3rd Progress Report Draft BMZ-AK-DAR-MB-2. CA

Improved potato varieties and water management technologies to enhance water use
efficiency, resilience, cost-effectiveness, and productivity of smallholder farms in stressprone Central Asian environments
Annual Report
March 2014–February 2015
Prepared for:
Submitted by:
International Potato Center (CIP)
Third Progress Report
1. Name of IARC: International Potato Center (CIP), in collaboration with International Water
Management Institute (IWMI)Tashkent
2. Project Title: Improved potato varieties and water management technologies to enhance
water use efficiency, resilience, cost-effectiveness, and productivity of smallholder farms in
stress-prone Central Asian environments
3. GTZ Project Number and Contract Number: Project Processing No. 11.7860.7-001.00;
Contract No. 81141839
4. Reporting Period: March 2014–February 2015
5. Project Coordinator (Leading Scientist) and Project Scientists:
Dr. Merideth Bonierbale (Following departure of Carlo Carli from CIP in
ProjectScientists: CIP-Peru: Roberto Quiroz, David Ramirez, Awais Khan; CIP-Tashkent:
6. Collaborating Institutions and Staff including IARC, NARS, and German Partners:
Dr. A. Karimov Uzbekistan: IWMI-office for Central Asia, Tashkent:
IWMI-Central Asia Office: Dr. Akmal Karimov – Project coordinator, Head of IWMI-Central Asia
Office, Mr. Oyture Anarbekov – Socio-economist, Senior Research Officer at IWMI-Central Asia,
Mr. Kahramon Jumaboev – On-farm water management specialist, Senior Research Officer at
IWMI-Central Asia, Mr. Davron Eshmuratov
– Field activities Coordinator, Consultant at
IWMI-Central Asia. Individual field consultants: Fergana site: Mr. Nematulla Abdullaev – on-farm
irrigation specialist, Mr. Bunyodjon Kodirov – field assistant. Andijan site: Mr. Islombek,
Rustamov – on-farm irrigation specialist, Mr. Jahongir Ibragimov – field assistant. Dr. Habibullo
Umarov - Agronomist Ferghana branch of Research Center of Water Problems, Tashkent
Institute of Irrigation.
Germany: Dr. Folkard Asch, Mrs. Julia Auber (PhD student), University of Hohenheim, Dept. of
Crop Water Stress Management
Tajikistan: Inst. of Botany, Plant Physiology & Genetics (IBPPG): K. Aliev, Z. Davlyanatzarova;
Institute of Horticulture: Dr. Kh. Nozirov
Inst. of Bioorganic Chemistry (IBOC) of the Academy of Sciences, Tashkent: Dr. E.
Kholmuratov, G. Nasirova; Inst. of Vegetables, Melon and Potato (IVMP): R. Khakimov; CIPLiaison office, Tashkent: Dr. R. Mdivani, T. Abdurakhmanov, D. Khalikov, A. Atarmizaev
7. State of Project Implementation
The project started in March 2012 and is in its third year. Sufficient genotypes and improved
techniques have been identified and arein in on station and on farm testing phases;
Dissemination and participatory evaluation of promising varieties was delayed by an outbreak of
potato spindle tuber viroid disease which necessitated the destruction of seed. A no costextension has been approved to allow the completion of PhD research and complete genotype x
environment analysis of water use efficient potatoes. Scaling up is nearly back on track
following the setback due to loss of seed due to disease of quarantine importance (PSTVd).
8. General Achievements and Problems Encountered
[WP1] Strengthen breeding systems to select and incorporate available genetic
resources into productive varieties suited to stressful target environments CIP
1.1 Understanding the effect of heat and photoperiod on tuber initiation and bulking of
potato Timur
36 CIP-bred clones including 12 found to differ in daylength response under short and extended
photoperiods in Peru (1st Progress Report) were assessed for their tuberization response to
photoperiod under in vitro conditions using different explant types and daylength conditions at
the Uzbek Institute of Bio-organic chemistry(IBOC), Uzbekistan, (Table WP 1.1.1; Table WP
1.1.2), In 2014, 36 clones and one control cultivar (Atlantic) were evaluated for tuberization and
yield under natural long dayfield conditions in the highlandsof Uzbekistan. Eight of the clones
were the same as previously assessed in Peru and in the in vitro experiment (Table WP 1.1.3;
Table WP 1.1.4). Fieldevaluationwas carried out at the IBOC station in Bostanlik district (1238
masl, Latitude: 41.90043, Longitude:70.36314), (AS, Ruz).) for assessment of adaptation to the
Central Asia region and to evaluate utility of the in vitro method by comparison with field
performance. Large seed size tubers from field plots in 2013 were planted in three replications
of 20 tubers each on 28 May, 2014.
