LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Dr. Attila Dósa Department of English Literature Institute of Modern Philology Faculty of Arts University of Miskolc Miskolc-Egyetemváros H-3515 Hungary Tel.: 46 / 565 111 2285 E-mail: aitdosa @ A) BOOK Beyond Identity: New Horizons in Modern Scottish Poetry New York / Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2009. 329 pages. ISBN: 978-90-420-2787-9 Homepage: Google Books: Review of this book: a) Ron Walker. “Beyond Identity: New Horizons in Modern Scottish Poetry. By Attila Dósa.” Scottish Literary Review. 3.2 (2011) 259-261. B) EDITOR An ERF Retrospective: Papers from the English Research Forum 2004–2009 Publicationes Universitatis Miskolciensis. Sectio Philosophica. University of Miskolc. 15.2 (2010) [special issue] ISSN: 1219-543X Full text: C) THESIS The Field-sized Republic: Landscape, Lyricism and Versions of Scottish Identity in Douglas Dunn’s Poetry from Terry Street to The Year’s Afternoon St Andrews: University of St Andrews, 2001. PhD thesis. St Andrews University Library D) BOOK CHAPTERS 2013 “Tom Leonard Interviewed” Jeffrey W. Hunter (ed). Contemporary Literary Criticism. Vol. 289. Detroit: Gale, 2010. pp. 103-34 ATTILA DÓSA / LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 1 E) ARTICLES, ESSAYS, INTERVIEWS, REVIEWS 2015 “Cutrofello, Andrew. All for Nothing: Hamlet’s Negativity. Cambridge, MA and London: MIT Press, 2014” [review] Forum for Modern Language Studies. Oxford University Press. 51.2 (2015) p. 231-32 doi: 10.1093/fmls/cqv011 Full text: “Language in Scotland: Corpus-Based Studies. Ed. Wendy Anderson. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, 2013” [review] Forum for Modern Language Studies. Oxford University Press . 51.2 (2015) p. 234 doi: 10.1093/fmls/cqv017 Full text: 2014 “Invisible Ink: Links and Continuities in Douglas Dunn’s Oeuvre.” [article] Scottish Literary Review. University of Glasgow. Association for Scottish Literary Studies. 6.1 (2014) 47-60 Abstracts: “Mental Illness in the Family: A. L. Kennedy’s Short Fiction.” [article] Veronika Ruttkay and Bálint Gárdos (eds). Proceedings of the 11th Conference of the Hungarian Society for the Study of English. Budapest: L’Harmattan: 2014. 470-84 Full text: _Study_of_English_2013_Conference.pdf 2013 “Kosztolányi Dezső: Boldog szomorú dal. Egy szövegtani elemzés vázlata.” [Outline of a text linguistics analysis of a poem by Hungarian poet Dezső Kosztolányi] [article] Alkalmazott Nyelvészeti Közlemények. University of Miskolc. 8.2 (2013) 97-104 Full text: “Austen retorikája és a XVIII. századi angol fiktív próza diszkurzustípusai” [Austen’s Rhetoric and Types of Discourse in 18th-century English Prose Fiction] [article] The Publications of the XXVII. microCAD International Scientific Conference. ISBN: 978-963-358-018-9 [electronic, CD publication] Full text: 2011 “Kennedy, David. Douglas Dunn. Horndon, Tavistock: Northcote, 2008” [review] Forum for Modern Language Studies. Oxford University Press. 47.1 (2011) p. 111. ATTILA DÓSA / LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 2 doi: 10.1093/fmls/cqq042 Full text: 2010 “In-betweenness and Identity Construction in Douglas Dunn’s Poetry” [article] Publicationes Universitatis Miskolciensis. Sectio Philosophica. University of Miskolc. 15.2 (2010) pp. 87-102 Full text: 2008 “Resisting Philip Larkin” [review of McKeown, Andrew and Charles Holdefer (eds). Philip Larkin and the Poetics of Resistance. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2006] The Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies. University of Debrecen. 14.1 (2008) pp. 18892 Full text on JSTOR: 1 “Scotland in Europe” [review essay] The Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies. University of Debrecen. 14.2 (2008) pp. 389405 Full text on JSTOR: 1 2007 “Scotland in Europe” [review essay] Epona. University of Veszprém. 2 (2007) 2005 “Költők és egyéb állatfajták – Beszélgetés John Burnside-dal” [Poets and Other Animals: An interview with John Burnside] [interview] Nagyvilág. Budapest. 2005/1. pp. 51-65 “Extracts from a Longer Conversation with Frank Kuppner” [interview] Scottish Studies Review. University of Glasgow. Association for Scottish Literary Studies. 6.1 (2005) pp. 84-100. MLA record no.: 2005871479 “In Response to Bakhtin: Hermeneutic and Therapeutic Dialogues in Contemporary Scottish Literature” [article] Forum for Modern Language Studies. Oxford University Press. 41.3 (2005) pp. 289-307. doi: 10.1093/fmls/cqi019. MLA record no.: 2005360616 ATTILA DÓSA / LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 3 2004 “Interview with Tom Leonard” [interview] Scottish Studies Review. University of Glasgow. Association for Scottish Literary Studies. 5.2 (2004) p. 69-83. MLA record no.: 2004874024 Reference to this article: a) Matt McGuire. “access to the silence. By Tom Leonard.” Scottish Studies Review. 6.1 (2005) p. 129 2003 “Devolving English Literature” [review essay] The Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies. University of Debrecen. 9.2 (2003) pp. 25965 “Lélekmasinák: Beszélgetés Robert Crawforddal” [Spirit Machines: An Interview with Robert Crawford] [interview] Nagyvilág. Budapest. 2003/9. pp. 715-26 “‘In front of beyond’: Robert Crawford Interviewed” [interview] The Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies. University of Debrecen. 9.2 (2003) pp. 24356. MLA record no.: 2004652234 “Poets and Other Animals: An Interview with John Burnside” [interview] Scottish Studies Review. University of Glasgow. Association for Scottish Literary Studies. 4.1 (2003) pp. 9-23. MLA record no.: 2003872221 References to this article: a) P. Volsik. “‘Somewhere between the Presbyterian and the Tao’ (Kathleen Jamie): Contemporary Scottish Poetry.” Etudes Anglaises. 60.3 (2007) pp. 346-60 b) James McGonigal and Kirsten Stirling (eds). “Ethically Speaking: Voice and Values in Modern Scottish Writing.” Amsterdam / New York: Rodopi, 2006. c) David Borthwick. “The Sustainable Male: Masculine Ecology in the Poetry of John Burnside.” H. Ellis and J. Meyer (eds) Masculinity and the Other: Historical Perspectives. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009. 2002 “Douglas Dunn Budapesten” [“Douglas Dunn in Budapest” (an interview with Douglas Dunn)] Nagyvilág. Budapest. 2002/5 pp. 769-73 [interview] Reference to this article: a) Emilia Szaffner. “Scottish Writers in Translation.” Tom Hubbard and R.D.S. Jack (eds). Scotland in Europe. Amsterdam / New York: Rodopi, 2006. p. 257 2001 “A Conversation with Edwin Morgan” [interview] Poetry Review. Poetry Society: London. 91.3 (2001) pp. 8-15 References to this article: a) Tom Hubbard. “Doing Something Uncustomary: Edwin Morgan and Attila József.” International Journal of Scottish Literature. 1 (2006) ATTILA DÓSA / LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 4 b) István D. Rácz. A másik ország: Az angol költészet 1945 után. Debrecen: Kossuth Egyetemi Kiadó, 2006. pp. 115, 119 “Beszélgetés Edwin Morgannel” [“A conversation with Edwin Morgan”] [interview] Nagyvilág. 