Monster 2.doc

By Walter Dean Myers
As we read Monster by Walter Dean Myers, you will have to complete several
assignments. Some assignments will be periodically reviewed for a grade, to ensure that
you are on track. At the conclusion of our reading of the novel, all assignments listed
must be turned in for a comprehensive grade. Due dates are provided after each
description. Be sure to keep all of your work together in a folder so that they can be
turned in neat and organized.
1. (50 pts.) Vocabulary, due dates listed below - You must have a total of 20
vocabulary words selected from the novel that you find unfamiliar. Create a
vocabulary square for each word, indicate the page number where the word can be
found in the novel, dictionary definition, (including part of speech) and write the
word in a sentence.
a. Words 1-10 words must come from pages 1-130; due Friday, 5/13
b. Words 11-20 must come from pages 130-281; due Friday, 5/27
2. (75 pts.) Reader’s Journal, due dates listed below: After reading each section (listed
below), you are required to write a (350-500 words) response to the pages covered.
The response should include a summary of the section, reaction to the events and
characters in that section, and your predictions for the next section. In your
predictions, explain your reasons for you predictions. Important: Your 1st
paragraph should be a summary of the section; the remainder of the page should
be your reaction and predictions for the next sections. Please review the due dates
for each section.
a. Pre-Reading Anticipation Guide Essay---------due Monday 4/25 (25 pts)
b. Section 1: July 6th –July 7th, pgs. 1-58; due Monday, 4/29
c. Section 2: July 8th-July 9th, pgs. 59-126; due Monday, 5/6
d. Section 3: July 10th –July 11th pgs. 127-149; due Monday, 5/13
e. Section 4: July 12th-July 13th, pgs. 153-200; due Monday, 5/20
f. Section 5: July 14th-Dec 5th, pgs. 201-281 due Monday 5/27
g. Post Reading Anticipation Essay------------Due Wednesday 5/1 (25 pts)
3. (50 pts.) Interview the Author, due Friday 5/27 - while reading the
novel, you may find yourself wondering what the author was thinking. Compile a list
of at least 15 questions you would like the author to clarify about the book. Your
questions can be about anything in the novel, just be sure to identify the page number
your question refers to. Review the list below for ideas:
a. the characters or setting
b. conflicts between characters
c. the themes explored in the novel
4. (75 pts.) Theme Essay, due Friday 5/20 - Powerful novels such as this one
contain a number of themes. Possible themes to explore in this book include:
• race and the justice system
• Peer pressure
• Living in poverty and the feeling of hopelessness
• Introspection- self analysis
Directions: Of the themes listed above, select the one, which you feel seems to be the
most dominant and most important theme in the novel. Point to specific examples from
the story to support your answer (be sure to identify the page number of your examples).
In addition, what other themes do you feel are part of this book?
Essay requirements:
• 400-550 words typed
• 5 or more paragraphs, including an introduction, body, and conclusion
• Clear topic sentence Times New Roman, 12 point font
5. (50 pts.) Movie Poster and Facebook Page -Due Friday 5/27
a. Create a movie poster for Monster. Pick your favorite scene from the book. That is the scene
you should illustrate on the poster. Use a 11 x 17 inch white construction paper. No part of the
white can show when you are finished. In addition to the drawing, write a short review of the
book on the poster.
b. Create a Facebook page for Steve
Total Points Possible - 300 points
Vocabulary ~ /50 pts
Theme Essay ~ /75pts
Reader’s Journal ~ /75 pts
Movie Poster ~ /50 pts
Interview the Author ~ /50 pts
Total Points _____Earned