Cloning outline example

I. Introduction
A. What would the world be like if it were populated by clones?
B. Background Information
1. How cloning came about - medical
2. Why cloning has been pursued - purpose
3. Ethical debates on cloning
C. The complete cloning of human beings is a dangerous practice and needs to be
banned worldwide.
1. Misuse and misunderstanding of clones - possible abuse
2. Criminal forensics problems
3. Over population
II. The concept of clones is misunderstood and will likely result in the abuse of cloned persons.
A. Clones not walking organ banks
1. “Scientists believe that cloning people will result in an abundance of organs that
can alleviate the burden on organ banks” (Hearte).
2. Using cloned people as organ banks is disturbing.
B. Clones are not drones/soulless robots for experiment
1. “With clones, we can finally begin to understand how the human brain works
without having to worry about human rights violations” (Ugleah).
2. Clones are individual people with same DNA as original person
III. The complete cloning of a human would create global criminal forensics problems.
A. DNA sampling would be useless
1. Statistics on the usage of DNA in crime solving
2. CSI teams would be unable to function
B. Eyewitnesses would be useless
1. Statistics on eye witness usage
2. Criminal Justice system would collapse
IV. With current projections of worldwide overpopulation, cloning humans only adds to the
problem and is a mistake.
A. Current over population problems
1. Statistics on current populations
2. Already, there are too many living in poverty. Future is bleak
B. Clones further burden to a resource-lacking planet
1. Statistics on water and fuel shortages
2. Cloning will only lead to hardship for people and planet.
V. Conclusion
A. Summary of arguments
1. Clones are misunderstood and can potentially be abused
2. Clones would destroy the criminal justice system
3. Cloning would hasten the depletion of natural resources
B. The cloning of full human beings should be prohibited by all nations.
C. Humans are not qualified to play God, nor do they think far enough into the future to
be trusted with God-like powers