English 2 - Whitefish Bay Schools

English 2
Instructor: Ms. Burkemper
OFFICE: RM 254 (Tower Times Office)
PHONE:(414) 963-3949
EMAIL: kristin.burkemper@wfbschools.com
COURSE GOAL: The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the study of literature at the high
school level. Students will read multiple types of texts and respond to them both orally and in writing, making
connections to themselves, to other texts, and to the world around them. Furthermore, students are introduced
to the language/vocabulary of the various genres studied.
Holt Elements of Literature (textbook- pick up in bookstore)
Mythology - Edith Hamilton (textbook- pick up in bookstore)
Montana 1948 (I will provide this to you/)
Much Ado About Nothing (I will provide this to you)
Vocabulary for Achievement (purple) (I will provide this to you)
Teacher created supplementary materials
Note: If any text is lost, you will not be provided with another one and will have to purchase a new text.
1 2” three-ring binder (for handouts) with pockets
1 package of binder dividers with tabs (need at least 5 dividers)
1 flash-drive (for saving writing)
- Loose leaf paper: 8 ½ x 11 size
- mini stapler
1 one-subject notebook to be used throughout the semester
- Writing utensils: standard blue/black ink pens, pencils, and at least 2 pens of an
alternative color (red, purple, green, etc.)
Unit 1: Short Works of Fiction and Non-Fiction
Unit 2: Poetry
Unit 3: Mythology
Unit 4: The Novel (Montana 1948)
Unit 5: Drama (Much Ado About Nothing)
Late/Incomplete Work: Please do not self-destruct! For every day beyond the assignment due date that your work
is late, your mark is lowered 10%. However late though, you should still complete the assignment before the unit
deadline, ie. the end of the unit, as you will receive some credit – not a zero. Assignment Due date= the date that
the assignment is due. Unit Deadline = the absolute last day that an assignment can be turned in for partial credit.
Any work that is turned in after a unit is completed will receive a zero.
Excused Absences: You have one day after the assignment due date to submit work or make up a test or quiz for each
day that you have an excused absence, or work is considered late and will be graded accordingly.
Unexcused Absences: This results in a zero for the day’s in-class work and for any assignment(s) due that day.
Partial-day absences: If you attend school for any portion of the school day, you must turn in any major papers due
that day.
Academic Dishonesty: Academic dishonesty makes it impossible to assess a student’s progress toward course objectives
and will result in a zero for the assignment in question. Students who plagiarize essays will be given a zero and will be
required to re-do the essay at a passing quality, while keeping the zero for their essay grade. The English department
utilizes resources such as turnitin.com to ensure students' written work is not plagiarized.
Tardies: You are tardy if you are not in your assigned seat, with your materials ready when the bell rings. According
to WFB High School’s attendance policy, I will follow the following procedure:
1st Tardy Record Tardy
2nd Tardy Record Tardy
3rd Tardy Record Tardy/Conference/Parent Notification
4th Tardy Record Tardy/Conference/ Discipline
Referral/Associate Principal Meeting/DT
Student Effort/Behavior: Behavior is a critical component to creating a respectful, supportive learning environment, and
effort is a critical component in the learning process. In the English department, behavior and effort are reported by the
building-wide, quarterly behavior/effort mark.
Other Policies:
- All final drafts must be submitted to turnitin.com by the required due date and you must print a proof of
submission “ticket” to turn in with your final draft; otherwise, the paper will be considered late.
- Never place assignments in my mailbox; please hand them to me directly
- Type or word-process all major papers in MLA Format
- Complete long-term assignments—papers, projects, etc.—over the long term so you
may seek additional help if necessary.
- If you are having printer or computer problems and an assignment is due in class the next day, you must
email the assignment to me or come see me before school; otherwise, the assignment is considered late.
- Do not line up at the door before the bell rings.
Bathroom/Nurse/Locker trips
You may go to the restroom or the bathroom if you need to, but please don’t make this a daily occurrence as you are
missing important classroom instruction.
You are expected to have all materials in class with you, so locker trips should not be necessary.
Extra Help:
Please let me know immediately if you want/need some extra time to discuss class work; I would be happy to help.
The best way to reach me is before school, during ISHP, or by email. I am usually available for extra assistance
during the following times:
Before School
After School
7:15-7:35, 254 (Tower Times Office)
11:25-11:50, 254
3:05 - ? 254
Writing Lab: I cannot emphasize enough how important the writing lab is in the writing process, so please utilize it
as much as possible. Remember, you can only sign up for ONE appointment at a time. If you miss your writing lab
appointment you will serve a detention with me at ISHP. See the English department webpage for further writing
lab policies: http://www.wfbschools.com/schools/high/writinglab.cfm
English Department Policies: See the English Department website for further explanation of the English
department policies: http://www.wfbschools.com/schools/high/EnglishHS.cfm
Grading Scale: The English department uses the following scale:
Tests: 45%
Essays: 40%
Homework/Projects/In-Class Work/Quizzes: 15%
Weighting: In the English Department, the entire semester of work counts as 80% of the semester grade and the final
exam counts as 20% of the semester grade.
Final Exam: The final exam will focus on all materials covered throughout the course, so please do not throw
your course materials away. See Academic Handbook for the final exam exemption policy. If you have met
the final exam exemption requirements outlined in the Academic Handbook, you may be eligible to exempt
the final exam given that you have no more than seven unexcused absences and have a semester grade of a
B or higher.
Honors English: If you are applying for the honors program, more information will be provided at a later date.
Student’s Name:_________________________________
Whitefish Bay High School
English II, 2011/12
Ms. Burkemper, instructor; (414) 963-3949; kristin.burkemper@wfbschools.com
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):
My name is Kristin Burkemper and I will be your student’s English II instructor. I am sending this letter to introduce
myself and tell you how much I look forward to having your student in our classroom this year!
English II is just part of the four-year journey at Whitefish Bay High School. This course has a rigorous curriculum
designed to improve reading and writing skills.
In my classroom, each of my students will learn that I am dedicated to helping them achieve success. I will work
diligently to teach them the value of the written word and how they can use their writing and reading skills to understand
themselves and the world around them.
Since communication is essential to the success of your student, please feel free to contact me for any reason. You can
reach me via phone/voice mail and/or email; see the header at the top of the page. I check my email once in the morning
and once before I leave the building; this is probably the fastest way to reach me. If I have not responded within two
days, it is probable that I did not receive your message, which sometimes does occur.
I look forward to working with you and your student this year! And, once again, please feel free to contact me with any
questions or concerns.
To help facilitate communication, please fill out the information below and send this form back (in its entirety) with
your student. Thank you for your time. I look forward to talking to you soon!
Name_________________________________ Relationship(s) to student ______________________
Home Phone: ___________________Work:_________________ Other:______________________
*Email Address_____________________________________________________________________
Name_________________________________ Relationship(s) to student ______________________
Home Phone: ___________________Work:_________________ Other:______________________
*Email Address_____________________________________________________________________
Preferred method/person of contact:____________________________________________________
My child, __________________________________________________________, and I have read and discussed the
syllabus and classroom procedures.
Student Signature _______________________________________ Date: _____________________
Guardian Signature _____________________________________ Date: _____________________