Episode 27 16 September 2014 Activity th Alcohol Damage Key Learning Students will investigate the effects of alcohol on the brain and other parts of the body. The Australian Curriculum Health and Physical Education/Personal, Social and Community Health/Being healthy, safe and active Plan and practise strategies to promote health, safety and wellbeing Years 5 & 6 Health and Physical Education/Personal, Social and Community Health/Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing Recognise how media and important people in the community influence personal attitudes, beliefs, decisions and behaviours Years 5 & 6 Investigate and select strategies to promote health, safety and wellbeing Years 7 & 8 Discussion Questions 1. What was the main point of the Alcohol Damage story? 2. What is alcohol? 3. Why do you think people drink alcohol? 4. How does alcohol affect a person’s body? 5. How can alcohol affect a person’s behaviour? 6. Why do experts say that alcohol is bad for a developing brain? 7. Damage to the hippocampus makes it harder to... 8. Damage to the prefrontal cortex can affect... 9. Drinking over a long period of time can NOT cause cancer. True or False. 10. Apart from the brain, what other parts of the body are affected by alcohol damage? Activities Pre-Viewing activity Ask students to make some predictions about what the BtN Alcohol Damage story might be about before they watch the story. They can compare their predictions after viewing the story. Discuss the similarities and differences. Watch the BtN story again and ask students to record as many key words as they can. Students ©ABC 2014 then clarify their understanding of the key words by writing down what they think the word means. Swap definitions with a partner and ask them to add to or change the definition. Check them using a dictionary or other source. The effects of alcohol Discuss with students the issues raised in the BtN Alcohol story. Ask them to think about why they think people drink alcohol. Class brainstorm – How does alcohol affect our bodies? Record students’ responses. Research Questions What is alcohol? Alcohol is a depressant. What does that mean? How might a person’s behaviour change when they drink alcohol? What are the short-term effects of drinking alcohol? What can be the long-term effects of alcohol on the body? What effect does alcohol have on the brain? What areas of the brain does alcohol affect? How does drinking affect a teenage brain versus an adult brain? How does alcohol affect the brain? Working in pairs, students investigate the parts of the brain affected by alcohol. Go to http://www.abc.net.au/btn/resources/teach er/episode/20140916-alcoholdamageactivity.pdf to download the pdf. There are links at the end of this activity sheet to help students with their research. ©ABC 2014 What other body parts does alcohol affect? Students investigate other parts of the body, other than the brain, that are affected by alcohol. Go to http://www.abc.net.au/btn/resources/teach er/episode/20140916-alcoholdamageactivity.pdf to download the pdf. There are links at the end of this activity sheet to help students with their research. Encourage students to share their learning with other students. Further investigation: What are some other negative effects of drinking alcohol? Reflection In groups, students discuss: What they have learned about the effects of alcohol. Whether their views about alcohol have changed. Related Research Links Behind the News – Alcohol Damage http://www.abc.net.au/btn/story/s2003295.htm ABC News – Teenagers given alcohol by their parents more likely to be heavier drinkers, study says http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-09-08/teens-given-alcohol-by-parents-drink-more-study/5726532 Too Smart to Start – Alcohol and the Developing Brain http://www.toosmarttostart.samhsa.gov/families/facts/brain.aspx Alcohol, Think Again - Impact of Alcohol on the Developing Brain http://alcoholthinkagain.com.au/Parents-Young-People/Alcohol-and-the-Developing-Brain/Impact-of-Alcoholon-the-developing-brain Department of Education and Early Childhood Development - Alcohol and Adolescent Development http://www.education.vic.gov.au/Documents/school/teachers/health/factsheet12011.pdf ©ABC 2014