Recent Research and Consultancy Experience Intermediate Technology Consultants This is a summary of recent and current projects. information please visit our website COUNTRY Africa UK Nigeria Romania Mozambique Papau New Guinea International Peru Maldives For a full project listing and further PROJECT Small Scale Private Sector Participation in the Rural Water Supply Sector. Guidelines for effective participation of the small-scale private sector in rural water supply service provision, disseminated globally. Warwickshire ENGAGE Project. Identifying possible renewable energy projects in Warwickshire. Rural Electrification Strategy. Design of rural electrification strategy for the whole country. Small and Medium Town Infrastructure Development (SAMTID). Project appraisal and finance planning for SAMTID in Romania, especially water supply and waste water treatment improvements. Impact of Big Dams. Research paper for WWF. Rural Electrification Strategy and Policy. Policy development and regulatory approaches in support of rural electrification. Climate Care Proposals. Climate Care is an organisation that collects funds from individuals and companies to offset their carbon emissions. These funds are then used to finance renewable energy projects and the carbon credits are passed onto the funders. ITC is working with ITDG to act as a broker with Climate Care, and also suggesting funding for a number of solar lanterns. Rural Telecoms. Development of specific proposals, including changes to legislation for the telecoms regulating authority in Peru (OSIPTEL). Also the Ministry of Transport and Communications to provide incentives for the private sector to provide telecoms services in remote rural towns and in periurban areas. Hydroponics development. Provide technical assistance to support hydroponics research and small hydroponics enterprise producing fresh vegetables and fruit for tourism and local market. ITC Ltd - Recent Experience FUNDER DFID KaR DATES 2003 Warwickshire County Council World Bank 2003 EU 2003 WWF 2003 World Bank 2003 Climate Care 2003 World Bank 2003 UNDP 2002 2003 2003 Building Materials. Technical assistance to support the use of affordable building materials for housing and construction of schools and health facilities using local raw materials. Energy Access Program – Institutional PV Market. An assessment of the needs for energy in remote rural health and education facilities and for rural water supply. Recommendations for investment plans to improve energy facilities and guidelines for choosing energy systems to provide improved services. ComSec 20032005 Government of Ethiopia/ World Bank 2003 Solomon Islands Fisheries project mid-term Review. Evaluate progress and make recommendations for third phase of Rural Fisheries Enterprise Project. EC 2003 Rwanda Waste Pelletisation Feasibility Study Assessing the viability of a waste pelletisation project to use organic municipal waste in Kigali as fuel. DeloitteTouche/DFID 2002 International Financing Technology Transfer Preparation and presentation of paper on issues of financing technology transfer for SMEs (UNCTAD). DFID 2002 Rwanda Support to CITT Project design for DFID support to new Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer to provide technology development and adaptation services to local NGOs, government and small enterprises for improved rural technology. DFID 2002 International Publication on Micro Leasing Production of manuscript for ILO publication on micro leasing best practice. ILO 2002 International Generic Guidelines for incorporating Energy into multi-sector CDD investment projects Community-Driven Development projects allow communities to select the investments they want to make in infrastructure improvements and to manage the implementation. The guidelines are for facilitation teams to assist communities to understand the options and take decisions. World Bank 2002 Mozambique Ethiopia ITC Ltd - Recent Experience International Ethnoengineering Manual The manual provides guidelines for planners and contractors for working with indigenous communities in Latin America to understand the social and cultural issues around the design and management of community infrastructure investments. IADB 20012002 International Transport Resource Centre Member of consortium to provide support to DFID on transport issues for development. DFID 2002 South Africa IMBEWU II Technical assistance for improved low cost building techniques and building material use for educational facilities in South Africa. DFID 2002 Mozambique Energy Reform and Access – Micro Hydro A study to recommend a programmme of pilot micro hydro installations leading to the development of a sustainable micro hydro industry in Mozambique. World Bank 2002 Zambia Mining Sector Diversification Project Provision of adequate geological data to small-scale miners; improve small-scale miners' business management; equip SMMs with adequate mining, safety, valuation and processing skills; improve access to capital and equipment; introduce fair trade; create added-value for gemstones and other products; involve mining associations in the development of the sector, and improve road access in the mining areas. EU Sysmin 2002 2007 DFID 2000 2002 Zimbabwe, Kenya ICTs and growth of peri-urban informal sector enterprises Development of replicable models for using Information and Communication Technologies such as telephone, fax and internet in conjunction with traditional "downstream" media such as print and photocopy, in order to provide crucial business information to informal sector enterprises on a cost recoverable and sustainable basis. ITC Ltd - Recent Experience International ICTs and Enterprise Development Research Desk research to synthesise existing work and innovations in the use of ICTs for enterprise development. Highlight areas where ICTs could hold an advantage for developing countries in the field of Enterprise Development. DFID 2001 Mozambique Private Sector Participation in Energy in Mozambique A study to assess requirements for private sector investment in energy services in Mozambique. It will focus on small scale projects looking at increasing access to energy services for households/industries to modern forms of energy World Bank From 2001 Cuba Marketing Training for Cuban food producers Provide marketing training for local food producers to enable them to market their food products to the local hotel industry. UNIDO 20012002 Nepal, Kenya Disseminating Approaches to Sustainable Livelihoods Work with ICA office world-wide to create centres of expertise in Sustainable Livelihood workshop methodology and Sustainable Livelihood issues in water, energy and transport. DFID 20002001 Kyrgyzstan Support to Livelihoods of Livestock Producing Communities Identification of opportunities to support the livelihoods of livestock producing communities. DFID 2000 2001 Yemen Support to Micro and Small Enterprises Development Development of a support programme for the development of micro and small enterprises in a rural environment, with low population density, focusing on poor rural families. Training in subsector analysis, micro and small business development services. IFAD 2000 – 2005 Madagascar Normalisation of the Small-scale Mining Sector Intregrated management and assistance programme incorporating the organisation and legalisation of artisanal mining operations, reducing environmental impacts and conserving resources. World Bank 2000 – 2002 ITC Ltd - Recent Experience