Clone 720189 had the highest yield(50.31 t/ha), but it was not significantly higher than
the yields of the next best 8 clones and Atlantic. Clone 304371.67 and Atlantic had the highest
mean tuber weight (101g and 104g), representing adapted clones with large tuber size. On the
other hand, five of the clones (391931.1; 392822.3; 303228.67; 394614.117; and 396287.5)
show poor results in the field. Overall, 31 of the 36 clones showed good adaptation and
potential for high productivity under long day field conditions. Five other clones showed poor
adaptation to long day conditions of the field, These data indirectly confirmed by the results of
photoperiod experiment which showed the same 5 clones responding poorly tp the long day
treatments. One case of poor agreement between the field and invitro results was 300054.29
which showed better results in the in vitro assay than in the field.
Further experimentation is needed to refine and validate an eventual protocol for in vitro
assessment of daylength requirements of potato clones. Full analysis of the interaction between
daylength and photoperiod is pending the completion of parallel trials in Peru The in vitro assay
should be repeated using fewer treatments found to best distinguish photoperiod requirements,
and with a larger number of the same genotypes for which field performance data is available.
1.2 Breeding and selection of heat-tolerant day-neutral clones Walter
Three hundred clones selected from CIP’s Lowland Tropic Virus Resistant (LTVR) population in
2012 were evaluated in multi-locational trials in Peru in 2013 following an accelerated evaluation
scheme with maintenance of selected clones under quarantine conditions 1). Multi-environment
trials were conducted in 4 locations and different seasons of Peru, providing 6 contrasting
environments through 2014 with a high pressure of abiotic stress. The evaluation and selection
in desert conditions and under contrasting day lengths of 12 and 16 hours photoperiod enabled
assessment of day length sensitivity toward the identification of short-cycle, stable and stress
tolerant virus resistant candidate varieties. Principal component analysis of data for tuber yield
and appearance in 8 trials (2012 and 2013) helped to identify groups of clones with tolerance to
abiotic stress. Final evaluations for late blight (Oxapampa, Peru) and virus resistance (validation
of PVY and PVX resistance) and organoleptic properties under abiotic stress (Majes, Pery)
(analysis pending) were carried out during 2014. Table WP 1.2.1 shows a selected group of 55
virus resistant clones that are early maturing (80 – 100 days) for subtropical lowland conditions,
20 of which show good tolerance to drought and heat, Ten clones show resistance to late blight
and 6 have good cold chipping ability. These clones are in available for international distribution
and testing for adaptation and variety release
1. 3 Research to generate information and tools to develop WUE potatoes in Central Asia
Third field trial was conducted to evaluate fifty-six (56) potato clones (Table WP1.3.1) selected
from the 2012 drought experiment. The main objectives were to identify the key morphological
and physiological traits that define drought tolerance, evaluate consistency and stability for
performance of various traits under drought stress in three years field trials (G x E) and to
assess drought tolerance level of 56 clones. The experiment was conducted in the coastal
desert of Arequipa Peru (1290 masl; 16º28'30 "S and 72º06'37"W) from July to November 2014
in a split plot design with three replications. Three irrigation regimes (treatments) were applied:
1. Well-watered, 2. Terminal drought and 3. Recovery. The well-watered treatment received
2100 m3 h-1 ha-1. In recovery treatment, irrigation was applied as for well-watered treatment
until 44 days after planting (DAP) and then stopped for 20 days, afterwhich it was reassumed. In
terminal drought treatment, irrigation was applied as for the well-watered treatment until 59 DAP
after which it was withheld. Before installation of experiment, soil analysis was carried out and a
weather station was installed to take weather data. Soil humidity was measured weekly. All
evaluations and sampling procedures followed a standardized protocol to ensure comparability
of the data with previous experiments. A large number of morphological and physiological
parameters were measured before and after initiation of drought and at harvest in all treatments
(Table WP1.3.2). Sensitivity to drought for each trait was calculated as a percentage = (trait
value in terminal drought/trait value in well water) * 100.
