RVC characteristic project.doc

Mr. Yanno
Global History and Geography
River Valley Civilization Project
Student Name: _________________________ Project Due Date: October
Choose one of the Ancient River Valley Civilizations (except Egypt) and prove it was a
civilization by demonstrating how it had 4-5 of the characteristics of civilization.
You may research:
1. Mesopotamia (You may do a project on Mesopotamia in general, or any of the
civilizations that appeared there: Sumer or the Akkadian, Babylonian, or Assyrian
2. Indus River Valley Civilization (also known as the Harappan Civilization)
3. Ancient China (You may do a project on Ancient China in general, or the Shang or
Zhou dynasties)
You may not research Ancient Egypt!
Your project must include:
- a map of your civilization (you may use the attached map or draw or print one)
- an introduction to your project with basic information (the name of the civilization,
where it was located, when it existed what river(s) it was located on)
- an description and analysis (how it was used, why it was important) of at least four
characteristics of civilization
Your project can be:
- an essay (with an introduction, at least four body paragraphs (one for each
characteristic), and a conclusion)
- an artifact analysis pamphlet*
- an “artifact box*”
- a format of your choice with my approval (must include everything in the “Your Project
Must Include” section.”
Your research will come from:
- in class via textbooks (you will have 1-2 research and work days)
- at home via internet, personal books, public library, etc.
Most of the work will be completed outside of the classroom!
* You will see examples of this in class.
** Architecture (pyramids and ziggurats, for example) can be included in The Arts.
On the following pages you will see examples of possible projectsEssay Example
Your Essay must have a/an
• Introduction that describes your civilization (when it was, where it was, what river(s) it
was located near, and what the characteristics of civilization are).
• A map of your chosen civilization showing where it was located and what rivers were
located there.
• At least four body paragraphs describing how your civilization had different
characteristics of civilization (one paragraph per characteristic),
• A conclusion that summarizes your main idea,
Ancient Egypt began as a civilization in 3100 BCE and ended with Alexander the Great’s
conquest in 321 BCE. Ancient Egypt was located in the Nile River Valley along the Nile River,
which it depended on for its survival. Civilizations can be identified by their characteristics.
Civilizations have a stable food supply, art and architecture, religion, government, social
structure, technology, and writing. Ancient Egypt was a civilization because it had all of these
characteristics. This essay will focus on three of these characteristics in Ancient Egypt - a stable
food supply, social class, and writing.
Ancient Egypt was able to survive because they had a stable food supply. Providing a
stable food supply for its civilization was extra difficult in Ancient Egypt because most of Egypt
is desert. However, the Nile River provided Ancient Egyptians with the resources it needed for
survival. For example, the Nile’s annual floods provided water and silt needed to grow crops.
Ancient Egyptians also used different irrigation techniques to water their crops. For example,
they developed an irrigation system using large basins to to collect the Nile’s flood water. The
result of the yearly floods was a rich, fertile soil that allowed Ancient Egyptians to grow cereal
grains, wheat, flax, which they used to make linen, and raise animals such as cattle, goats, sheep,
and pigs. Ancient Egyptians used to call their civilization “The Gift of the Nile,” and they were
right. Without the Nile’s life-giving waters, Ancient Egypt would never be able to grow the food
they needed to survive. Another characteristic Egypt had was social class.
1. Annotate the above paragraph by underling at least three examples of how Ancient
Egypt was able to provide a stable food supply.
2. According to the ESSAY PROJECT EXAMPLE, why was Egypt called “The Gift of the
Artifact Analysis Pamphlet Example
Your artifact analysis pamphlet must have:
• Introduction (see description and sample on the ESSAY EXAMPLE page)
• A map (see description on the ESSAY EXAMPLE page)
• At least four drawn or printed artifacts described with a title or caption (typically
primary sources, but can include secondary sources like the pyramid below), at least
one for each characteristic.
• A description of the artifact and its purpose/how it was used, and why it was important
in Ancient Egypt.
Social Structure Pyramid
Social Class in Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt had social structure. The social
structure pyramid and the ancient painting below
show examples of social structure in Ancient
Egypt. The pyramid to the right shows the different
classes in Egyptian society. On the top is the Pharaoh
who controlled most aspects of life in Ancient Egypt.
Ancient Egyptians believed their pharaohs were part
god. Under the Pharaoh were priests and nobles,
who helped run the civilization. Below them were
merchants and and artisans. Scribes were included
in this category as well. At the bottom of Ancient
society were farmers and slaves. The painting below
shows social class as well. You will notice that the Pharaoh and his wife were painted to appear
larger than others in Ancient Egypt. The more important you were, the bigger you appeared in
Ancient Egyptian Painting Showing Social Structure
1. Annotate an example of social structure in any of the pictures above.
2. How do you know Ancient Egypt had social structure? ________________________
Artifact Box Example
I will show the class an example of an artifact box for Ancient Egypt.
Your artifact box must have
• Introduction (see description and sample on the ESSAY EXAMPLE page)
• A map (see description on the ESSAY EXAMPLE page)
• At least four mini-artifacts from your civilization. A mini-artifact may be symbols,
drawings, clay models, etc., that represent a characteristic of your chosen River Valley
• A decorated box to keep your artifacts in. Your decorated box should be decorated in
a way that reflects the River Valley Civilization you are researching. You could also
decorate it with the map for your project.
• A completed packet (I will provide) describing each of your mini-artifacts, what it was
used for or its purpose, and why you believe the artifact is important.
Before the discovery of the Rosetta Stone, we didn’t know the meaning of Ancient
Egyptian hieroglyphics. The Rosetta Stone is inscribed with three languages - Ancient
Egyptian hieroglyphs, a script used in Ancient Egypt, and Ancient Greek. Because the
same thing was written in all three types of writing, it led to being able to understand
Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics.
1. What is the significance of the Rosetta Stone? ______________________________
Can you write your name in hieroglyphics?your name in hieroglyphics?