2001/10 pp. 1604-16. Reference to this article: a) Emilia Szaffner. “Scottish Writers in Translation.” Tom Hubbard and R.D.S. Jack (eds). Scotland in Europe. Amsterdam / New York: Rodopi, 2006. pp. 253, 254, 256 “Solitaire” [review of Douglas Dunn. The Year’s Afternoon. London: Faber and Faber, 2000.] The Red Wheelbarrow. University of St Andrews. 5 (2001) pp. 55-58 Reference to this article: a) István D. Rácz. A másik ország: Az angol költészet 1945 után. Debrecen: Kossuth Egyetemi Kiadó, 2006. p. 133 “‘...the kind of poetry I mean’: Notes on Douglas Dunn’s Criticism of Scottish Poetry” [article] Studies in Scottish Literature. University of South Carolina Press. 32 (2001) pp. 55-66. MLA record no.: 2001581542 2000 “Love, or Nothing?: Dimensions of Scottish Identity in Douglas Dunn’s Love or Nothing” [article] Scottish Literary Journal. University of Glasgow. Association for Scottish Literary Studies. 27.1. (2000) pp. 91-104. MLA record no.: 2002874187 Reference to this article: a) Douglas Gifford et al. (eds). Scottish Literature. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2002 p. 1188 1999 “Language, Dialect or Accent?: Some Contemporary Perceptions of the Present Status and the Potential Uses of Scots” [article] Scottish Language. University of Glasgow. Association for Scottish Literary Studies. 18 (1999) pp. 6986. MLA record no.: 2002933433 References to this article: a) Joanna McPake. “Mapping the Languages of Edinburgh.” SCOTLANG Seed Project 6. Final Report. University of Stirling. 2002. p. 41 b) c) Lindsay Voigt. “‘…if we care to preserve even that’: Scots and the Question of Language and Revitalization.” Swarthmore College. Senior Thesis. 2003. pp. 11-12 d) Janina Böttcher. “Modern Scots: Reflections on a Variety.” Seminar paper. University of Potsdam. Munich: GRIN Verlag, 2005. pp. 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15 e) Melanie Bobik. “Variation in Scotland: The Linguistic Status of Scots Then and Now.” Norderstedt: Grin Verlag, 2010. pp. 2, 3, 9 “A Different Drummer: Douglas Dunn Interviewed” [interview] Poetry Review. Poetry Society: London. 89.3 (1999) p. 27-34 References to this article: a) David Kennedy. Douglas Dunn. Horndon: Northcote (on behalf of the British Council), 2008. Writers and Their Works Series. pp. 76, 80, 88 ATTILA DÓSA / LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 5 b) Iain Twiddy. “Exile and Belonging in Douglas Dunn’s Political Poetry.” Media and Communication Studies. Hokkaido University. Vol. 59. (2010) pp.115-16. “A Gateway to the Sea” [review] Translation and Literature. Edinburgh University Press. 8.2 (1999) pp. 269-73 “Politika és poétika – Beszélgetés Douglas Dunn-nal” [Politics and Poetics: An Interview with Douglas Dunn] [interview] Nagyvilág. Budapest. 1999/9-10 pp. 769-79 References to this article: a) Emilia Szaffner. “Scottish Writers in Translation”. In Tom Hubbard and R.D.S. Jack (eds), Scotland in Europe. Amsterdam / New York: Rodopi, 2006. p. 256 b) István D. Rácz. A másik ország: Az angol költészet 1945 után. Debrecen: Kossuth University Press, 2006. p. 123 F) LITERARY TRANSLATION 2011 Douglas Dunn. “A könnyű-nehéz teher” [“A Difficult, Simple Art”] [Hungarian] Bálint Gárdos, Veronika Ruttkay and Andrea Timár (eds), Ritka művészet: Írások Péter Ágnes tiszteletére [Rare Device: Writings in Honour of Ágnes Péter] Budapest: ELTE, 2011. pp. 655-57. ISBN: 978-963-284-204-2 Colin Swatridge. Marslakók hazája – avagy Magyarország angol szemmel [A Country Full of Aliens: A Briton in Hungary] [Hungarian] Budapest: Corvina, 2011. 