SKIN RESEARCH PROJECT Purpose: Everyone should have an understanding of some common skin diseases, disorders and rashes and the problems they can cause. In addition, we should all be able to gather information and organize it so that we can present it to others. 1. Select a topic that you would like to investigate and sign up for it with Mr. Beck. The topic that you have chosen will be yours, no one else will have the same topic as you. 2. We will spend a class period in the library on Monday, where you can gather information about your topic. Examples of sources that you might use could include an encyclopedia, a medical dictionary, magazine articles, or books. Some topics will have more information available than others. 3. Put your information together in a readable format. Specifically, you will write a paper on the information that you will use to present to the class. Information that you will include in your paper should include the following (and all information must be IN YOUR OWN WORDS: 1. Name of your skin disorder, disease, etc. 2. Who discovered it and when it was discovered (if available)? 3. What causes it? 4. What are the symptoms (how does it present itself)? 5. What is the prognosis (treatment)? How effective is the treatment usually? 6. If the disorder is contagious, how can we keep from getting it? If it is not contagious, how could we reduce the risk of getting it? 7. Why is it important that we be informed about your topic? **Your paper will require a minimum of 2 sources cited in APA format. 4. Present your information to the class orally using Zen PowerPoint and be prepared to answer questions from the class regarding your topic. 5. Turn in your paper. Timeline: Monday Oct 11 Lesson Introduction/Database Research/Citing Sources Wed/Thur Oct 13/14 Work time in library Monday Oct 18 Paper Due/Presentations in Class Skin Diseases Paper Rubric Introduction: Describes name of disorder and origin Uses proper paraphrasing Grabs the attention of the reader _____ of 5 Body Paragraphs: Written in 3rd person omniscient Paragraphs discuss all required elements Uses proper paraphrasing _____ of 10 Content: Paper clearly discusses the disease/disorder Uses proper paraphrasing _____ of 10 Conclusion: Returns to description of intro. and adds details Provides reader a sense of completion ______ of 5 Works Cited: At least two sources are evident Uses proper APA format ______ of 5 Grammar/Usage: Fragments, agreement, usage, spelling, punctuation, clichés No use of “you” in reference to the reader _____ of 5 Format: Typed, Times New Roman, 12 point font, double-spaced _____ of 5 PAPER TOTAL _____ of 45 Skin Diseases Presentation Rubric Requirements Points Possible PowerPoint-the PowerPoint consists of 10 pictures related to the topic Presentation – the required information is addressed without reading from a script and questions are answered appropriately Works Cited –all images used are listed on a properly formatted works cited page at the end of the PowerPoint 10 pts Presentation Total Skin Disorder Project Total 30 pts 75 pts 10 pts 10 pts Points Earned