Old Cobram-Barooga Bridge - Heritage Council of Victoria

Determination Date
4 February 2016
Place/Object Name
Old Cobram-Barooga Bridge
Vermont Street Cobram, Moira Shire
VHR Number
Heritage Place
At a meeting of the Heritage Council of Victoria on 4 February 2016 it was determined that,
in accordance with Section 42 of the Heritage Act 1995, the above place is of cultural
heritage significance to the State of Victoria and warrants inclusion in the Victorian Heritage
Register. This decision was reached having considered the assessment against the Heritage
Council’s criteria, other information contained in the attached report and all submissions
received in response to the Executive Director’s recommendation.
The Heritage Council endorses and adopts the attached report for the purposes of making
its decision.
Professor Stuart Macintyre AO
Chair, Heritage Council of Victoria
 That the Old Cobram-Barooga Bridge (the section in Victorian territory) be included as a
Heritage Place in the Victorian Heritage Register under the Heritage Act 1995 [Section 32
This is a joint registration made in partnership with the Heritage Council of New South Wales. It is
anticipated that the New South Wales section of the Bridge will be registered in the New South Wales
Heritage Register in mid-December 2015. There are currently four bridges over the Murray River jointly
registered in each state’s heritage register.
Executive Director
Recommendation Date: 13 November 2015
Name: Old Cobram-Barooga Bridge
Hermes Number: 197955
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The section of the Old Cobram-Barooga Bridge which extends into Victorian territory.
All of the place shown hatched in Diagram 2352 encompassing part of Crown Allotment 7D Parish of Cobram.
The extent of registration of the Old Cobram-Barooga Bridge in the Victorian Heritage Register affects the
whole place shown on Diagram 2352 including the land, roads, trees, landscape elements and other
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Name: Old Cobram-Barooga Bridge
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The Old Cobram-Barooga Bridge, consisting of a two-span de Burgh truss bridge with a central single,
vertical-lift opening span supported on cast iron piers located on the former road that connects the border
towns of Cobram (Victoria) and Barooga (New South Wales).
History Summary
Since the beginnings of European settlement, the waters of the Murray River have been a key factor in the
commercial agricultural development of what has been some of the most productive land in modern
Australia. During the mid-nineteenth century toll-ferries and row boats had a monopoly on transporting
people and goods across the river. From 1889 a punt operated between Cobram and Barooga and was the
only means of crossing the river at this point. In 1879 two bridges opened - the Murray Bridge (South
Australia) and the Echuca-Moama Bridge. During the 1880s and 90s the colonial governments of New South
Wales and Victoria began a joint program of building bridges with opening spans which could accommodate
paddle steamers, trains and road traffic. The Old Cobram-Barooga Bridge was officially opened on 3
December 1902 and provided access for heavy goods vehicles to transport agricultural produce. The central
lift-span of the bridge allowed paddle steamers to pass underneath. The bridge was constructed by the
prolific Victorian bridge-building firm of JB and W Farquharson of Melbourne. The improved capacity to
transport agricultural goods, particularly wool and wheat, to Melbourne, Sydney and larger regional towns
consolidated the importance of north-eastern Victoria and the Riverina District of New South Wales. The
Cobram Bridge is the only bridge on the Murray River whose construction was completely funded by the
Victorian government. In 2002 a high level concrete bridge was built to the south of the original 1902
bridge, which remains open for pedestrian traffic.
Description Summary
The Old Cobram-Barooga Bridge is a timber truss, lift-span bridge carrying two traffic lanes across the
Murray River between Cobram and Barooga. The primary axis of the bridge is east-west. The bridge has a
clearance over normal water level of 7.9m with the lift-span closed and 14.3m with the lift-span open. The
bridge was superseded by a parallel concrete bridge and no longer carries vehicular traffic. The three main
spans include a single, vertical-lift opening span supported on cast iron piers in the centre of the bridge,
flanked by a single de Burgh Truss span on each side. The eastern (NSW) side has been truncated and retains
only one timber beam approach span, which terminates in a steel fence and stair to ground level. All three
timber beam approach spans survive on the western (Victorian) side. The outer ends of the truss spans and
the approach spans are carried on timber trestles on timber piles. The outer ends of the lift-span are carried
on twin cylindrical cast iron piers with intermediate perforated steel plate braces.
