Name Justin Felix The Truth About Exercise Film Worksheet What do they measure in the blood in the walking study They measure how much fat thats in your blood. What do they measure in the blood in the high intensity training (HIT) cycling study? Breaks down the glycogen stored in the muscle. The ammount of glucose strored. (inculin function) What is N.E.A.T.? Non-exercise activity thermogenesis Did Michael improve his VO2 max from the high intensity cycling study? What makes you say yes or no? No, he is a non-responder to the VO2 max because he didnt show no improvements and was tested and shown to be a non- responder. Is Michael a responder or a non-responder? Explain why he is not a responder because of his genes. Name one pro and one con to the HIT protocol. Pro:Being able to exersice and just walk so the amount of fat in the blood can decreasel. Con: You might not be able to see any diffrence Name one pro and one con to N.E.A.T. Pro: It gets you moving and loosing calories without even breaking a sweat Con: what if you are unable to walk around at your job and sitting will tamper with your NEAT data. What is one question you have about the documentary? Is there anyway now to become a responder if your genes dont match up to be successful at the VO2 max?