For most of the traits evaluated in this trial, a clear separation between terminal drought (TD),
recovery (REC) and well irrigated (NI) treatments (Table WP 1.3.3) is observed. As well, we
noticed that in the last experiment, tuber fresh weight (TTFWPL) was significantly reduced in
comparison with previous years' experiments (Figure WP 1.3.5). Plant height, number of leaves
and stem diameter can be used as traits for differentiation only at the latest stage of drought as
they only show significant difference at that point (Figure WP 1.3.6). The evaluation for the
same traits before stress with no difference found among treatments tell us the condition of
each genotype before drought. A few key traits include dry matter content, which increased
compared to normal irrigation (Figure WP 1.3.5c), and tuber number, which was about one third
less for TD over NI, and slightly more reduced for recovery. For tuber number, there is no
improvement over TD with recovery, as the effect of drought at tuber initiation is detrimental and
the tubers could not use the nitrogen restored over the irrigation as they had already been
initiated. Compared with previous years' trials, traits evaluated at before and after drought
initiation, stem number, stem diameter and dry matter content, were found to be stable in
different environments (Figure WP 1.3.5, Figure WP 1.3.6 and Figure WP 1.3.7). In order to
select the best performing genotypes, a ranking based on the harvest index has been
developed. The genotypes CIP397055.2, CIP397078.12, and CIP397073.7 have been ranked
among the 20 best performing genotypes over the three consecutive years evaluated, while the
genotypes CIP301040.63, CIP398190.735, CIP395448.1, were consistently among the last ten.
Differences in ranking can be attributed to differences in the root system and above ground
biomass (Figure WP 1.3.4), and to the different strategies that each genotype uses to escape,
avoid, tolerate or resist drought.
Results from the screening trial 2013 were presented in a master thesis and a Field day.
1.Master thesis titled "Genotypic responses to variable soil moisture availability in Potato
clones" defended by Leah Kuppinger at the University of Hohenheim on 14 November 2014.
The main findings were that the effect of drought depends on the time and the developmental
stage in which it occurs, nevertheless, all the genotypes evaluated showed high susceptibility
during tuber initiation and early tuber bulking.
2.Field day titled “Adaptation of Potato to climate change” was held in Santa Rita de Siguas,
Arequipa, Peru on 12 December 2014. There were total of 120 participants in the event farmers,
local institutions (INIA, UNSA and Majes Municipality).
1.4 Breeding for WUE
Two reciprocal groups of 15 lines x 3 testers (90 families) were developedfrom CIP’s advanced
populations LTVR (lowland tropics virus resistant) and LBHT (late blight resistant heat
tolerance) to identify best parents for improving stress tolerance and earliness while maintaining
disease resistance. 160 true seeds (TS)of each progeny were grown in the greenhouse at La
Molina Peru in 2012 to obtain tuber families (TF). The TSwere sown in trays and genotypes,
previously labeled with barcodes, were transplanted to pots. At harvest, two sets of TF were
recovered. The first set of TF is maintained in quarantine greenhouse conditions, and the
second set was planted in the field to obtain tuber seed for multi-locational trials. Progeny
testswere carried outin three locations of Peru during 2013 and 2014. Randomized complete
block design experiments with three reps of 40 genotypes each were conducted in Oxapampa
and San Ramon for exposure to late blight disease and high temperatures, respectively; and a
strip plot design with two irrigation regimes was used in La Molina to assess water use
efficiency/ drought tolerance.
Six LBHT progenitors (398208.704, 398208.67, 398208.505, 398203.244, 398180.292
and 398098).119 showed good parental value (general combining ability- GCA) for resistance to
late blight(Figure WP 1.4.1). Most of the LTVR progenitors are susceptible to late blight,
however some of them have shown good ability to transmit resistance to their progeny, the
clones301024.14 and 302476.108 showed good GCA for late blight resistance (Figure
WP1.4.2).Three LBHT progenitors (398208.505, 398208.62 and 398208.67) showed good GCA
for tuber weight and These as well as 398180.144 showed good GCA for tuber number under
hot conditions in San Ramon (Figure WP 1.4.3a&b). Five LTVR progenitors (302476.108,
304349.25, 304350.118, 304405.42 and 397089.11) showed good GCA for yield and tuber
number per plant with positive and high effects under hot conditions in San Ramon (Figure WP
1.4.4a&b).Analysis of the results of drought tolerance assessment In La Molina, Peru is ongoing
at the time of this report, Harvest of >1600 genotypes selected from the tuber families is also in
[WP2] Researching and validating cost-efficient water regimes for the potato crop under
different agro-ecological conditions, with recommendations for improving current
irrigation practices IWMI
2.1 Evaluate the effects of different levels of moisture stress on crop yield under furrow
irrigation IWMI
The objective was to determine whether farmers can use a lower level of irrigation than is
currently common by evaluating the effects of different levels of moisture stress on crop yields,
in this case only under furrow irrigation. It was found that farmers of the Fergana Valley
demonstration sites can double water productivity by applying partial root dry furrow irrigation,
specifically, seasonal irrigation applications were reduced two times at the Andijan site and
by45% at the Fergana site. At the start of the experiment, irrigation application rates were at
11,695 m3/ha and 6,786 m3/ha at Fergana and Andijan sites, respectively. At the Andijan site,
irrigation applications were 58% less under partial root drying (PRD) and at Fergana, 421%
less, significantly increasing crop water productivity. At Andijan site, water productivity increased
from 2.15 kg/m3 to 4.93 kg/m3, and at the Fergana site, from 1.28 kg/m3 to 2.62 kg/m3. As an
example, from this enhanced water productivity, farmers of Andijan province can get an
increase in net profit by using PRD methods of 130-190%. However, under low soil fertility
conditions such as those found at the Fergana site, PRD methods may produce a lower yield
than conventional irrigation practices(Annex WP 2.1).