The lift-span is formed by a roadway between riveted Pratt-Truss box-girders with a span of 18m. The road
deck on the lift-span is narrower than the approaches and reduces to one traffic lane. The lifting
superstructure comprises four steel lattice towers, connected at their upper level by steel lattice girders.
The two de Burgh truss spans, each 31.7m, are of composite timber and steel construction, with paired
timber top chords and vertical struts with steel rods forming diagonals within each panel.
The approach spans range from approximately 9.1m to 11m in length and are of timber beam construction,
comprising five parallel timber logs spanning between timber and trestle piers. Each span has been
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strengthened by the addition of four steel rolled steel joists (RSJs), one each located in between the timber
logs. There is a footway on the southern side with a timber guardrail but the majority of the timber decking
of the footway has been removed. The footway is absent on the lifting span and the footways have an
entrance to the road deck on either side of the opening span (pedestrians are/were required to share the
road deck with vehicles for the length of the opening span).
This site is part of the traditional land of the Yorta Yorta people.
The Old Cobram-Barooga Bridge is of historical and scientific significance to the State of Victoria. It satisfies
the following criterion for inclusion in the Victorian Heritage Register:
Criterion A
Importance to the course, or pattern, of Victoria’s cultural history.
Criterion B
Possession of uncommon, rare or endangered aspects of Victoria’s cultural history.
Criterion F
Importance in demonstrating a high degree of creative or technical achievement at a particular period.
The Old Cobram-Barooga Bridge is historically significant as one of most important Murray River bridges
constructed between New South Wales and Victoria. Built Federation era, the bridge was understood from
its beginnings as an important physical symbol of the creation of a national Australian society out of
disparate colonial social components. The bridge was an impressive capital works project which linked road,
river and rail routes and facilitated economic and regional growth in both states. Although most of the
bridge is in New South Wales it has a special significance in Victoria’s history because it was built entirely
from Victorian funds and constructed by the Victorian bridge-building firm of JB and W Farquharson.
[Criterion A]
The Old Cobram-Barooga Bridge is a rare de Burgh design timber truss bridge incorporating a metal Pratt
lift-span. It features a steel lift-span on an iron and concrete substructure with two large de Burgh
composite timber-steel truss spans one on each side of the steel lift-span. The de Burgh-Pratt composite
timber-steel trusses were built only for a brief period between 1900 and 1904. This bridge is one of three
surviving vertical lift-span bridges of this type in Australia and is one of two that retain all of their lift-span
operating mechanisms intact. [Criterion B]
The Old Cobram-Barooga Bridge demonstrates a high degree of technical achievement because it
represents the peak of lift-span technology in bridge engineering in Australia. The design was largely
developed in New South Wales and the efficacy and durability of the design is evidenced by the survival of
this bridge and many of its peers for over a century of use. It illustrates the historic need to embrace
composite materials for bridges for practical and economic reasons and the ongoing adoption of innovations
in bridge construction by Ernest de Burgh Australia's foremost engineers of the late colonial and postFederation era whose work was influential in this field nationally and internationally. [Criterion F]
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The Old Cobram-Barooga Bridge is also significant for the following reasons, but not at the State level:
The bridge is of significance to the people of northern Victoria and the Riverina region of New South Wales
as it improved road, rail and river links between the states which encouraged the agricultural and economic
development of these regions.
Name: Old Cobram-Barooga Bridge
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Following is the Executive Director's assessment of the place against the tests set out in The Victorian
Heritage Register Criteria and Thresholds Guidelines (2014).
Importance to the course, or pattern, of Victoria’s cultural history.
The place/object has a CLEAR ASSOCIATION with an event, phase, period, process, function, movement,
custom or way of life in Victoria’s cultural history.
The association of the place/object to the event, phase, etc IS EVIDENT in the physical fabric of the
place/object and/or in documentary resources or oral history.
