be prepared to change.
Interviewer Finally, are there any jobs you would like to do?
Oh, hundreds. There was a time when I thought I might make a good actress, but I’m happy to be helping
other people realize their ambitions.
Interviewer Susan, thank you for joining us today.
Sample Proficiency Test / 2015
PART C – Various Situations
Questions 54-57
You will hear people talking in four different situations TWICE. Listen and mark the best alternative
(A, B or C) on your optic form. (4x2=8 points)
54. You hear a woman talking. When she was younger, how did she react to people who used gestures?
I think the British use more gestures than they used to. It may be partly because we come into contact with other
nationalities more often than we used to – you know, on foreign holidays, or when we see foreigners on television. I
think we have got used to seeing people gesturing, and we have started doing it ourselves. I remember when I was a
child, I thought anyone who moved their hands and arms around when they were talking was very strange. Nowadays,
such kinds of gestures are much more generally accepted.
55. You hear someone talking on the phone. Why will she NOT go to the party?
Hello, Alan, it’s Suzie. Look, I feel awful about this, but I can’t come to your party tonight. Something has come up
… no, I can’t get out of it now. It’s a problem I have to solve straight away. I won’t go into it now. Yes, I know I did
this the last time you invited me, but please d not take it personally … no, that’s not true, I like your friends. Honestly,
there’s nothing I can do about it for now.
56. You hear someone talking about football referees. What is the speaker’s attitude towards referees?
You have to feel sorry for referees. I mean they are under terrible pressure throughout the game, with players
shouting at them, and cheating and all that. And of course, the fans of both sides give them a hard time – they just can’t
win. Sure, they make mistakes, plenty of them, but they are only human. They don’t go out there thinking, ‘I’m going to
do really badly today’, they are doing their best. Some people think that there are referees who just want to draw
attention to themselves, who think that they are as important as the players, but that’s not my view. I mean, who would
want their job with all the criticism all the time?
57. You hear part of a radio play. Where is the scene taking place?
Look, I know you are upset, but let’s not spoil the whole evening because of this.
Woman That’s easy for you to say. You are not the one who has been treated rudely.
I know, but just try to forget it and try to enjoy yourself. I have booked a table after all.
Woman No, I just can’t face it. Turn around and take me back. I am really not in the mood.
Well, I’m hungry.
Woman Go on your own, then. But stop and drop me off first. I just want to be on my own.
Sample Proficiency Test / 2015
Ç.U. YADYO 2014-2015
Sample Proficiency Exam 2015
Writing Section
20 points 40 mins.
1st Evaluators
Name - Surname:
Class :
Student no:
2nd Evaluator
1st mark
2nd mark
Final Mark
Choose one of the following topics below and write a paragraph in 180-200 words. Give reasons and examples to
support your ideas.
1. Technology will take the role of human power in the future. What do you think?
2. Think about a special item that you own. Write a descriptive paragraph about it and why it has a special meaning
for you.
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of going on holiday with a group of friends?
Write the number of your choice in the box.
Task achievement & Content
Grammar accuracy
Grammar range
Vocabulary accuracy
Vocabulary range
Organisation (Coherence&Cohesion)
5 pts.
3 pts.
3 pts.
3 pts.
3 pts.
3 pts.
20 pts.
Sample Proficiency Test / 2015
(15 pts.)
PART A (20x0.5=10 pts.)
PART B (5x1=5 pts.)
1. B
11. B
21. C
2. D
12. D
22. D
3. A
13. C
23. B
4. C
14. A
24. A
5. C
15. A
25. C
6. B
16. D
7. D
17. B
8. A
18. A
9. B
19. A
10. C
20. D
26. B
(25 pts.)
PART B (5x1=5 pts.)
PART C (15 pts.)
TEXT I (5x1.5=7.5 pts.)
31. A
36. B
TEXT II (5x1.5=7.5 pts.)
41. D
27. D
32. C
37. C
42. C
28. B
33. D
38. D
43. C
29. C
34. A
39. A
44. A
30. A
35. B
40. A
45. B
PART A (5x1=5 pts.)
PART A (4x1.5=6 pts.)
46. C
(20 pts.)
PART B (4x1.5=6 pts.)
50. B
PART C (4x2=8 pts.)
54. B
47. B
51. A
55. A
48. A
52. C
56. B
49. C
53. A
57. C
Sample Proficiency Test / 2015