Based on this work two publications have been prepared as follows.
- Research paper on ‘Yield and water use efficiency of potato varieties under different soil
moisture stress conditions in Ferghana Valley’ submitted and reviewedby Irrigation and
Drainage Journal.
- Research paper ‘Yield and water productivity of potato under furrow, high frequency,
partial root drying and drip irrigation in Ferghana Valley’ ready for submission.
- Also several guidelinesfor farmers have also been prepared based on the findings from
WP 2.1 and reported on in more detail as part of WP4.
2.2 Compare the performance of furrow, partial root-zone drying, and drip irrigation on
crop yield IWMI
The productivity of various irrigation regimes i.e., furrow, partial root-zone drying, and drip
irrigation in different soil conditions was compared. It was found that proper irrigation scheduling
with irrigation events at 65% of field capacity and high frequency irrigation with irrigation events
at 75% of field capacity provided higher yield as compared to other irrigation methods. At the
Andijan site, drip irrigation significantly exceeded other methods for water productivity,giving
yields of 13 t/ha and 21.4 t/ha for ‘Sarnav’ and ‘Sante’ varieties against 14.6 t/ha and 17 t/ha
under conventional irrigation practices, while using three times less water (Annex WP2.2 Table
10).In the Fergana province, drip irrigation did not show high yields, due to low soil fertility, but
water productivity was 6 times higher compared to current practices(Annex WP2.2 Table 9). Net
profit of farmers increasedthrough introduction of water saving irrigation methods for high soil
fertility conditions but reduced for low soil fertility conditions. High frequency furrow irrigation
was found to be a suitable irrigation method for both low and high soil fertility level conditions.
[WP3] Tools for selecting and disseminating adapted germplasm and implementing
efficient water management practices at field and farm scales David
[WP 3.1] Drought selection sites characterization and extrapolation domains.
An environmental classification based on the probability of drought affecting crop developmental
stages in Central Asia is been improved. Some polygons of potato cropping areas belonging to
lowlands and highlands of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan were established (Table WP 3.1.1, Figure
WP3.1.1). The SOLANUM model was used to simulate crop water demand (transpiration) in a
representative site of each defined polygon (Table WP 3.1.1). Daily precipitation from Tropical
Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM 3B42 v7) was corrected using the wavelet multiresolution
analysis (Heidinger et al., 20121) and data from three gauged precipitation weather stations
(Muminobod : 380 07’N, 70002’ E; Kurgantepa : 37° 05’ N 68° 47’ E; Jirgatal: 39° 17’N 71°
32’ E) for the period 1st January, 2008 to 31th December, 2013. We defined the probability of
drought as the percentage of years when the precipitation doesn’t cover the crop water demand.
We assumed obligatory irrigation until tuber initiation, and the drought probability was estimated
for three phenological stages: Phase I: from emergence to tuber initiation onset (TIO), Phase II:
from TIO to maximum tuber bulking, and Phase III) from maximum tuber bulking to last harvest.
The simulation was carried out for the different planting dates for each polygon (Table WP
3.1.1) and the period of each phenological stage was estimated based on thermal time for TIO
and maximum tuber bulking in Unica genotype (324 and 916 °C days respectively, Ramírez
unpublished data). The precipitation never supplied the transpiration during all the growing
periods in the highlands of both countries. In lowlands just the crop transpiration, occurred in
phase II (from TIO to maximum tuber bulking), was supplied by precipitation (Figure WP3.1.2).
In the lowland polygon belonging to Tajikistan and the lowland polygon close to Tashkent in
Uzbekistan, there is mainly a probability between 30-60% that precipitation covers the
transpiration demand during phenological phase II. However the majority of polygons in the
lowlands of Uzbekistan had a probability below 30% that precipitation covers the transpiration
demand during phenological phase II(Figure WP3.1.2).
