Place Value 3 Negative and positive numbers to 100,000 Objectives Order negative and positive integers and place on a number line Know what each digit represents in numbers up to 100,000 Use place value to add and subtract Order numbers up to 100,000 Find 1, 10, 100 and 1000 more and less than five-digit numbers For this unit you will need: whiteboards, 0-9 dice, a set of large 0-9 digit cards (see resources), calculators, an IWB calculator, e.g. the one at, Number line at Higher and lower at Watch out for pupils who: have difficulty in writing numbers where zero is used as a place holder, e.g. 41,056, 45,206; are unsure in crossing multiples of 10,000, e.g. knowing that one less than 40,000 is 39,999; think that -7 is more than -6 for example because 7 is more than 6. HSNP © Hamilton 2013 Keeping Up Term 2 Place Value 3 Session 1 Objective: Order negative and positive integers and place on a number line Teacher input with whole class Use Number line at , choosing numbers -10 to 10. Click ‘again’ until the arrow points to a negative number. Ask pupils to write on their whiteboards what number they think the arrow is pointing to. Click ‘show 5s’, they adjust their answers, then click ‘show numbers’ to check. Paired pupil work Pupils each sketch a line from -10 to 0 on their whiteboards. They take it in turns to mark on a number and see if their partners can guess which number they have marked. Teacher input with whole class Use Higher and lower. at Choose numbers -10 to +10. Click on each card and then on ‘order’. Ask pupils to write the numbers in order on their whiteboards. Click ‘check’ so they can check their answers. Repeat several times. Paired pupil work Pupils roll a 0 to 9 dice. They flip a coin, heads for a positive number, and tails for a negative number. Repeat five times, then put the six numbers in order. HSNP © Hamilton 2013 Keeping Up Term 2 Place Value 3 Session 2 Objectives: Know what each digit represents in numbers up to 100,000; Use place value to add and subtract Teacher input with whole class Enter the number 25,837 into an IWB calculator e.g. the one at Ask pupils to write on their whiteboards the number which must be subtracted to ‘zap’ the 5. Use the calculator to subtract numbers they suggest, drawing out that 5000 must be subtracted as the digit 5 represents 5000. Repeat entering other numbers such as 48,592, 52,834, 87,350, 45,532, 25,356, 54,635 and 55,324 into the calculator and asking pupils to write on their whiteboards what must be subtracted to ‘zap’ the digit(s) 5. Paired pupils work Pupils work in pairs to write six five-digit numbers which each have the digit 5 two or three times. They write what must be subtracted to eliminate the digits 5, all at once, e.g. 54,572 – 50,500 = 4070. Teacher input with whole class Enter the number 55,355 into an IWB calculator e.g. the one at Ask pupils to write on their whiteboards what must be added to make all the digits 5. Use the calculator to add numbers they suggest, drawing out that 200 must be added. Repeat with numbers such as 43,555, 52,515 and 53,455. Enter the number 57,555 and ask what must be subtracted to make 55,555. Repeat with other numbers such as 85,855 and 55,875. Paired pupils work Pupils work in pairs to roll a dice five times to generate a five-digit number. They work out what must be added, and then subtracted to make the number into 33,333, e.g. they make the number 16,234, so add 20,100, then subtract 3001. HSNP © Hamilton 2013 Keeping Up Term 2 Place Value 3 Session 3 Objective: Order numbers up to 100,000; Find 1, 10, 100 and 1000 more and less than five-digit numbers Teacher input with whole class Write 45,236 on the board. Ask pupils to write the number before and the number after on their whiteboards. Repeat with other numbers such as 40,000, 53,000, 32,490, 72,500 and 56,999. Repeat, this time asking pupils to find 10, 100 and 1000 less than fivedigit numbers. Paired pupil work Pupils work in pairs to roll a dice five times. They use the digits to write six different five-digit numbers and write them in ascending order. Ask them to write the numbers that are 10 more than each number. Repeat. Repeat twice more, this time writing numbers that are 100 less than each number. Teacher input with whole class Shuffle a large set of 0 to 9 digit cards (see resources). Ask a pupil to use the top five cards in order to create a five-digit number and show the class. You take the remaining cards, and before showing the class ask them whether they think your number will be higher or lower. If the majority are correct, the class win a point, if not you as teacher win a point! Repeat four more times. Who wins, teacher or class? HSNP © Hamilton 2013 Keeping Up Term 2 HSNP © Hamilton 2012 Page 89 Keeping up Term 2