Semester Learning Essay

Jonathan Bankston
Semester Learning Essay
May 1, 2008
ME 6102: Design of Open Engineering Systems
Farrokh Mistree
Jitesh Panchal
CHAPTER 1: THEME ............................................................................................................. 3
Introduction of Metaphor ................................................................................................ 3
Connection to ME 6102 .................................................................................................. 3
Learning Objectives and Competencies.......................................................................... 5
CHAPTER 2: HARDWARE COMPONENTS AND ME 6102 LEARNING GOALS .......................... 6
Case/Power Supply: Create a Hospitable Environment.................................................. 6
Motherboard: Bringing Everything Together ................................................................. 7
Processor: Think Smarter not Harder ............................................................................. 7
Memory: Organizing the Workload ................................................................................ 8
Hard Drive: Making a Record......................................................................................... 8
Graphics Card, Sound Card, Speakers & Monitor: Getting a Response ........................ 9
Keyboard & Mouse: Inputting Ideas............................................................................... 9
Network Card/Wireless/Modem: Connected to the World ........................................... 10
Operating System: Startup! ........................................................................................... 10
CHAPTER 3: CONCLUSION: TURNING IT ON ....................................................................... 11
Figure 1: Early wooden Apple Prototype Computer [1] ..................................................... 3
Figure 2: Empty Case [2] .................................................................................................... 6
Figure 3: Main Board [2] .................................................................................................... 7
Figure 4: Central Processing Unit [2] ................................................................................. 7
Figure 5: Stick of RAM [2] ................................................................................................. 8
Figure 6: HDD for "Permanent" Storage [2] ...................................................................... 8
Figure 7: Real-time Computer Output [2] .......................................................................... 9
Figure 8: Traditional Input Methods [2] ............................................................................. 9
Figure 9: The Big 3 Home OSes Today............................................................................ 10
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Chapter 1: Theme
Introduction of Metaphor
entrepreneur spirit of the early age of
personal computing when hopeful
individuals built wooden boxes for the
hand-picked circuitry. Back then,
software was written on specific
machines for those machines. [1] When
available, upgrades were serious, wellthought-out modifications. Thanks to
these pioneers, we now have powerful
personal computers to efficiently
produce original works, perform Figure 1: Early wooden Apple Prototype Computer [1]
complex simulations, and access the
vast amount of information on the internet. For the most part, these machines are
modular, upgradable systems. Like our predecessors and their wooden boxes, many
people like me build desktop machines from individual parts.
One of the main restraints for building a computer today is still compatibility. The
evolution of computing from home-made circuitry to boxed parts has produced a very
modular environment, but like many evolutionary products, these modular parts are not
necessarily interchangeable or standardized. Parts were introduced at different times and
systematically replaced by newer, faster designs. For this reason, I have to be careful to
order parts that will not only perform the function I require but will work well with
Connection to ME 6102
I used my experience in building desktop PCs to describe my learning in ME 6102.
Essentially, I linked the basic function each component provides to the functionality of
the PC to the function different pieces of ME 6102 had to the entire course. Some parts of
the course could not be represented as parts of a computer, so I listed and discussed those
at the end of the essay. To best outline how I used each component, I devised Table 1
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Table 1: Metaphorical Connections between ME 6102 and Building a Desktop PC
Equivalent from ME6102
Compatibility of hardware components
Flow between major aspects of 6102
(design method, business plan, world of
2020, definition of OES)
Compatibility of Software drivers
Validation of business plan with Project
Case/Power Supply
Learning Goals/Competencies (Assignment
World of 2020 (Assignment 1)
Processor (CPU)
Definition of OES (Assignment 2)
Business Plan
Hard Drive
End of Semester Submissions
Network card/ wireless networking/ modem
Collaborative Q4S
Graphics Card/Sound Card/Screen/Speakers
Project Presentation
Software (OS)
Project Validation
Instructor comments
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Learning Objectives and Competencies
In the first assignment of ME 6102, I outlined my original learning objectives and
competencies for the semester. I have revised these many times throughout the course,
and these revisions are tabulated in Table 2.