[WP 3.2] Modeling WUE in the potato crop
During 2014 we continued the testing of the module of water restriction of CIP’s SOLANUM
model. We carried out two trials, one at the International Potato Center (CIP) in Lima-Peru, and
other at “Santa Rita” Experimental Station in Arequipa- Peru (see WP 3.3). At CIP-Lima (12.1º
S, 77.0º W, 244 masla field of 53 x 49 m2 was divided into 64 plots (5 m x 3.75 m each), each
with 5 rows 1 m apart. Spacing between plants was 0.25 m. The following drip irrigation
treatments were implemented: T1) control, the irrigation supplied 100% of crop demand (CD)
through the growing season, T2) 50% of CD was supplied for two weeks after tuber initiation
onset (TIO) and then irrigation was withheld down to early senescence (ES) , T3) 50% of CD
was supplied from emergence to the third week after TIO and then irrigation was withheld, T4)
full watering was applied up the third week after TIO and then watering was suspended. Four
genotypes were planted (21th May 2014): Désirée (as a control), UNICA (CIP code: 392797.22),
Sarnav (CIP code: 397077.16) and Tacna (CIP code: 390478.9). A strip plot design was
implemented with 4 (plots) replications per treatment per variety (4 x 4 x 4). Reflectance
measurements were taken by an agricultural digital camera (ADC air model, Tetracam Inc.,
Chatsworth-CA, USA) fixed to an unmanned aerial vehicle (octocopter type) flying at 80 m of
altitude through the growing period. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index [NDVI= (NIR – R) /
(NIR + R)] based on the red (R: 650 nm) and near-infrared (NIR: 800 nm) regions of the
spectrum was estimated. Plant cover was assessed every week following our published
protocol (http://www.cipotato.org/publications/pdf/006092.pdf). Unfortunately the reflectance
measurement could not be completed for all the growing period in Unica so this genotype was
removed from the analysis. The maximum NDVI as well as the area below the curve coincided
with the pattern provided by tuber yield, it is: Sarnav> Tacna >Désirée(Figure WP 3.2.1). Our
model showed the same pattern described by measured tuber yield: T1(control) > T4 > T2  T3
Heidinger, H., Yarleque C., Posadas A., Quiroz, R. (2012). TRMM rainfall correction over the Andean Plateau using wavelet
multi-resolution analysis.International Journal of Remote Sensing, 33:14, 4583-4602.
(Figure WP 3.2.2). The SOLANUM model showed the best and worst yield prediction in UNICA
(10.7% of overestimation in average considering all the treatments) and Désirée (110.4% of
overestimation in average considering all the treatments) respectively (Figure WP 3.2.2).
Unfortunately the presence of a fungus (Verticillumspp.)was detected in all the genotypes
causing that the actual yield was in average 51.1% less than the potential yield (Figure WP
3.2.2). The model assumes that the only source of yield reduction is the water restriction, so the
genotypes most affected by the fungus showed the higher yield overestimation by the model.
For example Désirée and UNICA, the genotypes with higher and lower yield overestimation
respectively, showed the higher and lower yield reduction in the control in relation with the
potential yield (60.5 and 44.4% respectively) (Figure WP 3.2.2). The following questions will be
addressed in the final report in relation with this WP: - How remotely sensed data can improve
the yield prediction by our model under situations of water restriction? - What is the accuracy of
our model in the prediction of irrigation water use efficiency (biomass produced in relation to
irrigation water volume)?
[WP 3.3] Decision support systems (DSS) to help users determine water deficits in
potato crops
During 2014 we carried out a trial aimed at developing an effective and low-cost field method for
monitoring potato water status based on the modeling of water demand and physiological stress
indexes. The experiment was conducted in “Santa Rita” experimental station (Arequipa-Peru,
16° 29.6’ S, 72° 05.7’W, 1292 masl) from 10th September 2014 (planting date) to 6th January
2015 (harvest date). This is a dryland area (1.45 mm/year of average precipitation) located in
the western flanks of the Andes in southern Peru. The tested variety was UNICA (CIP code:
392797.22) the first potato genotype in which the phenomena of greenness increase caused by
water shortage has been reported (Ramírezet al., 20142). Seven treatments of water restriction
intensity and timing of occurrence were applied: T1 = control, T2 = mild-early, T3 = mild-late T4
= high-early, T5 = high-late, T6 = severe-early and T7 = severe-late were applied. Early water
restriction started immediately after tuber initiation onset (TIO, 13th October 2014), and late
water restriction happens four weeks after TIO (close to maximum tuber bulking). The target
value of volumetric water content for each water restriction intensity was: 20 % for control, 14 %
for mild water restriction, 10 % for high water restriction and no irrigation for severe water
restriction. The total plot number was 28 (7 treatments x 4 blocks). Each plot (14 m x 3.2 m)
