National Geographic: Cloning (60 minutes)

National Geographic: Cloning (60 minutes)
Write your answers on another sheet of paper.
__?__ develop from a single egg and are considered clones.
2. The name of the sheep cloned was __?__.
3. Which famous actor would benefit from cloning?
4. According to Dave Ayers, what is there a shortage of?
5. Which animal are they looking at to make organs for humans?
6. Which animal was the first animal that was cloned?
7. How many tries did it take to clone Dolly?
8. In a “future family”, is the daughter related to her father and the son related to his mother?
(Yes or No)
9. What animal might some people consider cloning?
10. The __?__ is an endangered animal which scientists are preserving their DNA for the future
when they become extinct.
11. __?__ cells can be formed into specialized cells and finally organs.
12. When embryonic stem cells were placed in paralyzed rates, what happened?
13. Which system in the body is replaced in the 12 year old cow in PA?
14. Did the above experiment work? (Yes or No)
15. Opinion – What is your opinion on cloning. Is it ethical? Is it beneficial?
National Geographic: Cloning (60 minutes)
Write your answers on another sheet of paper.
__?__ develop from a single egg and are considered clones.
2. The name of the sheep cloned was __?__.
3. Which famous actor would benefit from cloning?
4. According to Dave Ayers, what is there a shortage of?
5. Which animal are they looking at to make organs for humans?
6. Which animal was the first animal that was cloned?
7. How many tries did it take to clone Dolly?
8. In a “future family”, is the daughter related to her father and the son related to his mother?
(Yes or No)
9. What animal might some people consider cloning?
10. The __?__ is an endangered animal which scientists are preserving their DNA for the future
when they become extinct.
11. __?__ cells can be formed into specialized cells and finally organs.
12. When embryonic stem cells were placed in paralyzed rates, what happened?
13. Which system in the body is replaced in the 12 year old cow in PA?
14. Did the above experiment work? (Yes or No)
15. Opinion – What is your opinion on cloning. Is it ethical? Is it beneficial?