Table 2: Learning Objectives
Goal Date
Goal Development
01/15/08 Learn how to define “open engineering system”, and learn how to
predict the implications of my definition.
01/15/08 Learn to uncover design problems that will arise before and in the year
2020. Learn to formulate concrete solutions to these problems.
01/15/08 Learn how to extend existing design methods to include the design of
the various disciplines involved mechatronic (mechanical, electrical,
electronic, software) products.
01/15/08 Learn how to extend my research in ME 6102 to my master’s thesis.
01/15/08 Learn what is involved in the development of a business model from a
method of design.
Table 3: ME 6102 Competencies
Ability to analyze (measure) and subsequently increase the
expected agility of a new engineering product.
Ability to locate and leverage quality and applicable material from
both previous students and outside resources.
Ability to apply information learned from computational
simulations to a design.
Ability to unify or link models from all disciplines involved in a
mechatronic product.
Ability to integrate the design features of mechatronic products.
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Chapter 2: Hardware Components and ME 6102
When I build a computer, I first think about what type of computer my customer needs.
Should it be a small form-factor home theater PC? A budget, introductory computer for
an older couple? A mid-range for a student leaving for college? A high-end powerhouse
computer for an amateur video editor? This first major decision is mostly led by the size
of the budget, but other factors are important as well.
I follow a general method for selecting parts for the computer. The order of this selection
is based on the variability of each type of component to meet requirements while
remaining compatible.
Case/Power Supply: Create a Hospitable Environment
When asked to picture a computer, most people think
of the visual style of the external case. From a
construction standpoint, it is the starting point for the
design of the computer. As far as compatability goes,
cases are generally divided by the style (form-factor)
of motherboard that it is design around and the
number of expansion bays. Most cases come with a
built-in power supply and one or more case fans
which will later dictate the number of power
intensive components that can be added. The case in
Figure 2 even includes LEDs to give character to the
build. In effect, the selection of a case and included
power supply sets the direction for the PC and
determines the physical size requirements for the rest
of the components.
I relate the selection of a case and power supply
Figure 2: Empty Case [2]
combo to my development of my learning goals and
competencies in Assignment 0. The drive to better myself through the learning goals and
competencies “powers” my willingness to work in ME 6102. These initial goals set the
tone for my work to follow. Further work done in the course – like additional components
in the computer – must ultimately add value to my learning goals and competencies.
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Motherboard: Bringing Everything Together
More than any other component,
selection of the moetherboard is a
decision that will either be greatly
appreciated or sorely regretted. It is
the hardest part to upgrade, which
makes sense considering it really is
the “main board.” Motherboards are
offered in nearly any configuration.
Because of this, it must be carefully
selected to ensure that the desired
Figure 3: Main Board [2]
components will work and that there
will still be available expansion slots and future connectors to allow for later upgrades.
The selection of motherboard, like selection of a case, reflects the type of computer being
built. The motherboard, however, defines the type of computer much more finely. In the
same way, the development of the World of 2020 in Assignment 1 refined the area of
interests for the course within the A0 goals. A ‘low hanging fruit’ world of 2020 will
result in a mediocre outcome (most likely), while a well-thought-out and insightful world
of 2020 will become the basis for a best practice answer to the Q4S.
Processor: Think Smarter not Harder
After the selection of case and motherboard, the
individual components are selected. For the most
part today, these components will work together as
long as they will work on the motherboard. The
CPU is an interesting component. For years, the
driver for upgrade was for increasingly faster
processors. People wanted to see that clock speed
rise dramatically every few months. Today, Intel,
AMD, and Via have become smarter companies.