had 120 plants, with a distance of 0.30 and 0.80 m between plants and rows respectively. Six
sequential biomass samplings were carried out through the growing period in 6 sub-plots (3.2 m
x 1.5 m) within each plot. In preliminary studies of this project, we have reported that leaf
greenness and carbon isotope discrimination (13C) are appropriate traits for monitoring and
detecting water stress in potato (Ramírez et al., 2015; Rolando et al., 2015). We conducted (in
three plants per plot) the following physiological measurements throughout the growing period
(in brackets the instrument used): leaf greenness (chlorophyll meter, SPAD-502 model, Minolta,
Osaka-Japan), 13C (isotope ratio mass spectrometer, PDZ Europa 20–20, Sercon Ltd.,
Cheshire, UK), stem water potential and leaf water potential at dawn (pressure chamber, 80325
model, Labconco, Kansas City, MO USA), canopy temperature (infrared camera, FLIR P6
model, FLIR Systems, Wilsonville, OR, USA), stomatal conductance (photosynthesis portable
system, LI-6400X model, LI-COR, Lincoln-Nebraska, USA). Because our trial finished this year
(January 2015), in this report we describe only the most important results coming from the
Ramírez, D.A., Yactayo, W., Gutiérrez, R., Mares, V., De Mendiburu, F., Posadas, A., Quiroz, R. 2014. Chlorophyll
concentration in leaves is an indicator of potato tuber yield in water-shortage conditions. ScientiaHorticulturae 168: 202-209
physiological monitoring. All the treatments penalized the fresh tuber yield referred to the control
as follows (Figure WP 3.3.1): Early Severe (95.2%) > Late Severe  Late Medium  Early
Medium (73.7 – 79.7%) > Early Low (55.4%) > Low Severe (35.1%). The stomatal conductance
(gs), a variable closely related with water status, showed some thresholds values related to final
yield reduction (Figure WP 3.3.2), thus: a) to avoid a yield reduction higher than 35% the g s
must be higher than 0.09 mol H2O m-2 s-1 during late water restriction (after of 65 days after
planting - DAP), b) if gs is reduced down to 0.040 mol H2O m-2 s-1 during early water stress (from
TIO until 65 DAP) the yield could be reduced down to 55 %, c) to avoid more than 70% of yield
reduction the gs shouldn’t be reduced below 0.025 mol H2O m-2 s-1 during early and late water
restrictions, d) Lower gs values than 0.02 mol H2O m-2 s-1 during early water restriction can
reduce dramatically (more than 90%) the yield. We found an inverse linear relationship
between gs and canopy temperature (Figure WP 3.3.3, y = -25.7x + 33.3; R2 = 0.57), which
means that we could use thermal images to know how far the plants are from the
aforementioned gs thresholds values during the water restriction, thus the canopy temperatures
of 30, 32 and 33C correspond to the gs threshold values indicated in a), b) and c) situation in a
decision support system. These findings will be further refined with gauged leaf temperature.
WP4] Participatory research to collect farmer experience and assess feasibility of
available technologies and practices
4.1 Design and implement participatory farmer training
Two participatory farmer trainings with 350 participants were conducted by CIP Central Asia and
IWMI.The training seminars on ‘Improving methods of potato cultivation and irrigation’ were
conducted on 13/06/2014 in Markhamat Irrigation and Melioration College, Andijan Province,
Uzbekistan, and on 8/09/2014 at SobirjonObod farm, Fergana province.Gender equality in
participatory training sessions in the target areas is an issue, here, most participants were
men.The findings from experiments onfurrow and drip irrigation, measurement of moisture and
evapotranspiration and control of insects, diseases and weedswere synthesized as
recommendation documentsand distributed in the form of brochures and training manuals. Ten
farmers from the region used these recommendations to apply partial root drying irrigation, of
which three were women farmers. Teleconference was conducted on 20 February, 2015 which
brought together 80 scientists, farmers and students. The event linked farmers and researchers
of the Andijan, Ferganaand Samarkand provinces. Project knowledge and experience has been
disseminated among the participants of the event. (Annex 4.1.a, Annex 4.1.b, Annex 4.1.c)
The documents developed, published and distributed by IWMI and CIP are as follows:
- Guidelines for farmers on using furrow irrigation in potato grown fields;
- Guidelines for farmers on using drip irrigation in potato grown fields;
- Guidelines for farmers on using alternate dry furrow irrigation in potato grown fields;
- Guidelines for farmers on using discrete and impulse irrigation in potato grown fields;
- Guidelines for farmers on using short furrow irrigation in potato grown fields;
- Guidelines for farmers on using irrometers in potato grown fields;
- Guidelines for farmers on irrigation scheduling based on hydro module zoning in potato grown
- Guidelines for farmers on using E Pan for identifying evapotranspiration in potato grown
- Guidelines for farmers on water accounting in small holder farms;
- Guidelines for farmers in fighting against insects, weeds different potato related deceases.
