Course description

Topics in Literature ENG 291
The Graphic Novel
Spring ‘09
Devin Wood
151 Maine Hall
Cell 951-5168
Work 974-4636
Office hours: Any time by appointment
A Contract with God: A Novel. Eisner, Will. W.W. Norton, Inc., 2006. (Required)
The Complete Maus. Spiegelman, Art. Pantheon Books, 1991. (Required)
Watchmen. Moore, Alan & Dave Gibbons. DC Comics, 1987. (Required)
Ghost World. 15th softcover edition. Clowes, Daniel. Fantagraphic Books, 2007. (Required)
Shakespeare’s Hamlet: The Manga Edition. Sexton, Adam & Tintin Pantoja. Wiley
Publishing, 2008. (Required)
Course description
Students will study the graphic novel as literature, briefly investigating the history and
evolution of sequential art, developing a vocabulary for evaluating and discussing the
graphic novel as a narrative form, and closely analyzing representative works of personal
and political memoir, social satire, and commercial escape.
Course goals
To develop an understanding of the graphic novel as literature and art form
To explore the graphic novel as a means of gaining greater insights into human motivations
and values
To develop skills in the analysis and written criticism of graphic fiction
Performance objectives
Upon completion of this course you will be able to:
Identify and evaluate visual techniques used in graphic storytelling
Identify and evaluate elements of fiction in graphic novels
Distinguish between interpretive and escape literature
Evaluate graphic novels through comparing and contrasting works with similar themes
Identify works of certain graphic authors by recognizing their styles and themes
Write well-organized critical papers on assigned graphic novels.
Your grade will be based on:
reader response essays (5 @ 300 words)
analytical essay (1 @ 1000 words)
pop quizzes (10 best)
participation *
Reader response essays will consist of short personal analyses of some notable aspect of
each graphic novel. Here you may discuss your perceptions of characters, relationships,
situations, graphic techniques, or the authors’ use of the elements of fiction. Your response
must be submitted before the assigned reading to which it applies is discussed in class.
The analytical essay should be a thorough analysis of one of the assigned graphic novels,
applying the concepts of graphic storytelling and elements of fiction covered in the course.
Pop quizzes will be given at the beginning of class and will consist of two simple content
questions intended to help me determine whether you’re doing the assigned readings. NOTE:
If you miss a quiz you may not make it up.
Your participation in this discussion-based course will help ensure its vitality. Please come
to class prepared to share your observations and questions about the assigned readings.
(*You may replace your participation grade with a second longer analytical essay, due at
midterm. You must declare this option by the end of the third week of class, and you may
not opt back out.)
Policies & guidelines
 All essays must be word processed.
 Please be sure to (legibly) sign the attendance roster for each and every class; failure to
sign will be counted as an absence.
 Each absence will result in a one-point reduction of your participation grade.
This course complies with Affirmative Action, Americans with Disabilities,
and the Equal Employment Opportunity Act, as detailed in the course
catalog and student handbook.
Tentative course schedule
A Contract with God ix-61
A Contract with God 65-92
A Contract with God 95-122
A Contract with God 125-180
Maus 5-42
Maus 43-95
Reader response #1
{Participation/essay option}
Maus 97-161
Maus 165-234
Maus 235-260
Maus 261-296
------------------------------------------- Reader response #2
Watchmen CH 1
Watchmen CH 2&3
Watchmen CH 4&5
Watchmen CH 6&7
{Optional analytical essay}
Watchmen CH 8&9
Watchmen CH 10&11
------------------------------------------- Reader response #3
Ghost World 9-20
Ghost World 21-38
Ghost World 39-62
Ghost World 63-80
Hamlet: Manga Edition 1-40
Hamlet: Manga Edition 41-70
Hamlet: Manga Edition 71-116
Hamlet: Manga Edition 117-138
Hamlet: Manga Edition 139-185
Reader response #4
Reader response #5
Analytical essay
Note: Deadlines are the last day an assignment will be accepted for grading.