3 Essays Assignment

English 12
Things Fall Apart – 3 Essays
Instead of doing a typical 5-Paragraph essay for Things Fall Apart, you will be writing three one-page
essay responses. This will allow you to write about 3 topics instead of just one and will also prepare you
for life beyond the 5-Paragraph essay (college).
One-page Essay Requirements:
- Each essay must have a title that includes the prompt #.
- The header only needs to appear on the first essay
- No introduction or conclusion paragraph
- First sentence should be your thesis
- Last sentence should conclude your essay
- Use paragraph structure
- Use 2 quotes properly integrated and cited from the novel
- One full page in length; typed; 1 ½ spacing to double spacing
Choose 3 of the prompts below:
1. Discuss the incidents that foreshadow the demise of Okonkwo and the Ibo tribe. Explain how
Achebe uses foreshadowing to make the story tragic. Explain how the foreshadowing affects
readers and reinforces a theme.
2. Achebe’s representation of his African heritage is aimed directly at the Western reader. How do
you believe Achebe wants readers to see Africa after reading this novel? What techniques does
Achebe use that are most successful to reaching a Western reader? What techniques are least
3. How does Achebe illustrate African culture in his novel? What stereotypes do you think he is
trying to erase? What stereotypes do you think he validates?
4. The title of the novel alludes to one of the themes present in the novel and comes from William
Butler Yeats poem “The Second Coming.” Note how the theme of the poem is developed
through the story. Explain how the title relates to key scenes and how it functions as a theme.
5. Ikemefuna is introduced and killed early in the novel. What is his role in the plot of the novel as
well as in the development of characters?
6. Explain what a tragedy is and how Things Fall Apart can be considered one. Prove how Okonkwo
can be considered the tragic hero of this tragedy.
7. Discuss the role of fate or “chi,” in the novel. How do you think Achebe feels about fate versus a
person’s control over his or her own destiny?
8. Explain why Achebe chooses to narrate the last chapter of the novel from the point of view of
the District Commissioner – a man who has only recently entered the story. How does the
decision reinforce the point he is trying to make about colonization in Africa?
9. Identify a topic from the novel and give several examples. Then explain a theme or message
from Achebe, given the evidence you have found. (topics may include: love, government, family,
race, communication, violence, gender roles, religion, etc.)