4.2 Evaluate existing and new potato varieties with stakeholder participation.
Planting materials were ordered to IBOC in 2013 for transplanting to open area in 2014.
20820 plants of 110 clones are cultivated in vitro, 24276 micro tubers are stored at the institute,
and, seventeen new CIP clones were introduced in the in-vitro collection in August, 2014, for a
total of 127 CIP clones that are kept in vitro at IBOC.Planting materials were increased for
evaluations at CIP-Central Asia: 2160 micro tubers for 36 CIP clones were planted in Pskom, in
Bostanlik district belong to Uzbek Institute of Bio-organic chemistry, (AS, Ruz). 31 of 36 clones
showed tolerance to drought with high productivity under long day conditions; other 5 clones
showed low adaptation to long day conditions and confirmed data received from laboratory trials
(Annex WP 4.2).
Water Use Efficiency (WUE) trials were carried out at the Institute of Vegetables, Melon and
Potato in Tashkent, Uzbekistan on four varieties, Pskem and Sarnav (from CIP's LTVR
population) and Sante and Picasso from AGRICO, Holland. Planting was done on July 15,
2014, and harvest 5 November (112DAP). The trial was split into four blocks: Control irrigation,
Reduced irrigation, Partial root-zone drying (PRD), and Mulching and PRD.
Separate WUE trials were conducted to compare was clone 22 (CIP 720189) and variety
Picasso at the base station of the Institute of Horticulture and Vegetable Growing TA AS,
Muminabad, 2013.After three years of evaluations, two clones were submitted to the State
Variety Testing Committee in 2014: Clone #14 СIP -720148 reference designation
“Durakhshon”, and Clone #22 CIP - 7200189 reference designation “Surkhob”.
Conduct social and economic analysis of the effect of different irrigation types
4.3 Disseminate alternative irrigation techniques to improve potato cultivation under
different agro-ecological settings
Three training seminars were conducted during Marhc, 2014-February, 2015 for farmers of
Andijan, Fergana and Samarqand provinces. Participants of the DS program meeting visited the
demonstration site in Markhamat district on 17 March, followed by the visit of participants of the
SCM of CGIAR the potato site in K. Umarov WUA in Tashlaq district, Fergana province (Table
WP 4.3). Teleconference was organized on 20 February which linked farmers and researchers
of Andijan State Agricultural Institute and Samarqand Agricultural Institute. Advantages of using
partial root zone drying, high frequency irrigation, irrigation scheduling and drip irrigation
methods were presented during the conference. 210 project stakeholders were covered by the
project results disseminating activity. Three irrigation techniques have been recommended to
farmers: Partial root-zone drying (PRD) irrigation technique; High-frequency furrow irrigation
(HFI) irrigation technique; Drip irrigation (DrI) irrigation technique. The events conducted and
visits the selected farms showed that farmers realized benefits of using less water by applying
PRD, HFI or DI methods they can receive the same level of crop yields undert he same field
conditions(Table 4.4.1). 10 farmers started applying partial root zone drying methods of
irrigation in their farms (Annex WP 4.3).
4.4 Conduct social and economic analysis of the effect of technologies on family income
and reduced vulnerability of the target farming systems
4.4.1 Conduct social and economic analysis of the effect of different irrigation types
The results from the study in Andijan and Fergana provinces show that water-efficient irrigation
methods can increase net profits per farmers. Different irrigation methods are more effective in
different environments.Farmers of Andijanprovince can achieve net profits from 4,052-9,633
USD/ha, 7,420-7,625 USD/ha and 6,819-7,499 USD/ha under irrigation based on soil moisture
content, high frequency irrigation and partial root drying methods, respectively, against 3,4835,112 USD/ha under conventional irrigation practices. Farmers of Fergana can achieve from
4,703-5,731 USD/ha and 3,343-5,727 USD/ha net profit under irrigation based on soil moisture
content and high frequency irrigation, respectively against 2,743-3,090 USD/ha under
conventional irrigation practices of farmers. The values has been calculated based upon market
prices (wholesale) of 1 kg of potato 1,200 Uzbek Sum and exchange rate is set by Central Bank
of Uzbekistan for 24.02.2014 was 2,460 Uzbek Sum. The farmers from five monitored farms of
Markhamat district who cultivates potato using PRD irrigation technique did get,in average,
3,750 USD per hectare and farmers in Ferghana district did get,in average, 4,768 USD per
hectare. Net income of farmers from cultivation of potato under conventional furrow irrigation
(NIF) was determined using average district level net income of farmers. Comparison is done for
local varieties of potato. Currently more farmers are willing to adopt partial root zone drying
