EDUCATION COMMITTEE Proposed Agenda Meeting Title: BCSTA Education Committee Meeting Place: Delta Airport Hotel, Richmond, BC Meeting Times: Thursday, June 19, 2008; 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM Friday, June 20, 2008; 8:00 AM – 3:30 PM Thursday, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM Time No. 8:00 Item Lead Person Full Breakfast Provided 8:30 1. Welcome, introductions, review of the agenda for the day; new Board representative – Diana Mumford Linda McPhail 8:40 2. New chair and vice-chair elections Diana Mumford 8:50 3. Approval of the minutes of February 2008 (attachment 1) Chair Business Arising 9:00 4. Tele-PD update and discussion (attachment 2) Rob Goodall 9:15 5. Key Work Manual update (oral) Rob Goodall 9:30 6. Individual requests for educational programs: TILMA, Corporations in the Classroom (attachment 3) Diana Mumford 9:45 7. Other business arising Members 10:00 Refreshment Break New Business 10:15 8. 12:00 12:45 Branch Reports including discussion on the reconfiguration of BCSTA branches and the impact on the Education Committee (attachment 4) Members Lunch Break 9. Energizer Rob Goodall 1:00 10. Planning Review – reflections on the results of last year’s Education Committee planning session (attachment 5) Goodall/Members 1:30 11. Education Committee “job description” building on Section 12(e), BCSTA bylaws (attachment 6) Rob Goodall 3:00 Refreshment Break EDUCATION COMMITTEE Time No. Item Lead Person 3:15 12. BCSTA Board Planning results report (oral) Diana Mumford 3:30 13. Priority setting for next year – what should the Education Committee emphasize? Rob Goodall 4:25 14. Summary of the day and preview of tomorrow Chair 4:30 Adjourn Friday, June 20, 2008, 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM Time 8:00 No. Item Lead Person Full Breakfast Provided 8:30 15. Review of the agenda for the day Chair 8:35 16. Coordinating our work with the Aboriginal Education Committee, Ministry-Superintendent-Board Chair meeting Janice Proudfoot 9:00 17. Program plans for 2008 – 2009 (attachments 7, 8): a) AGM evaluation review and Kelowna – input requested b) December Academy – input requested c) February Academy – input requested Rob Goodall 10:00 Refreshment Break 10:15 18. Education on dealing with the angry public – extension of Chambers paper on school closures Janice Proudfoot 10:40 19. Joint leadership programs with BCSSA and BCELC – discussion Members 11:00 20. Trustee elections and campaigns: The Committee suggested making sure we build on the idea of raising the profile of trustees as we move to the fall. Note that the Education Committee would like to work on this matter on behalf of BCSTA. Linda McPhail 12:00 12:45 Lunch Break 21. Guest Worker Resolution (AGM referral to Education Committee) #21 That BCSTA urge the federal and provincial governments to abandon guest worker programs and policies and to encourage family immigration programs and policies. Diana Mumford 1:15 22. Completion rate data – sharing info from the Vancouver Island superintendents’ meeting on topic and using this information (attachment 9) Janice Proudfoot 2:00 23. Other business 3:00 24. Meeting evaluation 3:30 Rob Goodall Adjourn 2 EDUCATION COMMITTEE Agenda Attachments 3 EDUCATION COMMITTEE Attachment 1 Meeting Record Meeting Title: BCSTA Education Committee Meeting Place: Room #370, Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue, 580 Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC Meeting Times: Thursday, February 14, 2008; 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM Friday, February 15, 2008; 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM In Attendance: Trustee Pattie Adam Trustee Cheryl Ashlie Trustee Mary Bittroff Trustee Connie Denesiuk Trustee Dick Dickens Superintendent Rick Erickson Trustee Linda McPhail Trustee Janice Proudfoot Trustee Linda Van Alphen Trustee Sharel Warrington Trustee Sherri Yaremco Mr. Rob Goodall No. 1. Kootenay-Boundary Branch Fraser Valley Branch South Coast Branch BCSTA Board of Directors Mainline-Cariboo Branch BCSSA Metropolitan Branch (chair) VISTA Branch Okanagan Branch Northern Interior Branch North West Branch BCSTA Staff Support Item Action Welcome, introductions, review of the agenda for the day Introductions: the committee welcomed new member Sharel Warrington (NIB); two items were added to the agenda: FSA (Dickens), presenter suggestion (Ashlie) 2. Approval of the minutes of October 2007 Moved: Trustee Bittroff, Seconded: Trustee Van Alphen Carried Business Arising 3. Campus 2020 update Trustee Denesiuk reported on visit from Ministry of Advanced Education to the Board of Directors meeting in January. The primary representative was new on the 4 Trustee Denesiuk to take information from this discussion back to the board of directors. EDUCATION COMMITTEE No. 4. Item job. The board gave informal feedback on the Campus 2020 report and discussion paper. Trustee Ashlie asked for a teleconference, and noted that Board is providing an update only on what action has been taken. Trustee Proudfoot inquired about students who leave BC to go for post secondary education in other provinces. Trustee Bittroff pointed out that boards of education are elected, colleges are appointed, not an apples-to-apples relationship. Trustee McPhail noted the report generated a lot of discussion throughout BC, and asked if there was an opportunity for the Education Committee to have input. Trustee Denesiuk will inquire of the Board about the possibility of input. Trustee Warrington noted that Prince George board does have a relationship with the college there, supports boards having input to this matter. Trustee Bittroff noted there is no formal link on the Sunshine Coast to the college. Sharing of information amongst boards and colleges is needed. Trustee Ashlie suggested that the Board of Directors should contact all boards who have colleges in their districts. Trustee Denesiuk noted the board has on occasion requested input from the committee, but board meets monthly and committee meets 3 times a year so timing is sometimes a challenge. The Board of Directors also represents the membership. Trustee Ashlie asked that the board request feedback from committee