internet policy.doc - Ribbleton Avenue Methodist Junior School

Ribbleton Avenue Methodist
Junior School
E-Safety Policy 2009
E- Safety Coordinator: - R. Sardais
E- Governor: Our E-Safety Policy is part of the school development plan and
relates to other policies, including ICT, bullying and child protection.
It has been written by staff at Ribbleton Avenue Methodist Junior
School. It has been agreed by the School Leadership Group and
approved by Governors. It will be reviewed every annually.
Created by:
…Roxana Sardais…
…September 2009……
To be revised:
…September 2010……
Teaching and Learning
Why the internet and digital learning are important.
The internet and E-Safety generally are essential elements in 21st
century life for education, business and social interaction. The school
has a duty to provide pupils with quality internet access as part of their
learning experience.
Internet use is part of the statutory curriculum and a necessary tool for
staff and pupils.
Internet Use will enhance learning
 Pupils will be taught what is acceptable internet use and what is not.
 School internet use is supervised by adults, designed for pupils’ age and
access is through Smart Filter.
Pupils will be educated in the effective use of the internet for research,
including knowledge location, retrieval and evaluation
Pupils will be taught how to evaluate Internet Content
School will ensure that use of internet derived materials by staff and
pupils complies with copyright law.
Pupils will be taught how to report unpleasant internet content.
Managing Internet Access
Information Security Systems
 School security systems will be updated regularly.
 Virus protection is updated regularly.
Pupils may only use approved class e-mail accounts on the school system.
Pupils must immediately tell a teacher if they receive offensive e-mail.
Pupils must not reveal details of themselves or others, such as address or
telephone number, or arrange to meet anyone in e-mail communication.
It is important in all emails to:
Be Polite - never send or encourage others to send abusive messages.
Use appropriate language
Published Content and VLE/ Website
Staff and pupil contacts will not be published. Instead office contact
details will be published online.
Photographs that include pupils’ faces will be carefully selected so that
individual pupils cannot be indentified.
Pupils’ full names will not be published or used in any online space.
Written permission will be obtained before photographs of children are
Social networking
Pupils will not use social networking sites, except for the chat area for the
VLE, which is internal.
Pupils will be advised to never give out personal details of any kind that
may indentify them, their friends or their location.
Pupils and parents will be advised that the use of social networks outside
schools opens up a range of dangers for primary age pupils.
Managing Filtering
If staff or pupils come across unsuitable materials online, the site must
be reported to the E-safety Coordinator (R. Sardais).
The school will work with the LEA to keep ensure systems to protect
pupils are reviewed and updated.
Currently, Smart filter allows access to certain sites.
Managing Video Conferencing and Webcam Use
Videoconferencing should use the educational broadband network to
ensure quality and security of service.
Pupils should not answer or make a videoconference call without
Managing Emerging Technologies
Emerging technologies will be examined for educational benefits and a
risk assessment will be carried out before use in school is allowed.
The senior leadership team are aware that technologies such as mobile
phones can bypass the security systems and present a route for
undesirable materials.
Mobile phones will not be used during lessons or school time and are
handed into the office.
Protecting personal data
 Personal data will be recorded, processed, transferred and made
available according to the Data Protection Act (1998).
Authorising internet access
All staff must read and sign the “Staff Code of Conduct for ICT” before
using any school resource.
Parents will be asked to sign and return a consent form.
Assessing Risks
The school will take all reasonable precaution to prevent access to
inappropriate materials. However due to the international scale and
linked nature of the internet, it is not possible to guarantee that
unsuitable material will never appear on a computer on the school
Handling e-safety complaints
 Complaints of internet use will be dealt with dealt with by a member of
the senior management team
Any complaints about staff misuse must be referred to the headteacher.
Communications Policy
Introducing the e-safety policy to pupils
 E-safety rules will be displayed in all room where computers are used
and discussed regularly.
Pupils will be informed that network and internet use will be monitored
and appropriately followed up.
A programme of training in e-safety will be developed.
Parents and the E-safety Policy
Parents’ attention will be drawn to the School Internet Policy by the school
brochure and on the school Moodle.
 A partnership approach with parents will be encouraged. This could
include demonstrations, practical sessions and suggestions for safe
Internet use at home
Passwords for network and VLE (moodle)
Children will be given simple and an easy to remember password for the school
network and the VLE, which they will learn to use. They are able to change
these but must inform their teacher. Passwords can also be reset by the VLE
manager. Parents may access the VLE with their child using the child’s login
and password, but only the child should write on or place any work on the VLE.
Access by any other party is strictly prohibited.
o Your child should never reveal his/her password to anyone or attempt to
access the service using another pupil’s login details.
Ribbleton Avenue Methodist Junior
Responsible Internet Use
We use the school computers and Internet connection for learning.
These rules will help us to be fair to others and keep everyone safe.
 I will ask permission before entering any Web site, unless my
teacher has already approved that site.
 On a network, I will use only my own login and password, which
I will keep secret.
 I will not look at or delete other people's files.
 I will only e-mail people my teacher has approved.
 The messages I send will be polite and sensible.
 When sending e-mail, I will not give my home address or phone
number, or arrange to meet someone.
 I will ask for permission before opening an e-mail or an e-mail
attachment sent by someone I do not know.
 I will not use Internet chat.
 I see anything I am unhappy with or I receive messages I do not
like, I will tell a teacher immediately.
 I know that the school may check my computer files and may
monitor the Internet sites I visit.
 I understand that if I deliberately break these rules, I could be
stopped from using the Internet or computers.
Dear Parents
Responsible Internet Use
As part of your child’s curriculum and the development of ICT skills, Ribbleton
Avenue Methodist Junior School is providing supervised access to the Internet. We
believe that the use of the World Wide Web and e-mail is worthwhile and is an
essential skill for children as they grow up in the modern world. Please would you
read the attached Rules for Responsible Internet Use, and sign and return the consent
form so that your child may use Internet at school.
Although there have been concerns about pupils having access to undesirable
materials, we are taking positive steps to deal with this risk in school. Our school
Internet provider operates a filtering system that restricts access to inappropriate
Whilst every endeavour is made to ensure that suitable restrictions are placed on the
ability of children to access inappropriate materials, the School cannot be held
responsible for the nature or content of materials accessed through the Internet. The
School will not be liable for any damages arising from your child’s use of the Internet
Should you wish to discuss any aspect of Internet use or to see a lesson, please
telephone me to arrange an appointment.
Yours sincerely
Miss R Haggar
ICT Subject Leader
Year 6 Class Teacher
Ribbleton Avenue Methodist Junior School
Responsible Internet Use
Please complete, sign and return to the school.
Pupil’s Agreement
I have read and understand the school Rules for Responsible Internet Use. I
will use the computer system and Internet in a responsible way and obey
these rules at all times.
Parent’s Consent for Internet Access
I have read and understood the school rules for responsible Internet use and
give permission for my son / daughter to access the Internet. I understand
that the school will take all reasonable precautions to ensure pupils cannot
access inappropriate materials. I understand that the school cannot be held
responsible for the nature or content of materials accessed through the
Internet. I agree that the school is not liable for any damages arising from use
of the Internet facilities.
Please print name:
Parent’s Consent for Web Publication of Work and Photographs
I agree that, if selected, my son/daughter’s work may be published on the
school Web site. I also agree that photographs that include my son/daughter
may be published subject to the school rules that photographs will not clearly
identify individuals and that full names will not be used.