Famous Person Biography

Famous Person Biography
Construct a biography over one famous person, who
established his/her self in the theatre/film world. The following are
examples of who you may do the assignment over (however you are
not limited to these people only).
Anton Chechov
Denzel Washington
Eugene O’Neill
Dustin Hoffman
Sylvester Stallone
Joe Pesci
Constantin Stanislavski
William Shakespeare
Lee Strasburg
Marlon Brando
Sammy Davis, Jr.
Charlie Chaplin
Judy Garland
Mickey Rooney
Angela Bassett
Gilda Radner
Al Pacino
Arnold Schwarzenegger
James Dean
Marilyn Monroe
John Wayne
Christopher Marlowe
Julia Roberts
Spike Lee
Oliver Stone
Tom Cruise
Jim Carrey
Kevin Costner
Rita Heyworth
Ingrid Bergman
Humphrey Bogart
Tennessee Williams
Arthur Miller
Halle Berry
Harrison Ford
*Any other person cleared by Mr. H.
Include things like birth place/date, real name, avenue they took to
get involved in theatre/film, genre most known for, accomplishments,
credits, picture(s), timeline, visual aide, etc.. (two pages in length
[on the form sheets provided]). Your information can come from a
book, the internet, an encyclopedia, etc., as long as it is biographical
in nature, and provided you cite all of your sources. Be creative, and
each of you will make a PowerPoint presentation to go along with
your report, which includes a Biopoem (the final slide is where I want
you to cite your sources).
Famous Person Bio Report & Power Point Presentation
Your Name:
I. Person's Name:
II. Real Name (if applicable):
III. Summary of persons life (road to fame):
IV. Filmography (put this in your power point presentation).
V. Accomplishments/Awards:
VI. BioPoem:
My name is
I am
I am
I am
My first experience with film was
I was influenced by
I have contributed
to theatre/film.
My other interests include
My most enjoyable experience has been
I would like to (see)
and (meet)
, (do)
I am a resident of
I am (restate name)
VII. Why did you choose to do your report on this person?