The Research Paper

The Research Paper
“The Truth is Out There”
“You Are Not Alone”
When thinking about writing a research paper, students often feel overwhelmed by the challenge
rather than excited by the opportunity. They think of it as a monumental task they will have to
accomplish alone. This in no way describes the 1A experience. You will have tons of support
from your instructor, the librarians, your classmates, and other researchers and writers. In fact,
all of Library 10 focuses on teaching you research techniques. I will help you divide the project
into manageable stages. If you keep up with the check points and seek help when you need it, the
project will seem doable. If you choose a topic you feel real curiosity about, you may even find
the research process fun and empowering. Imagine that!
You may write on any subject relating to our topic, food, and it must have a thesis; otherwise, you will
have written a report. The paper requires 7-10 pages, double-spaced, 12 pt Times New Roman, with 1”
margins all around. You must use at least 5 sources from 3 different types of media. You will not have an
opportunity for revision after you submit the final draft.
Grading Criteria: Check Points 100 pts + Paper 100 pts = 200 pts
(200 / 1000 = 20% of final class grade)
The Check Points
Topic 10 pts.
Due Date_________
This states the general area you wish to explore. For example, corn. At this point, you do not
need to commit to the topic. Use it just as a starting point for investigation. On the due date, you
will share your topic aloud in class. This way, the class will have a sense of what interests
everyone and we can all look out for resources for each other. You may change your topic up
until the Specified Topic due date. Then, you must commit and cannot change your topic.
Specified Topic 10 pts.
Due Date_________
By now, you should have a good idea of where you want to focus your research and feel
ready to narrow your topic. For example, if you chose corn for your general topic, a specified
topic might focus on GMO corn health risks, or corn derivatives, or preserving corn biodiversity. You may also have researched corn and decided that the topic will not sustain your
interest for the entire research process and that you instead want to devote your time the health
risks faced by immigrant farm workers harvesting conventionally grown lettuce. Once you
confirm your Specified topic with me, you must commit to it. You cannot change your topic after
this due date. Again we will do this as a class so that we may all support each other in this
process. Another classmate might have a valuable source for you.
Source Citations (part of homework grade)
Due Date_________
To make sure we make steady progress and to practice making a works cited, please use MLA to
cite 3 sources each from a different kind of media.
Source Report 20 pts.
Due Date_________
Through both your work in Library 10 and your independent study time, you should now have
collected all of your sources. You need at least 5 sources of at least 3 different types. A source
report is an MLA citation for each source and a few brief sentences explaining specifically how
this source will contribute to your paper. You will need an MLA handbook or website to
complete this correctly. If you cite your sources correctly, then you’ll already have your works
cited page!
Thesis 10 pts.
Due Date_________
One clear sentence that presents the argument that your research paper will support.
Thesis Paragraph 10 pts.
Due Date_________
In this paragraph, you will develop your thesis. It may or may not serve as your introductory
paragraph as well.
S-E-E paragraph outline, intro, and conclusion 20 pts.
Due Date_________
To receive the most beneficial peer review feedback, bring the most complete outline of your
paper as possible. It MUST have an introduction, thesis, S-E-E paragraphs, conclusion, and
works cited.
Sensory Aid Brainstorm . (part of homework grade)
Due Date_________
A sensory aid appeals to one of our 5 senses and makes presentations more fun and interesting
for the audience while providing a focus point for the presenter. You can bring an artifact for us
to see and feel, something to eat, music or a brief speech to listen to, a short video clip to watch,
or even something to smell! If you choose video (or anything that requires using technology)
you MUST make an appointment with me prior to your presentation time to test the
classroom compatibility.
Workshop 20 pts
Due Date_________
The workshop gives us an opportunity to help each other see what we have done well and
what we want to improve before submitting the paper for a grade. It allows us both an
opportunity to receive feedback and an opportunity to develop our critical reading skills. I
will look for useful comments on essays and evidence of incorporating input
The Paper (100 pts.) Due at the beginning of class
Due Date_________
10 pts. Introduction: interesting and hooks the reader.
15 pts. Thesis: clear, focused, provides a map for the paper.
12 pts. Paragraphs: well developed with specific, relevant details and clear transitions.
8 pts. Sentences: a variety of structures free of grammar and punctuation errors.
5 pts. Words: effective and appropriate word choice.
5 pts. Active Voice: few to no “to be” verbs
10 pts. In-text documentation: Proper MLA.
10 pts. Conclusion: provides closure and insight.
5 pts. Proofreading: free of distracting errors and typos.
10 pts. Works Cited: Proper MLA format.
10 pts. Presentation: interesting 10 minute presentation with sensory aid.
The Presentation
During your presentation, you will talk to the class for 5-7 minutes about both your research and
about the research process (what you found and how you found it). Consider: Why did you
choose your topic? Did you find it easy or difficult to get reliable, valid information? What
surprised you? What did you enjoy/ hate most? What essential information do you want
the class to know? What part of your argument do you think the strongest? Please bring a
sensory aid. Music and video clips may run 2 minutes max in addition to your 5-7 minute
presentation. We will have many presentations, so make them interesting! Feel ready to answer
questions as each audience member will write down one question for each presenter as part of
the class participation grade.
I look forward to your research papers. I think of them as one of the most interesting and
rewarding projects you will complete this semester. They also create opportunities for you to
show me everything you have learned from writing the short out of class essays. Remember,
your instructor, classmates, and librarians all want to help you succeed. Good luck and
Enjoy the process!
If you would like your graded research paper returned to you, please submit your paper in an
UNSEALED, self addressed, stamped 8 1/2 by 11 manila envelope.
English 1A
Research Topic
2. Class Time
3. Topic:
4. If you want to, you can change your topic completely by ________________
5. Specified Topic:
6. I understand that I cannot change my specified topic. I will research this topic for the
remainder of my 1A research project. (Signature)
7. A few sentences about how you chose and specified this topic. What interests you about this?
Where will you begin your research? Do you want me to know about any specific concerns or
challenges you feel worried about?