182 pages. ISBN 978 963 13 6045 5 2010 Áprily Lajos. “Scottish Muid”; “Northern Roses” (Skót hangulat; Északi rózsák) (English; with Tom Hubbard) Publicationes Universitatis Miskolciensis. Sectio Philosophica. University of Miskolc. 15.2 (2010) pp. 193-94 Full text: Don Paterson. “Aforizmák” [“Aphorisms”] [Hungarian] Judit Borbély and Zsolt Cigányik (eds). A tűnődések valósága: Írások Sarbu Aladár 70. születésnapjára [The Reality of Ruminations: Writings for Aladár Sarbu on his 70th Birthday] Budapest: ELTE, 2010. pp. 91-95. ISBN: 978-963-284-154-0 2008 Tom Leonard. “Irodalom és demokrácia” [“Literature and Democracy”] [Hungarian] Nagyvilág. Budapest. 2008/4 pp. 365-74 Full text: George Mackay Brown. “Szent Kristóf” [“St. Christopher”] [Hungarian] Nagyvilág. Budapest. 2008/3 pp. 218-20 ATTILA DÓSA / LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 6 Full text: 2007 Lajos Áprily. “Scottish Muid”; “Northern Roses” [Skót hangulat; Északi rózsák] [English; with Tom Hubbard] Zed2O. Kirkcaldy. 21 (2007) pp. 64-65 2005 John Burnside. “Aki kapja, marja” [“Finders, Keepers”] [Hungarian] Nagyvilág. Budapest. 2005/1 pp. 43-47 John Burnside. “Nagy szavak” [“Strong Words”] [Hungarian] Nagyvilág. Budapest. 2005/1 pp. 48-50 Edwin Morgan.” Szentjánosbogár-mennyezet” [“A Roof of Fireflies”] [Hungarian] Nagyvilág. Budapest. 2005/10 pp. 808-11 2003 Robert Crawford. “Kozmopolitistenhátamögöttizmus” [“Cosmopolibackofbeyondism”] [Hungarian] Nagyvilág. Budapest. 2003/9 pp. 712-14 Reference to this article: a) Emilia Szaffner. “Scottish Writers in Translation”. Tom Hubbard and R.D.S. Jack (eds), Scotland in Europe. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, 2006. p. 263 Sándor Weöres. “Theme and Variations” [Téma és variációk] [Hungarian] The Red Wheelbarrow. University of St Andrews. 8 (2003) p. 30 2002 Sándor Weöres. “A Chinese Temple” [Kínai templom] [English] The Red Wheelbarrow. University of St Andrews. 7 (2002) p. 11 G) TV AND RADIO 2012 “Marslakók földje” [“A Country Full of Aliens”] [television interview] Duna TV, Hungary. Broadcast on March 15 2012. 5 mins. Preview: 2004 “The Scottish Enlightenment” [radio interview] Miskolc District Studio of Hungarian Radio. Broadcast on March 13 2004. 25 mins. ATTILA DÓSA / LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 7 H) SUPERVISED PUBLICATIONS OF STUDENTS 2010 Ildikó Kocsis, “Dissimulation in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice” [article] Publicationes Universitatis Miskolciensis. Sectio Philosophica. University of Miskolc. 15.2 (2010) pp. 147-62 Full text: Lévai Eszter [translation] George Mackay Brown, “Andrina” [Hungarian] Publicationes Universitatis Miskolciensis. Sectio Philosophica. University of Miskolc. 15.2 (2010) pp. 199-204 Full text: 2008 Emese Ildikó Lénárt [translation] George Mackay Brown, “A három öreg” [“The Three Old Men”] [Hungarian] Nagyvilág. Budapest. 2008/3 pp. 220-23 Full text: László Poroszkai [translation] George Mackay Brown, “Kagylómese” [“A Shell Story”] [Hungarian] Nagyvilág. Budapest. 2008/3 pp. 220-23 Full text: 2006 István Kovács [translation] Muriel Spark, “A Szeráf és a Zambézi” [“The Seraph and the Zambesi”] [Hungarian] Nagyvilág. Budapest. 2006/11-12 pp. 997-1002 Full text: . . . ATTILA DÓSA / LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 8