LIFESTYLE SURVEY 1. Whenever you have stopped drinking or using drugs for more than a couple of days, have you experienced: (Check all that apply) No change Anxiety Depression Trouble sleeping Shakiness Irritability Moodiness Nausea/Vomiting Seizures Hallucinations Paranoia Body Aches/Pain 2. When you have gambled: Have you ever felt the need to bet more and more money? Have you ever lied to people important to you about your gambling? Yes No 3. When you have gone shopping or are spending money: Have you ever spent money to try to change the way you feel? Have you spent money you really couldn’t afford to spend? Have you ever lied to people important to you about your spending? Yes No 4. In regard to your past or present eating/dieting habits: Have people close to you ever expressed concern about your eating? Yes No 5. With regard to your past or present sexual activity: Yes Have you ever engaged in sexual activity for money, drugs or to survive? Have you ever lied about or hidden your sexual activities from family/friends? No 6. In regards to your computer use? Have you ever failed to fulfill important obligations at work, at home or with friends because of the time you spend on the computer? Have you ever lied about or hidden your activities while on line or the amount of time you spend on the computer from family or friends? No Yes 7. Have you experienced any of the following? 8. Thinking about ending your life Considering harming others Prior suicide attempts Violent thoughts Violent behavior Chronic depression Recent major life changes Emotional trauma Acute anxiety Abuse Social isolation Significant losses Difficulty coping Chronic fears Obsessive thoughts or behaviors Seeing or hearing things that others don’t see or hear Fears of going crazy Significant changes in eating or sleeping habits Past domestic violence Current domestic violence Please list your strengths and or things you do well: ____________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Please list things you do to cope or feel better: ________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ How do you learn best? (Check any/all that apply) Seeing Hearing Hands-on Other___________ Name: ______________________________ Date: __________