irrigation method in Andijan and Ferghana provinces. Project results indicated that Partial root
zone drying, high frequency and improved irrigation scheduling for potato crop showed positive
results in terms of water saving and crop yield improvement. To exanimate the economic
efficiency of cultivation potato under different irrigation methods the experiment has been
conducted at farm fields in Andijan and Ferghana Provinces. Extensive data was collected from
the demonstration plots in 2014. Economic data collected was as follows: cost of seeds,
fertilizers, pesticide, herbicide, mechanical work, transportation cost, manual work, other cost
and yield data. Farmers can increase their income using high frequency irrigation and partial
rootzone drying methods. Collected data are discounted values based on generalization into
hectare from project demonstration plots. The potato variety Sarnav under high frequency
furrow irrigation (HFI) could provide discounted net profit two times more in comparison to
cultivation potato under conventional furrow irrigation practiced by the farmer (NIF). Potato
variety Zuhro providedhigh discounted net profit (1.88 time more) under normal furrow irrigation
using irrigation scheduling (NIS) as compared to conventional furrow irrigation by farmers (NIF)
of Markhamat district, Andijan Province, Uzbekistan. Dynamics of net income of cultivation
Sarnav and Sante potato variety under different irrigation treatments in Ferghana District,
Ferghana Province, Uzbekistan. Demonstration showed that cultivation of potato of Sarnav
variety using irrigation scheduling (NIS) improves yield of the crop by 28%. Same situation was
for potato variety Sante. Farmersmay get 43% and 21% more yield under HFI or NIS methods
as compared to conventional furrow irrigation practices. The farmers cultivating potato of
Sarnav variety may get highest yield using NIS irrigation method. Farmer could get 28% more
profit in comparison to conventional irrigation practices. The potato variety Sarnav under normal
furrow irrigation with irrigation scheduling (NIS) may provide discounted net profit 1.85 times
higher as compared to cultivation potato under conventional irrigation practices (NIF). However,
potato variety Santeunder High Frequency Furrow Irrigation (HFI)may provide 2.45 time higher
discounted net profit as compared to conventional irrigation practices in Ferghana district,
Ferghana Province, Uzbekistan (Annex WP 4.4.1). Figure WP4.4.1
[WP5] Capacity building for the strengthening of breeding systems and water
5.1 Building of capacity for breeding and selection in Central Asia
Four researchers from partner institutes, two from Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry at the
National University (IBOC) and two from Research institute of vegetable-melon crops and
potato (RIVMCP), were trained on breeding systems and water management by CIP staff.
Training for selection was based on the new methodologies developed by IBOC. The scheme
of screening for future selection of day neutral and long day clones in central Asia that was used
in training is as follows:
- Apical meristem was selected as the optimal explant type for screening
- The optimal photoperiod scheme for clones to increase plants’ productivity under in vitro
conditions with four day-length regimes was: 1. 16/8 (day/night), 2. 8/16 (night/day), 3.Darkness
cultivation, 4.20 days cultivation under 16/8 (day/night), followed darkness cultivation 100-130
5.2 Building of capacity for dissemination of improved technologies.
CIP-Central Asia and IWMI arranged a training for dissemination of improved technologies, that
was attended by representatives of NARS. Additionally, representatives of the scientific
production association “Saniiri”, the Scientific Information Center of Interstate Coordination
Water Commission, Canal Water Management Organization, Water Consumers’ association,
and District Agricultural Department attended the trainings in Fergana, Adijan, and Samarkand.
These specialists will further disseminateinformation on improved technologies.
9. Conclusions for the Following Reporting Period
10. Publications, Papers and Reports
Scientific articles published in International Peer-Reviewer Journals
discrimination of 13C in potato leaflets and tubers an appropriate trait to describe genotype
responses to restrictive and well-watered conditions?. Journal of Agronomy and Crop
Science (DOI: 10.1111/jac.12119)
greenness as a drought tolerance related trait in potato (Solanumtuberosum L.).Environmental
and Experimental Botany 110: 27-35
Congress Proceedings
Ramírez, D.A., Rolando, J.L., Yactayo, W., Monneveux, P., Quiroz, R. Is the discrimination
against 13C in leaflets and tubers an appropriate trait to determine genotypic differences related
to drought tolerance in potato?. Work presented in the 19th Triennial Conference of The
European Association for Potato Research, which was carried out from 6th – 11th July 2014 in
11. Summary
Annex WP 2.1
Annex WP 2.2
Annex WP 4.1
WP 4.2
WP 4.4.1