Uploaded by Tucker Hall

Decision Making Worksheet: Pros, Cons, and Impacts

2.01 Decision Making
Total points: 46
Answer using complete sentences.
Decision-Making Process
List the steps in the decision-making process.
2. Isolate your decision
5. Make a choice
6. Evaluation
A Scenario
The parents of your friend Les are out of town. Les is having a party and you are invited. Your
two closest friends want to go to the party and want you to join them.
List three (3) ways you could respond to this situation. State one pro and one con for each of
your responses. Give an example of a possible short-term impact and a possible long-term
impact for each response.
7. Response I would go Pro I get to go to the party Con I could do something dumb
Short-term Impact I have fun at the party
Long-term Impact I do something dumb and
my ego is ruined
8. Response I would go to the party
Pro I can have fun
Con I don't have fun
Short-term Impact I have fun or i don't
Long-term Impact I do something really
9. Response I don't go to the party
Pro I stay at home and play my game
get bored
Short-term Impact Nothing Long-term Impact Nothing
10. What personal values would influence your choice? My brain
11. What factors make it difficult to make a healthy decision? Pier pressure
Con i
12. Which of your responses do you feel you would be most likely to choose in this situation?
"No I do not want to go"
13. Why would you choose this response? Because I would not want to hurt myself or my mental
health by going to a party and letting things get worse