Roll of Thunder Essay Prompts: Friendship, Respect, Coming-of-Age

Essay Prompts
1. Friendship: What is the importance of friendship? What makes a good/bad friend?
Throughout the novel, the characters develop a more adult understanding of what
friendship is as well as what it isn’t. They realize who their true friends are and also
make false friendships in order to achieve certain goals. They also discuss the rules and
boundaries of friendships.
What message is Mildred Taylor is sending about friendship? This message will become
your thesis. Now use examples from the novel to prove your thesis.
2. Respect: What is respect? How do people show respect toward others? In the novel,
different characters try to earn the respect of others. Think about which characters
attempt to gain respect. This can be respect from their peers or respect from people of
a different race. What are the different ways they try to gain respect? Are these
methods right or wrong ways of gaining respect? Who deserves respect? How do you
know? Why do they deserve it?
What is the message Mildred Taylor is sending about respect? This message will become
your thesis. Use examples from the novel to prove your thesis.
3. A Coming-of-Age story: A coming of age story is one in which a character changes
(usually as a result of some kind of conflict) and comes to grips with the realities of the
world. Think about the ways the characters in Roll of Thunder changed throughout the
Write a character analysis (for one or more characters) showing the ways in which the
characters change by the end of the story. Describe if these changes were positive or
negative for the characters.
We will be writing these essays one paragraph at a time in order to produce your final
writing assignment of the year! Remember to use what you’ve learned during class in
order to produce your best work.
Rough Draft due Friday, June 1
Final Draft due Thursday, June 7