The EVENT, PHASE, etc is of HISTORICAL IMPORTANCE, having made a strong or influential contribution to
Executive Director’s Response
The Old Cobram-Barooga Bridge is historically significant as one of most important Murray River bridges
constructed between New South Wales and Victoria. It was an important post-Federation era infrastructure
project and facilitated regional and population growth in both states. The opening up of northern Victoria
and growth of agriculture made a strong and influential contribution to the Victorian economy.
Criterion A is likely to be satisfied.
The place/object allows the clear association with the event, phase etc. of historical importance to be
Executive Director’s Response
The Old Cobram-Barooga Bridge facilitated the agricultural and economic development of northern Victoria
in the post-Federation era as a result of improved road and river links between New South Wales and
Victoria. It allows this to be understood better than most other places or objects in Victoria with
substantially the same association.
Criterion A is likely to be satisfied at the State level.
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Possession of uncommon, rare or endangered aspects of Victoria’s cultural history.
The place/object has a clear ASSOCIATION with an event, phase, period, process, function, movement,
custom or way of life of importance in Victoria’s cultural history.
The association of the place/object to the event, phase, etc IS EVIDENT in the physical fabric of the
place/object and/or in documentary resources or oral history.
The place/object is RARE OR UNCOMMON, being one of a small number of places/objects remaining that
demonstrates the important event, phase etc.
The place/object is RARE OR UNCOMMON, containing unusual features of note that were not widely
The existence of the class of place/object that demonstrates the important event, phase etc is
ENDANGERED to the point of rarity due to threats and pressures on such places/objects.
Executive Director’s Response
The Old Cobram-Barooga Bridge is a rare de Burgh timber truss bridge with a metal Pratt lift-span. It
features a steel lift-span on an iron and concrete substructure with two large de Burgh composite timbersteel truss spans (modelled on the American Pratt pattern) one on each side of the steel lift-span. The de
Burgh/Pratt composite timber-steel trusses were built only for a brief period between 1900 and 1904.
Criterion B is likely to be satisfied
The place/object is RARE, UNCOMMON OR ENDANGERED within Victoria.
Executive Director’s Response
The Old Cobram-Barooga Bridge is one of three surviving vertical lift-span bridges of this type in Australia
and is one of two (including the Barham-Koondrook Bridge H0795) that retain all of their lift-span operating
mechanisms intact.
Criterion B is likely to be satisfied at the State level.
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Importance in demonstrating a high degree of creative or technical achievement at a particular period.
The place/object contains PHYSICAL EVIDENCE that clearly demonstrates creative or technical
ACHIEVEMENT for the time in which it was created.
The physical evidence demonstrates a HIGH DEGREE OF INTEGRITY.
Executive Director’s Response
The Old Cobram-Barooga Bridge is of technical significance because it represents the evolutionary peak of
lift-span technology in bridge engineering in Australia. The design was largely developed in New South
Wales and the efficacy and durability of the design is evidenced by the survival of this bridge and many of its
peers for over a century of use.
Criterion F is likely to be satisfied.
The nature &/or scale of the achievement is OF A HIGH DEGREE or ‘beyond the ordinary’ for the period in
which it was undertaken as evidenced by:
 critical acclaim of the place/object within the relevant creative or technological discipline as an
outstanding example in Victoria; or
 wide acknowledgement of exceptional merit in Victoria in medium such as publications and print media;
 recognition of the place/object as a breakthrough in terms of design, fabrication or construction
techniques; or
 recognition of the place/object as a successful solution to a technical problem that extended the limits
of existing technology; or
 recognition of the place/object as an outstanding example of the creative adaptation of available
materials and technology of the period.
Executive Director’s Response
The Old Cobram-Barooga Bridge illustrates the ongoing adoption of innovations in bridge construction made
by Ernest de Burgh, one of Australia's foremost engineers, of the late colonial and post-Federation era. De
Burgh’s work was influential nationally and internationally.
Criterion F is likely to be satisfied at the State level.
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The purpose of the Permit Policy is to assist when considering or making decisions regarding works to a
registered place. It is recommended that any proposed works be discussed with an officer of Heritage
Victoria prior to making a permit application. Discussing proposed works will assist in answering questions
the owner may have and aid any decisions regarding works to the place.