before making a submission. Trustee McPhail noted that Trustee Denesiuk had heard the request to take back to the board. Tele-PD program update The Senior Director, Education noted that no programs are currently scheduled. Trustee Ashlie noted the value of recent presentation she heard on social-emotional issues and learning. She recommended Shelley Hymel as a speaker for Tele-PD. Superintendent Erickson noted how social interactions in person and on the Internet have a strong influence on learning and literacy. Trustee Bittroff noted that her branch is bringing a motion to AGM for a research department at BCSTA. Trustee Dickens noted that looking at changes in the library system would be a good topic. Trustee Warrington noted the value of pursuing the social-emotional context of 5 Action Senior Director, Education to look into speaker possibility for Tele-PD. EDUCATION COMMITTEE No. 5. Item learning. Trustee Ashlie supports the value of attention to research. Action Summer Leadership Conference update The Senior Director, Education noted that BCSTA is a financial sponsor for this program again this year. Trustee Yaremco inquired about the status of the conference and Trustee Warrington noted need for clarification. Superintendent Erickson inquired about whether putting money into the event means we are sanctioning it as a BCSTA event. Trustee Ashlie noted the value of the conference and suggested continuing BCSTA support. Trustee Bittroff inquired about the Education Committee sending people to the event. 6. Key Work Manual update The Senior Director, Education noted that a contractor has been hired and a draft is due February 25. 7. BCCT Standards update Trustee Denesiuk reported on the last meeting, some partners not in attendance, good discussion, continuing concern with lack of specificity. 8. Other business arising from the minutes There was no other business from the minutes. 9. Branch reports and discussion: focus on Fine Arts Moved: that BCSTA include a pro-d activity on the role and value of fine arts in the school system, including information about the extent of fine arts instruction now compared to previous years in the December Academy. Senior Director, Education to include in planning for the December Academy Moved: Trustee Dickens, Seconded: Trustee Bittroff Carried. New Business 10. Board of Directors report – January meeting Trustee Denesiuk reviewed the agenda from the last board meeting. Trustee Dickens asked that BCSTA pay close attention to long term funding needed for expanded mandate programs. Superintendent Erickson queried the longer term plans with 6 EDUCATION COMMITTEE No. 11. Item regard to the new Deputy Minister. What will this do to the visionary leadership provided for six and a half years by Emery Dosdall? Trustee Denesiuk reported on meetings BCSTA has had with the new Deputy so far. Trustee Yaremco noted that Rod Allen has become the voice of education in the Ministry as the lead superintendent of achievement. Trustee Ashlie noted the importance of reorganizing funding from parts of the system that are losing student numbers to things like early childhood education. Trustee Proudfoot reported on what she has learned about the new Deputy – a systems thinker. Trustee Warrington noted the value of early childhood education for child care. Action The Healthy Schools ad hoc committee Trustee Denesiuk reported on the approval of this committee. Trustee Bittroff wanted BCSTA to inquire about funding for the 30 minutes of required physical activity per day for students. Superintendent Erickson noted that many of the activities may not require funding, just documentation. Trustee Denesiuk suggested inviting the ad hoc committee to join us at one of our meetings. 12. Individual requests for conference sessions and forums Trustee Ashlie: supports having a three year plan in place for professional development which might help avoid problems. Need to align pro-d with the Ministry directions. Trustee Proudfoot: supports this view and the idea of filtering requests through the plans; also, have people bring forward ideas through their branches. Trustee Yaremco: need clarification on what to do with these informal requests, so staff knows how to respond. Suggests that all requests should come through the Education Committee. Moved: that Education Committee recommends to the Board of Directors all individual trustee requests for program slots, meeting space and informal educational discussions at official BCSTA educational programs come through the Education Committee, and that suitable criteria be developed. Moved: Trustee Yaremco, Seconded: Trustee Van Alphen [withdrawn after discussion and clarification] 7 Senior Director, Education and Trustee Denesiuk to BF items for BCSTA board consideration to the next board meeting agenda (March). EDUCATION COMMITTEE No. Item Action Moved: that the Education Committee recommends the Board of Directors permits the Education Committee to develop a bylaw that defines the operational aspects of the Education Committee program; this would include terms of reference outlining the vision, goals for review, planning sessions for development and review, timelines and processes for trustee submissions. Moved: Trustee Proudfoot; Seconded: Trustee Ashlie. Carried. Moved: that the Education Committee recommend to the Board of Directors that until a process for screening “Trustee requests” has been developed, all requests received be deferred with the reason that planning is now complete for AGM, and that applicants formalize their request in a written format and submit such applications to the BCSTA Education Committee by May 15, 2008, with rationale for their request. Moved: Trustee Bittroff; Seconded: Trustee Yaremco. Defeated. Moved: that the Education Committee recommends to the Board of Directors that BCSTA not assign staff time to supporting individual or group gatherings outside of the educational program provided, other than providing meeting space availability only within the hotel, at no cost to BCSTA. Moved: Trustee Ashlie; Seconded: Trustee Yaremco. Carried. 8 EDUCATION COMMITTEE 13. AGM planning report – assessment follow up The Committee asked the Senior Director, Education to ensure that Monica Pamer builds on the recommendations of her report – next steps for boards and trustees. 