Speech Night - 14 November 2013 Headmaster’s Report WELCOME Good evening everyone and welcome to our annual Speech Night and Prize Giving in this our 55th year and my 17th Headmaster’s Report. This welcome is especially extended to our chief guest, Miss Kate Richardson, other invited guests, members of Board of Governors, Sponsors, parents and most importantly our pupils past and present. INVITED GUESTS This evening I also welcome: Mr Gregory Butler, Chief Executive of SEELB; Counsellor Olive Mercer (Chairperson of Banbridge District Council), MLA’s Craig, Poots, Hale, and Councillors Rankin, and Gamble from Banbridge District Council, Sponsors for Specialist School, Mr B. Poots Bombardier Aerospace, Mr Mike Donaghy and Mr Aidan McCormack from the Southern Education and Library Board and Mrs Linda Allen, new principal of Dromore Central Primary School, Mr Raymond Pollock, Principal from Banbridge Academy, PTA committee members Greenfield and Joanne Moore. and Chairs Angela It is also good to see past Headmaster’s Report Dromore High School members of staff here – a testament to their commitment and allegiance to the school. In particular I welcome Mrs Joan Hall Russell my colleague and friend (who gave up her W.I duties to be with us this evening). Apologies have been received from Governors Mrs R Bland and Mr Spiers and Mr P. Campbell (Chair of SELB). FOCUS FOR THE EVENING This evening I want to speak on 3 major areas. Throughout the year I choose a focus for the school. Last year my chosen theme was Courage and Risk Taking - how we as a school, and as individuals, contribute to the development of this attribute – locally, regionally and on an international basis through courageous and calculated risk-taking activities. Secondly this evening we want to celebrate the efforts of our pupils in various aspects of school life – and in particular public examinations. And then thirdly I want to engage in some future thinking on Dromore High School. GUEST SPEAKER Tonight we are pleased to have Kate Richardson as our chief guest. If anyone epitomises courage and risk taking Kate certainly does. Imagine sleeping for two hours and then waking for two hours repeatedly for up to 45 days. Then think about rowing across the Atlantic with no bathroom facilities and limited cooking ability in these 2 waking hours. This is the challenge Kate along with 5 other women undertook Speech Night 2 14 November 2013 Headmaster’s Report Dromore High School when they attempted to row 3000 miles unaided across the Atlantic Ocean. And all this was done to draw attention to and raise £1 million to help human trafficking victims. Kate we are delighted you agreed to be our special guest this evening and we look forward to your story and advice. Courage and Risk Taking Last year as a school we shared some ideas about and celebrated examples of courage and risk taking. As a community of people within DHS we seek to build up our capabilities in this area both on an individual and corporate basis. This is reflected in many areas of our school life. On an individual and corporate level there have been many examples of heroic and courageous activity. One of the most significant areas of courageous activity was the continued development of our sixth form. As a school we entered into this arena considerably later than other post primary schools. But I believe we entered it for the right reasons. Of greatest concern to me was the need for our young people to achieve to their maximum at post 16. We wanted to give as many as were gifted the opportunity to study A Levels and their equivalent. Equally we wanted the overall sixth form experience to be fulfilling and of the highest quality. We believe we have achieved that; and more to the point - the sixth form student evaluation of their experiences confirmed our beliefs. Speech Night 3 14 November 2013 Headmaster’s Report Dromore High School To date we are offering 23 subjects. The vast majority of these are delivered by our own staff. Subjects include: Accounting Eng Lit Maths R. Studies Art & Design Geography Mod. Language Sociology Applied Bus. History Music Biology H.Economics Physics Chemistry IT Psychology Tech & Design and BTEC Level 3 Certificate in: Engineering Performing Arts Creative Media Health & Social Care Sport So we are offering 23 subjects with approximately 50% of them falling into the applied area. This means that in terms of the entitlement framework we are exceeding the government’s targets. At the outset our aim was not to replicate provision at other schools – rather we wanted to devise a niche programme specialising in STEM subjects supported with high achieving subjects in general areas. To augment this programme we devised enrichment courses which gave our young people the opportunity to develop personally and socially. Many of these young people had already participated in the wide range of activities and Speech Night 4 14 November 2013 Headmaster’s Report Dromore High School experiences which this school offers between years 8 to 12 – but additional provision was made for personal finance/money management; health related fitness / Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme / PSHE / Habitat for Humanity / Business Enterprise / Model United Nations / Ski Trips / Uganda Trip and many other events such as – Art and Ceramic Day; Mock Interview Evenings; Press Group Meetings; UCAS Convention; a Business Study Day; Coastering; Bonding Days. Over these two years, student