The extent of registration of The Old Cobram-Barooga Bridge in the Victorian Heritage Register affects the
whole place shown on Diagram 2352 including the land, all buildings, roads, trees, landscape elements
and other features. Under the Heritage Act 1995 a person must not remove or demolish, damage or
despoil, develop or alter or excavate, relocate or disturb the position of any part of a registered place or
object without approval. It is acknowledged, however, that alterations and other works may be required to
keep places and objects in good repair and adapt them for use into the future.
If a person wishes to undertake works or activities in relation to a registered place or registered object, they
must apply to the Executive Director, Heritage Victoria for a permit. The purpose of a permit is to enable
appropriate change to a place and to effectively manage adverse impacts on the cultural heritage
significance of a place as a consequence of change. If an owner is uncertain whether a heritage permit is
required, it is recommended that Heritage Victoria be contacted.
Permits are required for anything which alters the place or object, unless a permit exemption is granted.
Permit exemptions usually cover routine maintenance and upkeep issues faced by owners as well as minor
works or works to the elements of the place or object that are not significant. They may include appropriate
works that are specified in a conservation management plan. Permit exemptions can be granted at the time
of registration (under s.42 of the Heritage Act) or after registration (under s.66 of the Heritage Act).
It should be noted that the addition of new buildings to the registered place, as well as alterations to the
interior and exterior of existing buildings requires a permit, unless a specific permit exemption is granted.
Conservation management plans
It is recommended that a Conservation Management Plan is developed to manage the place in a manner
which respects its cultural heritage significance.
Cultural heritage significance
Overview of significance
The cultural heritage significance of the Old Cobram-Barooga Bridge lies in its historical significance as one
of most important Murray River bridges constructed between New South Wales and Victoria. Built in the
Federation era, it was an impressive capital works project which formed part of a broader network of road,
river and rail routes and facilitated economic and regional growth in both states. The Old Cobram-Barooga
Bridge is a rare de Burgh timber truss bridge with a metal Pratt lift-span. It is one of three surviving vertical
lift-span bridges of this type and is one of two that retain all of their lift-span operating mechanisms intact.
The Bridge is of technical significance because it represents the peak in the evolution of lift-span technology
in bridge engineering in Australia.
Archaeological: Ground disturbance may affect the archaeological significance of the place and, subject to
the exemptions stated in this document, requires a permit.
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It should be noted that Permit Exemptions can be granted at the time of registration (under s.42(4) of the
Heritage Act). Permit Exemptions can also be applied for and granted after registration (under s.66 of the
Heritage Act)
General Condition 1
All exempted alterations are to be planned and carried out in a manner which prevents damage to the fabric
of the registered place or object.
General Condition 2
Should it become apparent during further inspection or the carrying out of works that original or previously
hidden or inaccessible details of the place or object are revealed which relate to the significance of the place
or object, then the exemption covering such works shall cease and Heritage Victoria shall be notified as soon
as possible.
General Condition 3
All works should be informed by Conservation Management Plans prepared for the place. The Executive
Director is not bound by any Conservation Management Plan, and permits still must be obtained for works
suggested in any Conservation Management Plan.
General Condition 4
Nothing in this determination prevents the Heritage Council from amending or rescinding all or any of the
permit exemptions.
General Condition 5
Nothing in this determination exempts owners or their agents from the responsibility to seek relevant
planning or building permits from the relevant responsible authority, where applicable.
Specific Permit Exemptions
Permit exemptions as outlined in Standard Exemptions for Works Requiring Heritage Council Approval,
Heritage Branch, New South Wales Department of Planning as approved the New South Wales Minister of
Planning, 25 March 2009.
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Berrigan Shire Council, New South Wales
Shire of Moira, Victoria
Heritage Overlay:
Heritage Overlay Controls:
Other listing:
National Trust Listed (State Level)
The Old Cobram-Barooga Bridge
Since the beginnings of European settlement the waters of the Murray River have been a key factor in the
commercial agricultural development of what has been some of the most productive land in modern
Australia. From the 1830s onwards crossing the river became a necessity and this involved the construction
of infrastructure such as wharves, weirs, locks, bridges, including pontoon and truss bridges. By the midnineteenth century toll-ferries and row boats had a monopoly on transporting people and goods across the
river. In 1879 two bridges opened - the Murray Bridge and the Echuca-Moama Bridge. From 1889 a punt
operated between Cobram in (Victoria) and Barooga (New South Wales) and was the only means of crossing
the river at this point.
By the 1890s the limited capacity of ferries became a hindrance to the steadily increasing road traffic. In
response the Colonial Governments of New South Wales and Victoria began a joint program of building
bridges for land-based transport and that would accommodate paddle steamers. High-level bridges were
the ideal, but the combination of expensive river spans and long approach viaducts graded to suit horse and
bullock drays made this option too costly. The affordable alternative was low-level bridges with moveable
spans. This solution had already been anticipated when in 1858 Henry Hopwood established a pontoon
bridge at Echuca. During the 1880s and 90s the Colonial Governments of New South Wales and Victoria
began a joint program of building bridges with opening spans which could accommodate paddle steamers,
trains and road traffic.
The bridge building program coincided with discussions about the use of Murray River water for agricultural
irrigation between the colonies. During the 1870s closer settlement programs highlighted the need for a
regular water supply and in 1887 George Chaffey commenced designing a massive irrigation scheme at
Mildura. In 1893, representatives of the three states met in Melbourne and considered the installation of
locks on the Murray River to preserve supplies for irrigation and facilitate river transport. Economic conflicts
of interests between the colonies stymied coordinated action. Federation in 1901 meant that the three
states in which the Murray flowed were no longer in competition. In 1902 a Royal Commission
recommended joint control of the Murray River by the three states and a joint funding arrangement for
water conservation infrastructure, such as dams and weirs. As irrigation systems grew there continued to be
a need for bridges over the Murray River between Victoria and New South Wales.
The prospect of a bridge in the Cobram-Barooga district had been discussed regularly at public meetings
since 1884. By November 1899, Government Ministers in both states reported that decisions had been
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taken to proceed with the bridge and that specifications were being prepared. After Federation was given
royal assent on 9 July 1900 the declaration of tenders for the Bridge were awarded in November 1900. It
was decided that the bridge would be financed and built by the Victorian government. The bridge was
constructed by the prolific Victorian bridge-building firm of JB and W Farquharson of Melbourne. The Bridge
opened officially on 3 December 1902, two months after being open to traffic. It provided access for heavy
goods vehicles and the central lift-span allowed paddle steamers to pass underneath. The improved capacity
to transport agricultural goods, particularly wool and wheat, to Melbourne, Sydney and larger regional
towns consolidated the importance of north-eastern Victoria and the Riverina District of New South Wales.
The Cobram Bridge is the only bridge on the Murray River whose construction was completely funded by
the Victorian government. It appears that the Victorian Country Roads Board was also responsible for its
maintenance after opening. The construction of the bridge is evidence of the value of the wool industry in
the vicinity and of the economic flows of goods between NSW and Victoria. In 2002 a high level concrete
bridge was built to the south of the original 1902 bridge, which remains open for pedestrian traffic.
The development of bridge technology
In Australia, stone (and brick) arch bridges provided the major form of bridge until the middle of the
nineteenth century, after which, local engineers turned to timber truss bridges to provide the majority of
river crossings, with the (expensive) imported wrought iron bridges reserved for railways and the larger and
more heavily trafficked roads. Although timber beam bridges are limited by the dimensions of available
materials, timber offered the cheapest and quickest bridge solution. In NSW, the availability of excellent
hardwoods provided Public Works engineers McDonald, Allan, Dare and de Burgh with a uniquely strong
and durable material for timber truss bridges. Timber beam bridges served well for 150 years as relatively
inexpensive structures to aid the movement of goods and people.