14. BCSTA support for trustee attendance at non-BCSTA conferences Moved: the Education Committee recommends that the Board of Directors develop policy that states the BCSTA will not provide financial support for trustees to attend non-BCSTA conferences unless the trustee is a designate of a BCSTA standing committee and approved by the Board of Directors. Senior Director, Education to follow up with Monica. Senior Director, Education to bring to the attention of the BCSTA Board. Moved: Trustee Proudfoot; Seconded: Trustee Ashlie. Carried. 15. Interactive Innovations report The Committee heard a report on Interactive Innovations and reviewed program materials. 16. Senior Director, Education to ensure that board chairs receive information on the conference. BCELC meeting on leadership certification The Committee heard a report on the BCELC’s activities and in particular the newly approved program for teacher leadership. 17. The Committee shared a joint breakfast with the Aboriginal Education Committee on Friday morning. 18. Guest speaker presentation: the 2010 Olympic plans for education The Committee heard a report on the K-12 education plans for the 2010 Olympics from Don Black. 19. The Education Committee legacy: review of planning results from Senior Director, June 2007, review of year to date and suggestions for future Education to follow direction, priorities, processes for the Education Committee up on Committee suggestions and The Committee commended the Senior Director, Education for motion. aligning planning with the results of the Education Committee visioning activities. Members suggested that the Vision and Goals be given high priority in all Committee publications, including requests for branch reports. 9 EDUCATION COMMITTEE The Committee suggested including a letter from the Education Committee in the AGM package along with the report. The Committee suggested making sure we build on the idea of raising the profile of trustees as we move to the fall. Note that the Education Committee would like to work on this matter on behalf of BCSTA. Moved: that we remove [K-12] from our goal statement. Moved: Trustee Bittroff; Seconded: Trustee Yaremco Carried. 20. Other business: FSA: Trustee Dickens noted that it has gone very smoothly in his district. Administrators worked hard at this. Presentations to all Grade 4 and Grade 7 teachers. Possible future presenter: Dr. Shelley Hymel, UBC. (Trustee Ashlie) Future topics: review of BCSTA policies; working more closely with researchers doing work of interest to trustees; Education Committee representation at summer leadership conference; pro-d on fine arts; Abbotsford school board paperless meeting system; education supporting the whole child. Trustee McPhail pointed out that branch representatives are encouraged to send names of speakers and topic suggestions directly to the Senior Director, Education for consideration. Motion to Adjourn Moved: Trustee Adam; Seconded: Trustee Yaremco Carried. 10 EDUCATION COMMITTEE Attachment 2 Tele-PD Survey – Summary Report May 2008 Excerpts from the results of our recent survey regarding Tele-PD appear below. About 70 people responded to the online questionnaire. The items below are renumbered for this report. The complete survey results with the original numbering are available in PDF format. 1. In the past couple of years how often have you participated in a BCSTA Tele-PD program? Choices Never Once or twice Every one Frequency 56 16 1 Percent 76.7 21.9 1.4 2. When scheduling Tele-PD in the future, what day of the week is best for you (rank order, 1 for first choice, 2 for second choice, etc.)? Choices Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Frequency 27 50 40 38 42 31 41 Percent 9.1 28.7 19.4 14.4 9.9 9.7 8.7 3. When scheduling Tele-PD in the future, what time of day is best for you (rank order, 1 for first choice, 2 for second choice, etc.)? Choices 7:00 AM – 9:00 AM 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Frequency 27 41 28 28 27 30 41 11 Percent 16.4 26.9 12.9 8.1 7.2 9.5 19.2 EDUCATION COMMITTEE 4. How often during the year would you like BCSTA to offer Tele-PD programs? Choices 0 (not interested) 1 – 2 per year 3 – 4 per year 5 – 6 per year Frequency 7 39 22 2 Percent 10.0 55.7 31.4 2.9 5. Where do you prefer to participate in Tele-PD programs? Choices Home Board office Other Frequency 59 31 5 Percent 77.6 40.8 6.6 6. How much advance notice do you need regarding dates and times of Tele-PD programs? Choices A few weeks A few months Next year’s schedule Frequency 54 13 4 Percent 76.1 18.3 5.6 7. What is the best way to get information to you about Tele-PD programs (click all that apply)? Choices E-mail e-Digest BCSTA Web site Other Frequency 68 30 12 4 Percent 90.7 40.0 16.0 5.3 8. How familiar are you with a computer? Choices Not at all Hardly proficient Semi proficient Fairly proficient Expert Frequency 0 7 22 41 3 12 Percent 0.0 9.6 30.1 56.2 4.1 EDUCATION COMMITTEE 9. How familiar are you with Elluminate Web Conferencing software? Choices Not at all Hardly proficient Semi proficient Fairly proficient Expert Frequency 53 9 8 3 0 Percent 72.6 12.3 11.0 4.1 0.0 10. What would make Tele-PD more appealing? Many say they don’t know enough about it to make a judgment. Relevant, current topics and really good speakers mentioned several times. 11. What topics would you like to see offered? Respondents listed a wide array of topics with no consistent theme emerging. Several mentioned “governance” education – orientation for new trustees and the role of the board. Dealing with FSA issues was also mentioned two or three times. 13 EDUCATION COMMITTEE Attachment 3 BACKGROUNDER - Update For: Thursday, June 19, 2008 Subject: Requests From Individual Trustees for Program Topics BACKGROUND During the past year, BCSTA staff have received an increasing number of requests from individual trustees to include program topics in our education conferences and other events. While we are always interested in hearing from our members about important issues, we would like some direction on how to respond when the requests come from one individual and appear to be supporting a particular point of view. For example, within the past two months we have received one request to offer a program based around the film Corporations in the Classroom and another to fit a half-day program on community schools into our AGM or Academy. At its May 2008 meeting, the BCSTA Board of Directors discussed how to best handle situations regarding advocacy support and endorsement for groups and individuals at BCSTA events. The Board asked the President to organize a subcommittee to review current practices and to make recommendations to the Board. Prepared by: Rob Goodall, Senior Director, Education 14 EDUCATION COMMITTEE Attachment 4 BCSTA Branches, Meetings & Representatives 2008-2009 Branch Fall Meeting Dates Location Board Liaison EdCom Rep Fraser Valley Sep 25, 2008 Langley Cheryl Ashlie Kootenay Boundary Sep 19-21, 2008 Christina Lake Metropolitan No meeting Melissa Hyndes Teresa Rezansoff, Penny Tees Diana Mumford North West Not yet available Smithers Penny Tees Sherri Yaremco Northern Interior Oct 17-19, 2008 Dawson Creek Teresa Rezansoff Sharel Warrington Okanagan Oct 3-4, 2008 Salmon Arm Gordon Swan Linda Van Alphen South Coast No meeting Diana Mumford Mary Bittroff Vancouver Island Sep 19-20, 2008 Michael McEvoy Janice Proudfoot Diana Mumford, BoD Rep. Rick Erickson, BCSSA Nanaimo 15 Pattie Adam Linda McPhail EDUCATION COMMITTEE Attachment 5 Education Committee Planning Session – Notes June 21-23, 2007 Group 1 – Notes About Desirable Accomplishments Relationship building: Education Committee/BCSTA Board/Ministry/Branches/ individual trustees We will be successful when the Ministry views the Education Committee as a tool for educating trustees on initiatives to come or coming from them Build strong profile Research best educational practice – analyze data communicate ideas on best practice link on website to Board best practice Be a sounding board for the Ministry on current issues and educational initiatives and from us to the Ministry Education Committee booklet Trustees mentoring other trustees Recommend relevant topics for academies – topic focused as a whole – alignment Equip trustees to do their job more effectively Focus on how to draw in our 18-25 year old to the importance of school boards and education T-shirts for the committee Think outside the box – are we employing the best models for pro-d Group 2 – Notes About Desirable Relationships Co-relationship with Chair Board rep liaison Ed Committee members Establish an information loop to/from Committee to board chairs and on to trustee Joint meeting with BCSTA Board of Directors and Ed Committee to align focus Feedback on recommendations (positive or negative) On reactions ask for response by ____ (date) Comprehensive report on committee meeting to Board of Directors and trustees Brochure – what we do? – to everyone Timing issues. Phone tree Survey prior to Branch meetings on focus topics, e.g. “Assessment for Learning” List of Pro-D available to branches Searchable “promising practices” database and reports Profile Ed Committee at academies – T-shirts More opportunities to meet – teleconference/face-to-face/Webcast/conference To build good relationships circulate coordinated information out to boards/branches. Use eAlert/Digest/PowerPoint for presentations for education reps if needed 16 EDUCATION COMMITTEE Group 3 – Notes About Guidelines For Committee Operations Productive Members of Branch providing feedback overall improve two-way communications New member brochure/binder Appreciate admin support (want to acknowledge before improvement statements) Maybe get minutes of meetings quicker Branch reports on BCSTA website Vision statement for committee Statement of purpose Agendas Specific to purpose Vision is always linked to topics or vice-versa Control speaking times and lengthy discussion. Possibly follow Roberts Rules Active listening Respectful dialogue - not meant to say we are disrespectful but want to maintain our good behaviour Work must be consistent with terms of reference as laid out in BCSTA Bylaws Do a contest via e-Alert/Digest that gives a prize to someone who can provide an answer to something from the branch reports Visibility of Ed Committee needs to be systemic – t-shirts Branch reports could be based on our agenda topics Information flow/loop must be a feedback process so we have the information from the Branches that feed our discussions. Therefore we need to design our agendas and work flows out from that Branch reports still good but we need to define their content. Maybe need a template that will include our agenda topics Current template means we provide the focus topic Coordinated branch meetings so they recognize their purpose is to provide good feedback to the Ed Committee rep so the person has another opportunity for feedback Circulation of all of our communications slightly quicker Increase the productivity at the AGM branch meetings, possibly Ed Committee provides a focus topic. Make use of this opportunity Notes About Desirable Events Forum platform events Aboriginal events Fine Arts showcase – art/music/dance Trustee activity/physical movement (Action Schools) Visit/tour to the Ministry of Education in Victoria Have an event on a docked cruise ship Post secondary educational teacher training. How do we prepare our teachers? Pre-Olympic intro Within our mandate – interactive forum with MLA-Ministers-related ministries 17 EDUCATION COMMITTEE Collaborative events – BCTF, BCSDSTA, BCPVPA, BCSSA, BCCPAC, CUPE, support staff unions Notes About Conference Topics Staff health Literacy plans Grad rates and transition, Gr. 1112. Grade transition – post secondary At risk ESL students – not yet meeting standards Aboriginal education 2020 Report – teacher training Trustee governance Who are we? Does the system know who we are – public? Reviewing and stating our purpose Healthy schools Exploring best practice – long term plans 2010-2015-2020 riding out the education implications of declining enrollment Cyber schools – distance education – socialize kids Educational issues children in poverty, targeting vulnerable for Strong Start Sustainability – saving $ initiatives Succession SPCs – are they working Environmental issues Safety School/Global Notes About Speakers Alan Blankstein Author of “Freedom Writers’ Diary” Bill Richardson Comedian Dennis Tupman Frank McKenna Iona Campagnolo Mary Collins Olympic/paralympic athlete Rick Hansen Rick Mercer Ruth Sutton Stephen Lewis Speakers from within Local community leaders Ministry representatives – directors 18 EDUCATION COMMITTEE Post-secondary deans of colleges, etc. Student – connect to topic Students/student leaders Superintendents – present and retired Notes About Our Vision Support membership and Board. Educational leadership Trustees are education leaders Trustees leading education Responsive Improved student achievement Communication hub/link/centre Leading the way to trustee development for student achievement. Linking education to trustees Beam, spotlight, dissemination Communication – education – support Vision Statement Education * Communication * Support Leading the way to trustee development for student achievement Goals 1. Raised profile of all trustees amongst the education community and the general public. 2. Enhanced alignment of activities that support professional development of all trustees. 19 EDUCATION COMMITTEE Attachment 6 BCSTA Bylaws – Section 12 (e) Education Committee The president shall appoint an Education Committee within two (2) weeks of the President assuming office and the members of the Committee shall hold office from their appointment to the close of the next AGM. The Committee shall consist of an Education Committee representative of each branch as elected by each branch and a member of the Board of Directors of the Association (other than the executive director) who shall also act as a liaison between the Committee and the Board of Directors. The duties of the Education Committee shall include: a. to formulate the program of the Annual General meeting and make arrangements so as to facilitate and support activities at the AGM; b. to identify educational issues of concern to school boards and trustees in British Columbia; c. to share knowledge regarding research and policies related to public school education; d. to formulate recommendations for action by the Board of Directors, the Provincial Council and the membership at general meetings on education matters of provincial concern; e. to establish opportunities for the discussion of education issues; f. to recommend topics for leadership development seminars. 20 EDUCATION COMMITTEE Committee Roles and Responsibilities Sample for Discussion Only BCSTA Education Committee Purposes 1. To make recommendations regarding professional development activities for BC boards of education and school trustees 2. To review and consider relevant information about educational matters 3. To bring recommendations and motions regarding educational matters to the Board of Directors and/or Provincial Council as needed Specific Responsibilities 1. To identify educational issues of concern to school boards and trustees in British Columbia; 2. To gather and share knowledge regarding research and policies related to public education; 3. To establish opportunities for the discussion of education issues; 4. To advise on the educational program for the Annual General Meeting and other trustee development activities; 5. To recommend action by the Board of Directors, the Provincial Council and the membership at Annual General Meetings on education matters of provincial concern. Membership & Officers 1. One member from each branch of the Association (8) 2. One member representing the Board of Directors (1) 3. One member representing the BC School Superintendents’ Association (1) 4. The President of the Association formally appoints the Committee members within 2 weeks of the Annual General Meeting each year 5. The Committee elects a Chair and Vice-Chair annually at the first meeting following the BCSTA Annual General Meeting 6. The BCSTA Senior Director of Education attends meetings and provides staff support to the Committee Decision Making 1. Six members constitute a quorum 2. Formal recommendations for action must be presented as motions, duly moved and seconded 3. Motions must be passed by a simple majority of those members present Meetings 1. The Committee will meet at least four times per year and/or at the call of the Chair. 21 EDUCATION COMMITTEE 2. One meeting must be held at least sixty days prior to the Annual General Meeting. Reporting Relationship 1. The Committee reports to the BCSTA Board Directors; 2. Members report individually to the bodies that they represent; 3. Draft minutes of meetings are presented to the next meeting of the Committee for final approval; 4. The Board of Directors representative on the Committee presents the approved minutes to the next meeting of the Board; 5. The Committee Chair presents summary reports to the Provincial Council meetings and to the Annual General Meeting; 6. Minutes and records of Committee meetings and business are filed online in accordance with Association practices. Reference: BCSTA Bylaws, Section 12 (e) 22 EDUCATION COMMITTEE Attachment 7 BCSTA 104th AGM Evaluation Synopsis Annual General Meeting and Conference Sessions Over 120 people responded to the online evaluation questionnaire regarding the AGM. Accomplishments 1. The keynote speakers, Bob Rae and Mary Delagardelle, were well received by most delegates and received numeric scores of 3.32/4.00 and 3.27/4.00 respectively. 2. Other top rated items in the numeric evaluation results were: BCSTA staff support Dance Band (Wager - Saturday night) Meeting facilities Student performers Conference materials (registration package, handouts, etc.) Hotel accommodations 3. Concurrent workshops all received at least a “satisfactory” rating (>2.5); those on district literacy plans and aboriginal environmental education programs received the highest ratings. 4. There were many suggestions for improvement in the business meeting part of the AGM (see below), but all aspects polled received ratings of at least 3.00/4.00 – a good rating. 5. Most delegates appreciated the additional room and the service at the Westin Bayshore Hotel, although there are concerns about the cost. Improvements 1. The most strongly expressed concern was that the Annual General Meeting carried over into Sunday. Many respondents commented that the focus of the AGM should be on the business meeting more than the educational sessions. 2. Although the Westin Bayshore was a much more comfortable venue than the Coast Plaza, there were concerns about cost. Further, while most respondents were pleased with the hotel, there were a few complaints about inadequate sleeping rooms and coffee, breakfast shortages. 3. While many respondents enjoyed the Gala Banquet and dance there are a few who feel this is too extravagant an event and inappropriate for our AGM. 4. The long service awards went quite smoothly and efficiently, a few thought that it could be organized differently. 23 EDUCATION COMMITTEE Numeric Evaluation Summary1 Questionnaire Item 1 Score Q1. Keynote Speaker: The Honorable Bob Rae 3.32 Q2. Canadian School Boards Assn Presidents' Panel 2.89 Q3. Address: Minister Shirley Bond 2.70 Q4. Concurrent 1: The Chuntoh Education Society 3.08 Q5. Concurrent 2: Help is Down the Hall 2.88 Q6. Concurrent 3: Assessment: The Sequel 2.83 Q7. Concurrent 4: Encouraging Local Democracy 2.97 Q8. Concurrent 5: District Literacy Plans 3.22 Q9. The Impact of School Boards on Student Achievement - The Lighthouse Inquiry 3.27 Q10. Candidates' Forum 3.29 Q11. AGM Business Sessions 3.13 Q12. Election of Officers 3.16 Q13. Student performers 3.58 Q14. President's Reception (Thursday night) 3.23 Q15. CUPE Reception (Friday night) 3.31 Q16. Reception & Gala Dinner (Saturday night) 3.49 Q17. Long Service Recognition (Saturday night) 3.30 Q18. Dance Band (Saturday night) 3.59 Q19. Food and refreshments 3.43 Q20. Meeting facilities 3.59 Q21. Hotel accommodations 3.54 Q22. Conference materials (registration package, handouts, etc.) 3.55 Q23. Sponsor displays and handouts 3.00 Q24. BCSTA staff support 3.80 Q25. Overall, the AGM was ... 3.39 This is a score calculated from the survey responses. The highest possible score is 4.00, and the mid-point is 2.5 – any score over 3.0 is good, over 3.5 is excellent. 24 EDUCATION COMMITTEE Attachment 8 Upcoming Trustee Academies – Draft Overview December 4-6, 2008; Westin Bayshore Hotel, Vancouver: The Key Work Conference Thursday, December 4 Morning Possible Pre-Conference Workshop(s) (50) 1. Pearson sponsored workshop on Differentiated Instruction 2. Session for chairs, superintendents on - productive working relationship; - orienting your new trustees Afternoon Committee and Board Meetings Conference Setup Evening 6:00 Registration 7:30 – 9:00 Opening Plenary Theatre style Student performance Connie’s Welcome Keynote: Mossi White (booked) 9:00 – 11:00 President’s Reception and light entertainment Friday, December 5 – Morning 7:30 Registration Desk Opens 7:30 – 8:15 Breakfast 8:30 – 10:15 Plenary workshop The Big Picture: How do boards improve student achievement 10:15 – 10:45 Break – Action Schools 10:45 – 12:00 (plenary workshop cont.) 12:00 – 1:30 LUNCH - Minister of Education Afternoon 1:30 – 2:45 PM Board Boot Camp 1 Plenary with a small team presenting concepts from Key Works and facilitating discussion [Question: which experienced trustees should we include on a small instructional team to help present this part of the program?] 2:45 – 3:15 Break 3:15 – 4:30 (Boot camp cont.) [Roles and responsibilities, Relationships, group dynamics and teamwork] 4:00 Afternoon/evening event? 25 Saturday, December 6 Morning 7:30 Registration Desk Opens 7:30 – 8: 15 Branch Breakfasts 8:30 – 10:00 Concurrent Sessions 1 10:00 – 10:30 Break – Action Schools 10:30 – 12:00 Concurrent Sessions 2 12:00 – 1:30 LUNCH Partner’s Exhibit Include a partners’ exhibit event (BCTF, BCSSA, etc.) Afternoon 1:30 – 3:00 Board Boot Camp 2 Second plenary [Community engagement, monitoring & oversight] 3:00 – 3:30 Refreshment Break 3:30 – 4:30 Closing Plenary: Improv with Theatresports 4:30 Adjourn Conference Education Committee Evaluation Meeting EDUCATION COMMITTEE Possible Speakers: 1. Bob Chartier 2. Mike Corbett 3. Mary Delagardelle 4. Graham Dickson 5. Robert Josephs 6. Ben Levin 7. Todd Maffin 8. Peter Norman 9. Kerry Price 10. Gail Roberts 11. Tim Waters (McRel, ASCD) Possible Concurrent Sessions: 1. Meetings: Robert’s Rules 2. Aboriginal Enhancement Agreements 3. Your Association (BCSTA) 4. Dealing With Appeals 5. Measuring achievement 6. Fine Arts Programs (EdCom motion) 26 EDUCATION COMMITTEE February 25-28, 2009; Coast Plaza Hotel, Vancouver The Policy and Practice Conference Wednesday, February 25 Morning 8:30 Coffee, muffins 9:00 BCSTA Board Meeting Education Committee Meeting Aboriginal Education Committee Meeting LUNCH BREAK Afternoon Meetings Continue Evening 6:00 Academy Registration 7:30 – 9:00 Official Opening Student Entertainment Plenary Presentation The new world of public education: looking to the future 9:00 – 11:00 President’s Reception Thursday, February 26 Morning Friday, February 26 Morning Saturday, February 27 Morning 7:30 Registration Desk Opens 7:30 Registration Desk Opens 7:30 Provincial Council Registration 7:30 – 8:30 Full Breakfast 7:30 – 8:30 Full Breakfast 8:30 Provincial Council Meeting 8:30 – 10:15 Concurrent 1 Info Sessions – hot topics 8:30 – 10:15 Concurrent 3 - practice 12:00 – 1:15 LUNCH 10:15 – 10:45 Break Afternoon Provincial Council Meeting continues 10:15 – 10:45 Break 10:45 – 12:00 Concurrent 2 (cont.) 12:00 – 1:30 LUNCH 10:45 – 12:00 Concurrent 4 (cont.) 12:00 – 1:15 LUNCH Afternoon 1:30 – 2:45 Facilitated Hot Topics Discussion World Café Style Afternoon 1:15 – 2:30 The education world we want: facilitated matrix discussion as per Metro plan 2:45 – 3:15 Break 2:30 – 3:00 Break 3:15 – 4:30 Cont. 3:00 – 4:15 Cont. With walkabout report out. 4:30 – 5:00 Entertaining closing session Social Event Networking Dinners Concurrent Topic Ideas - policy: 1. Early learning 2. Aboriginal issues 3. Year round schooling 4. Impact of technology 5. Funding education Concurrent Topic Ideas: practice 1. Working through conflict 2. Preparing/evaluating policies 3. Dealing with media 4. Performance planning and review 27 EDUCATION COMMITTEE Attachment 9 Report on: 2008 Spring Forum School Completion and Beyond BC School Superintendents’ Association (BCSSA) - Vancouver Island Chapter Thursday, May 22, 2008 - Coast Bastion Inn, Nanaimo Chair’s Report Trustee Grinham and I, along with our Assistant Superintendent, Sherry Elwood, district staff members: Jeff Taylor, Paul Berry, Liz McKenzie, Lori Carpenter, Jeff Stewart, Lynn Joseph, Randy Grey, Gerald Fussell, Sheila Shanahan, Craig Olson, and Sue Dietrich attended the BC School Superintendents’ Association – Vancouver Island Chapter – 2008 Spring Forum -“School Completion and Beyond” May 22nd, 2008, Nanaimo, B.C. The purpose of the forum was to bring teacher leaders, school leaders and district leaders on Vancouver Island together to engage in dialogue on the topic of improving school completion and beyond. There were three presentations throughout the day with table group discussions addressing key questions regarding each presentation. Focus on Hands-on Learning, SD 62 (Sooke) Focus on Aboriginal Students, SD 72 (Campbell River) Focus on District-Wide Initiatives, SD 61 (Victoria) All three presentations illustrated an outstanding commitment from all districts present in supporting students from K-12: From moving away from traditional classroom instruction and settings, to more hands-on project-based learning to increasing Aboriginal success through planning and purposeful support to a systematic response to withdrawals and dropouts. Every student counts – we need to be very purposeful in dealing with addressing our challenges regarding the number of students who do not complete grade 12. It was stated that the number of students over a six year period that do not graduate could fill BC Place Stadium. We know all of our students need us. We need to ask ourselves, where do we lose the most numbers of students and why do students disconnect from academic success? 28 EDUCATION COMMITTEE Ideas and comments shared were: We need to make it more difficult for students to leave, early intervention is key; Provide intensive support and instruction where needed most – connections are intangibles you can't quantify, know our kids and their needs. What do we do when students aren’t learning? Ask students, How do you see yourself in your classroom? We need good structures that wrap programs around the needs “know first what is - then pursue what is needed.” Lots of great practice was shared and ideas for future consideration. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Sherry Elwood, Assistant Superintendent for extending the invitation to trustees and also to the BCSSA for organizing and sponsoring the forum. Our Board of Education recently adopted two overarching goals for the district: Closing the Achievement Gap to Improve Completion Building Leadership Capacity at all Levels and from all Partners We are committed to improving our grad rate. Forums such as this one are both timely and inspirational. I believe good ideas were shared and learned and we are positioned to move forward in a more purposeful and meaningful way. Respectfully Submitted Janice Proudfoot Board Chair SD 71 29 EDUCATION COMMITTEE Program 2008 Spring Forum School Completion and Beyond BC School Superintendents’ Association (BCSSA) - Vancouver Island Chapter Thursday, May 22, 2008 - Coast Bastion Inn, Nanaimo 8:00 - 9:00 Registration / Continental Breakfast 9:00 - 9:20 Welcome, Purpose FOCUS ON HANDS-ON LEARNING - SD62 (Sooke) [l0-15 minutes] Table Group Discussion [25-30 minutes] 1. Briefly describe what interested you in attending this forum. 2. What aspect of the Sooke presentation interested or challenged you the most? Selected Reporting Out [15 minutes] Tables 1-8 report - Question 2 only. Break FOCUS ON ABORIGINAL STUDENTS - SD72 (Campbell River) [10-15 minutes] Table Group Discussion [25-30 minutes] 1. What aspect of the Campbell River presentation interested or challenged you the most? 2. How might some of what you have heard this morning help advance school completion and transitions for aboriginal learners in your school or district? Selected Reporting Out [15 minutes] Tables 9-16 report - Question 2 only. Lunch (provided) FOCUS ON DISTRICT-WIDE INITIATIVES - SD61 (Victoria) [20-30 minutes] Table Group Discussion [20-25 minutes] 1. How might this kind of initiative advance school completion and transitions in your school or district? 2. What aspect of today’s presentations and conversations are you looking at most for further discussion back at your school and/or district? Selected Reporting Out [15 minutes] Tables 17-23 report - Question 2 only. 30 EDUCATION COMMITTEE SO WHAT? NOW WHAT? (Assemble as District Teams) - District Discussion “SO WHAT? NOW WHAT?” (Vancouver Island Superintendents) What were your expectations of this forum? How might you leverage this forum into thoughtful action and meaningful results? Any thoughts for next year’s forum? Closing Comments Who should attend? The purpose of the forum is to build capacity, school by school and district by district, for improving student success with “School Completion and Beyond.” This event serves as a focal point for taking action and sharing practice on what’s working and what’s not. It will be an important professional learning and networking opportunity for secondary school administrators, teacher leaders and district leaders. Registration Vancouver Island School Districts (SD 47,61,62,63,64,68,69,70,71,72,79,84,85): The Superintendent or designate will need to send a District Team list (name, assignment, school and district) to Andrea Wareham,, by April 15, 2008. No registration fee will be charged. The meeting room, equipment and meal costs will be covered by the BCSSA, Vancouver Island Chapter. Others Wishing to Attend? If you are interested in attending, please send your request (name, assignment, school and district) to Andrea Wareham,, by April 15, 2008. We will be accepting a limited number of guests. No registration fee will be charged. For more information, please contact Andrea Wareham at 250-741-5335. Hotel Accommodation A block of rooms has been set aside at the Coast Bastion Inn, Nanaimo. The room rates are $107 for a Superior Room and $92 for a Comfort Room. Please call 1-800-716-6199 to make your reservation and quote the “School Completion and Beyond Forum”. 31 EDUCATION COMMITTEE SCHOOL COMPLETION AND BEYOND - GRANT PROPOSAL Program Focus: The six year graduation completion rate in British Columbia was the focus of the BC Progress Board Report of December 2006: Working - Together to Improve Performance: Preparing BC’s Public Education System for the Future. As a follow up to the BCSSA committee’s work on Enhancing Learning during the 2006-2007 school year, the Vancouver lsland Chapter of BCSSA would like to build on this good work by hosting an annual Regional Forum to bring educators from throughout the Vancouver lsland Region together to share, collaborate, and enhance the work on improving student success as demonstrated by graduation completion rates. Rationale: Based on observations of the recent November 1st Okanagan-Mainline forum on Student Success, the lsland Region’s thirteen districts would benefit from a similar regional event held annually on Vancouver Island. Some examples of possible collaboration and program sharing would be as follows: Victoria School District has been doing some pilot work in the area of graduation rate analysis and follow-up - this would be shared with other regional districts; AIberni School District has been hosting student success celebration events in its community - this would be informing to other districts in the region; Nanaimo-Ladysmith School District has restructured its alternative learning programs in attempts to improve graduation rate student success and could share its initial findings; School districts in the region have developed local relationships with colleges and universities that support successful transitions for students between the organizations these relationships would be shared. Based on the BCSSA ‘Enhancing Learning’ committee’s report to the Ministry of Education, the Vancouver lsland chapter holds the following as strong rationale for this project: Improving school completion and beyond is an important societal and school system goal. We know that the progress we achieve with this goal will fundamentally help students create a positive future for themselves, their families and their communities. We know that success can look different for different students. This is why it is important to examine the relevancy of programs for all students and ensure that appropriate programming, learning opportunities, assessment tools and credentials are provided, promoted and accessed. To develop ways to meet all students’ learning needs, we need to underscore the value of academic, vocational, technical, artistic and other learning pathways to success. We know that improving school completion and beyond involves a complex, evolving context of factors in which there are multiple variables at play. Changing immigration patterns, strong labor markets, and inclusive education represent some of the variables that have affected school learning environments. We know that to make significant progress. With this goal we need to build capacity for action in each of the regions of the province. As effective practices for improving school completion and 32 EDUCATION COMMITTEE beyond are identified and developed, schools and districts will readily share their insights and successes to inform practice. Research: Districts in the region are building student graduation completion rate data into their district Achievement Contracts. Strategies being selected by districts to address this goal of improving student graduation rates are based on current literature and best practice. Collaboration: The Vancouver Island chapter of BCSSA is known provincially for its strength as a collaborative learning community. A program such as this will enhance this already strong organization as it places emphasis on this important work around student achievement. Data: Both qualitative and quantitative data analyses would be used in the discussion collaboration work at this forum and would be used to identify problem areas, patterns or successes and to make decisions. Format and Timeline: The Vancouver Island forum activities will be inquiry based to ensure that participants are engaged as learners. The thirteen districts would be encouraged to send significant team numbers to the forum (the Okanagan-Mainline forum had close to 250 participants). Presentations and discussions will give consideration to the varying contexts and cultures that exist: rural/urban, large/small, aboriginal/non-aboriginal, gender issues. The projected outcomes of the first forum are: Each district becomes more knowledgeable about the issues, promising practices and ideas strategies Each district is committed to following up at the school level The strategies and approaches to collaboration will vary from district to district; The focus on advancing the goal of improving school completion and beyond will be constant. Each district will explore and develop ways of engaging all partner groups in this shared enterprise. All districts will be asked to identify, develop and implement new, imaginative ways of sharing and communicating ideas and stories of the progress achieved. All districts will work closely with the superintendents of achievement and the superintendent of liaison, all of whom will have crucial roles in enhancing connections, resources and communication among districts and schools. Representatives from the different colleges and universities would be invited as observer participants, including transitions coordinators for the regions they serve. Questions to schools districts will be sent to districts before the forum so that participants come prepared to engage in informed discussion. Forum One would be held in Spring 2008, with Forum Two and Forum Three to be held in Spring 2009 and Spring 2010. Applicability to other regions: This long-term initiative to mobilize the regions will only be effective if we can successfully engage teacher leaders, school leaders and district leaders in 33 EDUCATION COMMITTEE improving school completion and beyond. This will occur between, among and within districts, with forms of engagement that will vary depending on context, priorities and needs. Evaluation: Post-event evaluation forms will be completed by participants of the Year One forum. As well, this initiative will be part of on-going discussion at Island Chapter meetings. 34