Instead of one huge driver and leaving other drivers
to chance, they now have specific processors for
different purposes. For example, Intel’s new Atom
is a mobile super efficient processor with a very
small footprint.
Figure 4: Central Processing Unit [2]
The selection of a CPU is like my development of my definition of Open Engineering
Systems in Assignment 2. Like the OES, the CPU is a carefully crafted and meticulous
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piece of hardware. All calculations in the computer are performed in the CPU. Similarly,
all work should grow from this definition. Additionally, the OES is the quick response for
what ME6102 is all about, just as the CPU used to (and sometimes still is) the first piece
of information given about a computer.
Memory: Organizing the Workload
Memory is the cheapest and easiest upgrade for a computer. It
provides temporary storage for open applications and intermediate
calculations. The computer uses memory to organize its current
The business plan is very similar to memory in design. All the parts
of a company as well as the design method operate from the
business plan.
Figure 5: Stick of
RAM [2]
Hard Drive: Making a Record
The hard drive is an aging technology that
is seeing renewed interest through
innovation. Traditional hard disk drives are
now competing with solid state drives
which are faster, quieter, very efficient, but
much more expensive. There are a few
options for hard drives, but for the most
part it is how much storage can get you for
the amount of money you are willing to
Figure 6: HDD for "Permanent" Storage [2]
Since hard drives exist for the long term storage of operating, personal, and productivity
information and programs, I relate the hard drive to the end of semester submissions. In
writing the end of semester submissions, I had to make a trade-off and get as much
information down permanently in the time I had available.
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Graphics Card, Sound Card, Speakers & Monitor: Getting a
This combination is how the computer outputs information in real time. These
components range from dirt cheap, 10 year old technology to the latest advances from
each manufacturer.
I relate the graphics card, sound card, speakers, and a monitor (or two) to my project
presentation. This is where I articulate my results and my learning for the whole class.
Figure 7: Real-time Computer Output [2]
Keyboard & Mouse: Inputting Ideas
These are how information is input into
the computer at the terminal. For
instructor comments, this is how the
developed information is structured
and corrected for storage. Specifically,
comments on learning essays are
important input because that is where
Figure 8: Traditional Input Methods [2]
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scribbling of experiences and ideas are developed into greater ideas in the assignments
and eventually the end of semester submissions.
Network Card/Wireless/Modem: Connected to the World
One of the most important components is the networking card. This enables
the PC to communicate with other computers and servers worldwide and
locally. Whether using a traditional NIC, a wireless card, or an archaic
MODEM, the ability to access the vast amount of information available
online is essential to the computing experience.
Similarly, the collaborative Q4S was a way for students in ME 6102 to connect to one
another, no matter where they were located. The range of dept of contribution to the
Collaborative Q4S website can range widely. This is comparable to the range from a
click on a website to the uploading of a book, movie, or entire website from a personal
Operating System: Startup!
The installation and initial run of the operating system is the first check of the
functionality of all components. It could be related to the Validation Square and my
project’s validation of my method. In the validation square, I had to analyze each portion
of the project from different points of views. With a new operating system, I run as many
programs as I can think of and try to use all of the features of the new computer. Beyond
that, I have to wait for something to break with my customer. A long wait means I did a
good job.
Figure 9: The Big 3 Home Operating Systems Today
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Chapter 3: Conclusion: Turning It On
So, maybe ME 6102 as the construction of a desktop from scratch is a stretch. I like to
think that I’ve learned so much in the course that it is impossible to put into a short essay
format with one metaphor.
This semester, I was able to get a great start on my research. The method for my thesis
project needs a little more work to make it tight. I will be working with Eplan Electric P8
and SolidWorks this summer to continue the work I did on the project in ME6102.
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Samuels, Edward. The Illustrated Story of Copyright. “Chapter 4: The Computer.”
Thomas Dunn Books, St. Martin’s Press. December 2000. (retrieved from:
2 Computer Parts, PC Components, etc.  great place for electronics.
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