Position Paper Assignment In the position paper you are trying to convince your reader of your position on one side of an issue. Each research group has determined a debatable question, and each individual will be writing a paper answering this question either yes or no. You are expected to support your position using the literature that you have found so far and any other sources that you find now that you have narrowed your topic. We expect to see a variety of sources in your bibliography, and we expect to only see sources that you have cited in the body of your paper. Below is a list of the research groups with the question that each group has decided to debate. The pairings for the pro and con sides of each issue are also listed. If you are listed in the pro column below, you will write your position paper answering the question “yes”. In the debate you will take the con side of the question and answer “no”. The opposite is true if you are in con side below. You should consider the audience for this paper to be one of your peers. Use MLA style for the citations and the bibliography. This paper should be four to five pages in length. Draft 1 is due on Tuesday April 18. Draft 2 is due on Thursday May 4. The grading criteria for this paper will be the following: 1) How persuasive are you? 2) How well do you support your position with the literature? How good is your evidence? 3) How well is the paper written (overall organization, flow within and between paragraphs, mechanics and MLA style). Pro Con Reed Anne Aaron Charlie Adam Ryan Jason Nick Meg Kelly Darby Jacqueline Bob Gary Dan Sarah Mike Nicola Alyssa TJ Christian Maggie MT Thom Maia Karen Cheryl Rachel April Christa Wamae David Question Should drunk driving laws be made tougher? Has modern (post WWII) machinery (technology?) had an overall positive impact on society? If we have the technology to achieve human engineering, should we? Should we be spending money researching extra terrestrial life? Should gay marriage be legalized? Was it a racist act to move Japanese Americans into interment camps during WWII? Should affirmative action be used in admission to colleges and universities? Is it right for a government to lie to or manipulate its people through propaganda?