Fall Syllabus

Aglio~Fall 2013~AP Lit.
In addition to the work posted below, vocab assignments are on a separate sheet
& posted. Vocab will be on the first day of the week you have class (usually
Monday or Tuesday). Multiple choice practice will be on Wednesday or
8/21, 22
8/23, 26
Intro—Nabokov ”Good Readers & Good Writers”Orwell “Politics
and the English Language” Handouts (HO)
Close reading w/ 1984 activity. Essential Questions: What is
close reading & what is its purpose?
8/27, 28
8/29, 30
9/3, 4
Baseline Assessment—Pick up HO for 9/3, 4
Group activity w/ Lord of the Flies
College Essay (due 10/2, 3) Essential Questions: What
creates a compelling narrative?
9/5, 6
Multiple Choice Model  and Literary Periods Essential
Questions: What are the various Western literary
periods? What are their defining characteristics? How are
they related to and impacted by historical, cultural, and
social movements?
9/9, 10
9/11, 12
Timed Writing, Literary Periods
Beowulf Essential Questions: How does the text reflect a
conflicted cultural identity? How does the text reveal the
values of a people?—Prologue & sections 1-6
9/13, 16
9/17, 18
Beowulf—sections 7-16
Beowulf—sections 17-23 & “The Wanderer” (ubi sunt poems)
Essential Questions: What is the importance of point of
view in depicting and creating heroes and monsters?
What are the roles of the ubi sunt poem in Anglo-Saxon
9/19, 20
9/23, 24
9/25, 26
9/27, 10/1
10/2, 3
10/4, 7
Beowulf—sections 24-33 continued & “The Seafarer”
Beowulf—sections 34-end & “The Ruins”
Timed Writing, Grendel
Grendel & Beowulf activity,
College Essay Due
Slaughterhouse 5 Essential Questions: What are the
psychological effects of war?
10/8, 9
10/10, 11
10/14, 15
10/16, 17
10/18, 21
Slaughterhouse 5
Slaughterhouse 5
Timed Writing
Slaughterhouse 5
Slaughterhouse 5
You will receive a bookmark with
out daily assignments on it for
Slaughterhouse Five
10/22, 23
Poetry Essential Questions: How does poetry reflect the
human condition? How does language impact poetry?
What is the impact of different forms of poetry? Chapter 1
10/24, 25
Chapter 2
10/29, 30
Chapter 3, Timed Writing
10/31, 11/1 Chapter 4
11/6, 7
Chapter 5
11/8, 11
Chapter 6
11/12, 13
Chapter 7
11/14, 15
Chapter 8
11/18, 19
Chapter 9, Timed Writing
11/20, 21
Chapter 10
11/22, 25
Chapter 11
11/26, 12/2 Chapter 12
12/3, 4
Chapter 13, Pick up Catch 22—read for 1/8, 9
12/5, 6
Chapter 16
12/9, 10
Timed Writing
12/11, 12
Writing Review
12/13, 16
12/17, 18
12/19, 20
Exam 12/19, 12/20 Reading
12/21-1/5—Winter Break
1/6, 7
Catch 22
You will receive a bookmark with
1/8, 9
Catch 22
out daily assignments on it for
1/10, 13
Catch 22
Catch 22.
1/14, 15
Catch 22
1/16, 17—Half Days
First Nine Weeks
Week 1
Essential Questions: What is close reading? What are its purposes?
Vladimir Nabokov “Good Readers and Good Writers” - reading and discussion
George Orwell “Politics and the English Language” - reading and discussion
Close reading activity of summer reading assignment - choose representative paragraphs, have them read
that and get a sense of this writer and what he/she is about
Week 2
Essential Questions: What creates a compelling narrative? What constitutes a compelling college and/or
career application?
College application info - Common Application
College admissions officer activity
Examine college application essays
Week 3
Essential Questions: What are the various Western literary periods? What are their defining characteristics?
How are they related to and impacted by historical, cultural, and social movements?
Anglo-Saxon, Medieval, Renaissance, Restoration, Romantic, Transcendentalist, Victorian, Modern, PostModern, Contemporary?
Excerpts from various periods and poetry from various periods
Give Timed Writing #1 - Question #3 using summer reading options
Week 4
Essential Questions: How does the text reflect a conflicted cultural identity? How does the text reveal the
values of a people?
Beowulf (full text)
Send them home with ubi sunt poems (The Wanderer, The Seafarer, The Ruins)
Week 5
Essential Questions: What is the importance of point of view in depicting and creating heroes and monsters?
What are the roles of the ubi sunt poem in Anglo-Saxon culture?
Beowulf (full text)
Grendel (portions)
Send them home with ubi sunt poems (The Wanderer, The Seafarer, The Ruins)
Give Timed Writing #2 - Question #2 (poetry)
Week 6
Essential Questions: What are the psychological effects of war?
Slaughterhouse 5
Death of the Ball Turret Gunner
Week 7
Essential Questions: What are the psychological effects of war?
Slaughterhouse 5
Red Badge of Courage (excerpt)
Week 8
Essential Questions:
Week 9
Essential Questions: