“Attitudes towards immigration in the USA has hardened in recent years.” Discuss Essay one Immigration is one of the biggest issues facing the USA. With the increase of the immigrant population there has been more competition for jobs, culture changes and since the terrorist attacks in 2001 there has been stricter immigration laws and border controls. Attitudes are changing towards immigration and it is argued whether immigration helps the future development of America. Many feel that there is too much competition from migrant workers for jobs. They would like to see a reduction in the number of immigrants or a policy, which gives them priority over immigrants. However, employers support immigration in the USA because they are often willing to accept low wages. They are also prepared to work in jobs that other people in America don’t want . They often use this money to send back to their families. With an increase in the immigrant population some people feel that they are beginning to take over. Often the immigrant groups have a different way of life and bring this culture to America. For example Hispanics, which are the fastest growing ethnic group, have immigrated to states such as California. At the moment due to the large Hispanic population in California Spanish is the most spoken language. However, some people argue that this just adds to the multicultural society which has existed in America for years. America sells itself as its mixed race and multi-cultural population and tougher immigration laws would affect the American way of life. Since the terrorist attacks in 2001 views have changed about immigration. After the attacks many changes were made to immigration laws and border controls, to prevent future attacks and widespread devastation. For example the USA Patriot Act 2001 allows the Attorney General to accuse any immigrant of being a terrorist. There is also stricter border controls for example when arriving in America you have to get fingerprints and a picture of your retina taken before you are allowed to enter the country. However, “Attitudes towards immigration in the USA has hardened in recent years.” Discuss immigrants do contribute to the US economy. They pay taxes and set up small businesses. Although some people say that immigrants cost the country money it has been calculated that they actually pay between $25-$30 million more in taxes than they claim in benefits. The increase in the immigrant population has had an effect on the American way of life. However, they do contribute in many different ways to the economy and culture of America. Views have changed in recent years especially since the terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers and understandably people have become less open to mass immigration. Essay Two From 1990 to 1999 there has been 9 million legal immigrants into the USA. There has also been millions of illegal immigrants. They come to the USA to find a job and lead the stereotypical life of an American citizen. There has been little change in immigration numbers into the USA. In 2001 it was around 1.064 million but dropt after 9/11 to 1.063 million but in recent years the trend has changed. In 2003 it was 705,000 and raised to 946,000 in 2004. This shows that immigration is on the increase in the USA. However, several new acts have come in since 9/11. The Border Security act came in November 2001. It gave a bigger budget to customs and to increase staff and update technology. This shows that the USA’s government is trying to harden up on illegal immigrants as they could be terrorists. On the other hand though many immigrants legal and illegal are needed to keep America’s economy running. Legal immigrants are countable for why 40% of Black American men are unemployed. Many black community have high crime and drug rates and low education and skills. A quarter of all farm workers in the USA are illegal immigrants. If these workers were deported “Attitudes towards immigration in the USA has hardened in recent years.” Discuss there would be trouble as harvest could not be taken in the and yields drop meaning that US government would have to spend more on importing food which could be used in advancing America in this modern age. In California however, who have a large Hispanic population they have got fed up with the apparent lack of action in controlling immigration. This lead them in proposing proposition 187 in 1994. This legislation would stop illegal immigrants and their children in getting education, health and welfare benefits. It also said teachers and social workers had to report suspicions. Hispanics did not like this as they said officials would be suspicious of Spanish sounding names and not English. This pressure paid off and the act was not put into action until courts decided if it was constitutional. In 1997 it was unconstitutional as it gave state government authority over immigration which is a federal government case. Many people feel immigrants are a drain on society as they take there jobs and illegal aliens don’t pay taxes. After 9/11 attitudes changes as people became aware of the threats and put pressure on government to harden border controls. Essay Three Attitudes towards immigration in the USA have hardened in recent years, especially after September 11th 2001 were many Americans need to feel safe by having new legislation introduced to make it harder for people to enter the USA. Many Americans feel that due to immigrants their jobs have been taken. However immigration has many benefits to the US economy, immigrants are paying taxes and adding to the US culture. Making the US multi-culturalism which is seen to be American and adds to what it means to be American. New legislation have been put in place to encourage legal immigrants Senators McCain now running to be president of the Republican party in the “Attitudes towards immigration in the USA has hardened in recent years.” Discuss state of Arizona and Democrat senator of Massachusetts Kennedy introduced a legislation called The Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act 2005. This proposed giving a renewable three-year working visa to those entering the USA, which would encourage local immigrants. However, this legislation was not successful and only one third agreed with working visas in the USA. Many voted against the idea of working visas. On 1st May 2006 there were over one million protestors in over 50 states protesting against the hardening of immigration in the US. Many were Hispanics who are the fastest growing group and are now more politically organised. Because immigrants have taken over many states, for example the Hispanics in California which led to many US people wanting English only states. For example in California were Hispanics are the predominant racial group they would not be able to have Spanish schools, it would have to be in English. This shows how immigration has tightened in recent years. A major argument that attitudes towards immigration in the USA has harden in recent years is the attacks on the Twin Towers on September the 11th 2001. Many Americans feel insecure that a possible attack on America could take place and these people need to know that the Government is hardening Immigration. The White House agreed to provide funds to build a 700 mile fence around the Mexico border to help prevent immigration. As a result of this there has been 460 deaths between the years 2004 and 2005. However, many of these immigrants have suffered from war, poverty or political inbalance in their country and are simply trying to make a better life for themselves. If America allow in immigrants it will add to the culture and help boast multiculturalism which is seen to be American Multi-culturalism has given phases like the ‘salad bowl’ and ‘melting pot’ which all add to the American heritage. Immigration has caused competition in jobs. Many Americans feel since it used to be easy to enter the USA that they took over their jobs. Particularly after the recession in the 1990s this angered many whites and blacks as “Attitudes towards immigration in the USA has hardened in recent years.” Discuss immigrants would not fit into the US life and culture. However, immigrants have not just caused competition in jobs they in fact have boosted the US economy. As a result of immigration immigrants have created jobs for the people and many of the immigrants run their own business. While they are adding to the economy they are in fact taking very little out if it which is a reason why immigration is a good thing for the USA and by 2050 Americans will become bilingual showing trade will be able to happen more sufficiently. Immigrants cost the US tax person more money in taxes. On average an illegal immigrant costs to the Senate about $10billion each year which in turn means more is added to how much a US tax payer has to pay. However if the immigrants used more services provided in the USA, they would on average cost the Senate $29 billion. Even though by having immigrants it is costing the USA more the fact that they are not using services is an advantage. On the other hand it was found that immigrants actually pay more in taxes. Than a US born citizen. Immigrants pay between $25 and $35 more in taxes than those born in America. Immigrants add a lot more to the US economy than they take out in goods and services. In recent years immigration has hardened and new legislations passed and Government intervention has stopped many immigrants entering the USA. However immigration is also a benefit and adds to the US economy and culture, making the US multi-cultured which is very American.