In the latter half of the nineteenth century the emergence of steel provided a cheaper, stronger and more
adaptable material for bridges than cast or wrought iron. It was rapidly adopted world-wide, its application
limited only by its relative cost. In Australia, this meant that its use continued to be constrained until after
local manufacture commenced in 1915. In response, the timber truss bridge designs in NSW evolved after
1899 to include steel members in critical locations such as bottom chords, whilst continuing to utilise timber
for the majority of the bridge structure. There were five main types of timber truss bridges erected in NSW,
distinguished by the evolving arrangement of the primary truss members. The five types are:
1886 to 1893
Public Works
Department Truss
McDonald Truss
1893 to 1929
Allan Truss
1899 to 1905
de Burgh Truss
A basic truss bridge, based upon English models, in use from 1860
to 1886. It took advantage of the local hardwoods for its main
members and was a solid and durable design.
Built from 1886 to 1893, the McDonald truss improved upon the
Old PWD type by addressing several of its particular shortcomings.
These included the placement of cast-iron shoes at the junctions
between timber beams, the end members were doubled and
splayed for better lateral stability and wrought-iron rods were
utilised for vertical tension members.
Built from 1893 to 1929, the Allan type also used cast iron
connection pieces and vertical iron rods but was a significant
improvement on the McDonald type, with most main members
doubled and spaced, a simplified tensioning system and using
smaller individual pieces of timber.
The de Burgh Truss was built from 1899 to 1905. This truss was a
composite truss, utilising timber and steel in combination. It was
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distinguished by the use of pin-joints in the connections between
the steel bottom chords and the steel diagonal rods. The de Burgh
Truss was an adaptation of the American Pratt Truss design
developed by Americans Thomas and Caleb Pratt in 1844. Prevalent
from the 1840s through the early twentieth century, the Pratt truss
inspired a large number of variations and modified subtypes during
the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
Schematic design of a de Burgh Truss
Source: RTA NSW Timber Truss Bridge Strategy – de Burgh truss Bridge Profiles
1905 to 1936
Dare Truss
The Dare Truss is very similar to an Allan truss but used steel
bottom chords. Designed by Harvey Dare and built from 1905 to
1936, the Dare Truss incorporates the best features of both the
Allan Truss and the de Burgh Truss, whilst eliminating the pin-joints
of the latter that proved problematic in maintenance. The Dare
Truss was the most successful of the timber/steel composite
The Old Cobram-Barooga Bridge was designed by Ernest de Burgh and uses de Burgh Trusses. The de Burgh
Truss is unique amongst the five timber truss types, as it was the first to depart from the previous standard
type. A defining feature of the Old Cobram-Baroonga Bridge its arrangement, with timber vertical posts,
timber top-chords and steel rods as inclined tension members, bottom chords formed by continuous
parallel steel plates, steel plates and diagonal rods connected to the bottom chords by turned pins. The
Cobram-Barooga Bridge also has a movable lift-span bridge whereby a horizontal span, counterweighted
between two towers, could be raised vertically to provide a passageway for the steamers and their towed
barges. Opening-span bridges were built from 1890 until 1941, after which no new opening bridges were
erected on the Murray River.
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Ernest de Burgh
Ernest Macartney de Burgh (1863-1929) was one of Australia's foremost engineers of the late colonial
period and the early 20th century. He was born in Dublin, Ireland and received his engineering education at
the Royal College of Science. At age 22 he arrived in Melbourne then onto Sydney where he joined the New
South Wales Department of Public Works on 30 April 1885. He was to specialise in the design and
construction of bridges, water supply schemes and dams. In 1901 de Burgh was appointed Engineer for
Bridges in NSW and by that time had been associated with many major bridges. This included the 50 metre
single truss bridge over the Lane Cove River which was at the time the longest timber truss span ever built in
Australia. He also developed the composite timber and steel truss that now bears his name, and was a
member of the Sydney Harbour Bridge Advisory Board. Ernest Macartney de Burgh was regarded as one of
the ablest civil engineers in Australia whose achievements had been recognised internationally.
The Old Cobram-Barooga Bridge is a timber truss, lift-span bridge carrying two traffic lanes across the
Murray River between Cobram and Barooga. The primary axis of the bridge is east-west. The bridge has a
clearance over normal water level of 7.9m with the lift-span closed and 14.3m with the lift-span open. The
bridge has been superseded by a parallel bridge and no longer carries vehicular traffic. The three main spans
include a single, vertical-lift opening span supported on cast iron piers in the centre of the bridge, flanked by
a single de Burgh Truss span on each side. The eastern (NSW) side has been truncated and retains only one
timber beam approach span, which terminates in a steel fence and stair to ground level. All three timber
beam approach spans survive on the western (Victorian) side. The outer ends of the truss spans and the
approach spans are carried on timber trestles on timber piles. The outer ends of the lift-span are carried on
twin cylindrical cast iron piers with intermediate perforated steel plate braces.
The lift-span is formed by a roadway between riveted Pratt-Truss box-girders with a span of 18m. The road
deck on the lift-span is narrower than the approaches and reduces to one traffic lane. The lifting
superstructure comprises four steel lattice towers, connected at their upper level by steel lattice girders.
The two de Burgh truss spans, each 31.7m, are of composite timber and steel construction, with paired
timber top chords and vertical struts with steel rods forming diagonals within each panel.
The approach spans range from approximately 9.1m to 11m in length and are of timber beam construction,
comprising five parallel timber logs spanning between timber and trestle piers. Each span has been
strengthened by the addition of four steel RSJs, one each located in between the timber logs. There is a
footway on the southern side with a timber guardrail but the majority of the timber decking of the footway
has been removed. The footway is absent on the lifting span and the footways have an entrance to the road
deck on either side of the opening span (pedestrians are/were required to share the road deck with vehicles
for the length of the opening span).
The bridge links Cobram and Barooga, but is situated on a broad stretch of Murray River floodplain, within a
picturesque rural context of spreading red-gum trees belonging to the Barooga State Forest.
Bridge engineer: Ernest Macartney de Burgh
Builder name: JB and W Farquharson
Construction end date: 1904
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Connecting Victorians by transport and communications
Travelling by water
Linking Victorians by road in the 20th century
Transforming and managing land and natural resources
Transforming the land and waterways
Intactness – The remaining components are largely intact. (March 2014)
Integrity – Integrity spoilt by removal of northern approach spans. The eastern (NSW) side has been
truncated and retains only one timber beam approach span, which terminates in a steel fence and stair to
ground level. All three timber beam approach spans survive on the western (Victorian) side. (March 2014)
Bridge fabric condition generally good . (March 2014)
There are four bridges over the Murray River currently included in the VHR as joint registrations with the
State Heritage Register (SHR) of New South Wales, and which have similar cultural heritage values to the Old
Cobram-Barooga Bridge:
Swan Hill Bridge (1896)
Barham-Koondrook Bridge (1904)
Tooleybuc Bridge (1925)
Bethanga Bridge (1930)
Swan Hill Bridge (1896) H0794
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Built in 1896 by the Victorian bridge builders, Farquharson Brothers, to a design by New South Wales Public
Works Department Engineer, Percy Allan, the Swan Hill Bridge is a timber truss and steel centre lift-span
bridge over the Murray River at Swan Hill. The Bridge is of technical (scientific) significance for the
innovations used in its design and construction. At the time of construction, the Bridge represented some of
the most sophisticated methods in Australian bridge construction. The Bridge is of historical significance for
its role in facilitating inter-colonial trade between New South Wales and Victoria. The Bridge provided a vital
link between the pastoral runs in the New South Wales Riverina to the railways on the Victorian side of the
Murray allowing easy transport of wool to the Victorian markets and ports. The link also benefited drovers
overlanding livestock between Queensland and the Victorian markets. In time the bridge also provided an
essential link between the Moulamein-Wakool irrigation areas and the Swan Hill rail head and Victorian
markets and sea ports.
Barham-Koondrook Bridge (1904) H0795
The Barham-Koondrook Bridge was built in 1904 by engineering firm Monash and Anderson. It was the
twelfth bridge to cross the Murray River. The Barham-Koondrook Bridge is of technical (scientific)
significance as it is a rare combination of the Percy Allan designed steel central lift-span with composite De
Burg trusses. The only other Murray River bridge to have this configuration is The Old Cobram-Barooga
Bridge. The Barham-Koondrook Bridge is of historical significance as it directly connected the pastoral and
agricultural concerns in the Riverina with the Victorian railhead at Koondrook and has long been an
important link in the north-south stock route connecting Victoria with the New South Wales and
Queensland pastoral centres. The bridge also has associations with John Monash who was one of Australia's
most important engineers, and one of the country's most famous soldiers.
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Tooleybuc Bridge (1925) H0765
Built in 1925, the Tooleybuc Bridge is a timber truss and steel lift-span bridge over the Murray River at
Tooleybuc in New South Wales, near Piangil in Victoria. There are only two surviving Murray River bridges
with Allan truss spans – Swan Hill and Tooleybuc. Swan Hill Bridge was the first of its type to be constructed
anywhere, and the Tooleybuc Bridge was the last. Both bridges were built with Allan trusses in conjunction
with Percy Allan designed steel lift-spans. The Tooleybuc Bridge is of technical (scientific) significance for its
sophisticated design and construction. The Tooleybuc Bridge was the last of a series of bridges over the
Murray River that incorporated central lift-spans with innovative truss spans. The Tooleybuc Bridge is of
historical significance for its role in facilitating interstate trade between New South Wales and Victoria.
Bethanga Bridge (1930) H0989
The Bethanga Bridge, was built between 1927 and 1930 as a joint venture between New South Wales and
Victoria. The Bridge is a road bridge over a flooded section of a Murray River valley that now forms part of
the Hume Dam. It consists of Pratt trusses built by Vickers Ruwolt in Melbourne. The Bridge is of historical
significance for its associations with the construction of Hume Dam and the River Murray Waters
Commission. It is of scientific (technical) significance to the State of Victoria for the rare use of Pratt trusses
in Victoria. The use of this system symbolises the cooperation of New South Wales and Victoria in the
development and ongoing use of major Murray River infrastructure.
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The Old Cobram-Barooga Bridge (1904) shares similar values to the Murray River bridges listed above and
demonstrates state level technical and historical significance. It and the Barham-Koondrook Bridge (1904)
are rare as the only two surviving bridges consisting of a combination of the Percy Allan designed steel
central lift-span with composite de Burgh trusses.
NSW State Heritage Register Nomination Form, Department of Planning/Heritage Council, NSW, September
Don Fraser, ‘Cobram-Barooga Bridge over the River Murray’, in Newsletter of Engineering Australia, no.15,
August 2004.
Berrigan Shire, Cobram-Barooga Bridge
This rare de Burgh truss bridge (1904) is one of most important bridges constructed between Victoria and
New South Wales. It facilitated agricultural, population and economic growth and represents the apex of
lift-span bridge engineering in Australia.
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Map image showing the New Barooga-Cobram Bridge running along Vermont Street, and the
Old Barooga-Cobram Bridge to the north.
Aerial photo from Wikimapia.
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View from West Bank of the Murray back into New South Wales across the Old Cobram-Barooga Bridge
prior to the building of the New Barooga-Cobram Bridge.
Source: http://www.travelnsw.com.au/barooga/photos/
View from West Bank of the Murray back into New South Wales across the Old Cobram-Barooga Bridge
after the building of the New Barooga-Cobram Bridge (see concrete supports).
Source: http://www.travelnsw.com.au/barooga/photos/
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View from New South Wales in to Victoria.
The old and new Cobram-Barooga Bridges (2012)
Source: https://communityhistoryoz.wordpress.com/cobram-barooga-bridge/present-day-debates-todestroy-or-conserve/
View from Victoria into New South Wales along the Old Cobram-Barooga Bridge in the 1990s.
Source: http://www.travelnsw.com.au/barooga/photos/
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View east from Victoria along the Old Cobram-Barooga Bridge into New South Wales
prior to the building of the New Barooga-Cobram Bridge.
Source: http://www.travelnsw.com.au/barooga/photos/
Postcard image of the Cobram Bridge, undated (High Country Library Corporation).
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