Cognitive Psychology Enrichment Project Due: Dec. 5 2 of 3 Projects o #1 is required! o You will have some time in class to work on this but a good amount of this project will have to be done outside of class o These projects are done alone. That means WITHOUT partners o Choose between doing Project #2 or #3 o Complete all of guidelines, read directions you will do GREAT! o 12 pt. Font, normal standards, double spaced, proper grammar, have proofread 1. In depth research into major topics of Cognitive Psychology a. Write a 2 page essay paper over a selected topic and how it is related to Cognitive Psychology. b. Things to include i. What is some important Information about topic ii. How it is related/used in Cognitive Psych iii. Why it is important in Cognitive Psych iv. Relevant statistics/programs/studies v. Could even include information about a related article c. Essay Format: If Questions come see me! Essays are 90% of things you will turn in, in college! So if you need help I can! i. Introduction: Includes main points that you will talk about and why ii. Body: 2-3 main points (What, How, Why) iii. Important stats/programs/article/etc. iv. Conclusion: Summary of what you learned; what the point of topic is, etc. d. Topics i. Perception ii. Language iii. Attention iv. Memory v. Problem Solving vi. Decision Making and Judgment 2. Research a major contributor to Cognitive Psychology Field a. Use the library/database to find articles b. 1 page Summary paper in one of these formats i. Biography on how important to field ii. Essay telling WHO, WHAT, WHY iii. Summary of info learned from a biography or article on the person c. Include resources used! d. Figures i. Gustav Fechner ii. Wilhelm Wundt iii. Edward B. Titchener iv. Hermann Ebbinghaus v. William James vi. Wolfgang Kohler vii. Edward Tolman viii. Jean Piaget ix. Noam Chomsky x. David Rumelhart xi. James McClelland xii. Albert Bandura xiii. Julian Rotter 3. Research Different Careers related to the Field of Cognitive Psychology a. 1 page Paper describing at least one career (can do more) b. Included i. Career(s) ii. What the career does (job duties, location, etc) iii. How its related to Cognitive Psych iv. Why it’s important to Cognitive Psych, and world v. How someone would get in that job position