support took many forms – from the employment of a study supervisor (Mr Bothwell to whom we are indebted), learning resource supervisors (Mrs Linda Milford and Mrs Dorothy Roulston), DEL Careers support officers; mentors; Mrs Scott, Head of 6th form and Mrs Mitchell, Director of 6th form, offering support in academic and pastoral areas. Throughout the year parents were kept informed about progress and given information about study, university and other Higher Education opportunities. This level of personal contact must be maintained as we continue to move forward with our sixth form programme. All of these developments over a short period of time would not have materialised except for the hard, time consuming work of staff, especially the Sixth Form Project Team. Speech Night 5 14 November 2013 Headmaster’s Report Dromore High School I commend all my staff on their heroic and courageous work in this area over the past 3 years. No one should be in any doubt about the significance and depth of work required to realise this development and I commend in particular the school Director of Sixth Form Mrs Mitchell and also Head of Year Mrs Scott and the teaching staff for their efforts. Another significantly courageous development was our work in the area of assessment and pupil tracking. The assessment regime across Years 8-14 has continued to change to match curriculum demands and enable careful monitoring of progress. Miss Uprichard continues our development work at Key Stage 3 as we move into the area of ipsative assessment – another courageous move which we are pioneering within the education system. Similarly we are making heroic strides in the area of ICT. Mr Sidor is leading a team of change champions who act as catalysts for IT development. The school is now well positioned to meet the statutory demands for cross curricular ICT by 2015. Indeed our pupils are already receiving ICT certificates from CCEA. Just recently the school’s ICT infrastructure has undergone a transformation, upgrading our system, and creating a school wide wireless solution. Whilst this process continues to be painful, the school reacted magnificently and we have now a well developed IT system. Speech Night 6 14 November 2013 Headmaster’s Report Dromore High School Last year, too, in November 2012 we received confirmation of our continued status as an Investor in People. We also courageously sought Bronze Award status which we achieved easily. We also received our ten year certificate for continued high performance within this Investor in People Award. Thanks to Mr Wright for leading this. Whilst it is always good to measure ourselves against external criteria, last year Mrs Herron led a team which asked one of our client groups – our parents – to comment on our service. This again was a courageous piece of work but one which confirmed our efforts, and also identified areas for continued work. We are indebted to our parents for their support, honesty and caring approach. Last year I highlighted the school’s ‘integrating’ nature. We are delighted to have within our building a variety of abilities, nationalities and creeds. All this brings a multi-dimensional aspect to our school. To provide further planned opportunities for integrating across a number of cultures a series of trips abroad were organised by staff last year. Such trips are very very courageous and high risk. They included a rugby/hockey trip to Rome; a German exchange trip; and a ski trip. Last year we continued with our Key Programme Residentials. Four residentials were organised with Colaiste Feirste School Belfast and Mohill Community Schools. All of our pupils thoroughly enjoyed the experience even though it was challenging. One of Speech Night 7 14 November 2013 Headmaster’s Report Dromore High School our students Sophie Fletcher in year 11 was awarded Young Entrepreneur of the Year at the Waterfront Hall. This enabled Sophie to participate in an all expenses paid trip to Canada to take part in the Next Generation Leaders Conference in August 2013. We are all very proud of her achievements. With regards to evidence of courage and risk taking in the wider community we can cite numerous activities. We continue to engage heavily with our local and wider community during periods of work experience and work shadowing. We are indebted to the courage of our employers as they take on young people and give them a meaningful work experience. A high level of creativity and commitment is required from our internal teaching and support staff and we continue to be appreciative of their hard work. As a school we want to express our thanks to the local and wider community as they supported us during our 6th form development. They demonstrated great courage and support for our 6th form programmes. This has been affirmed this year as 94 students returned to take our Year 13 programme with 26 pupils coming from other schools. Similarly we are pleased to report community support for the summer scheme organised during the first week of July. We thank Mr Annett and the team for all their work in this area. Speech Night 8 14 November 2013 Headmaster’s Report Dromore High School CHARITIES Our charity work in school, too, continues with it’s courageous work. Last year we raised a total of £8,055.56. continues despite the economic hardship This work many are experiencing at this time. Significant beneficiaries were……. Charitable Donations 2013/2014 Main Beneficiaries: Breast Cancer Pink themed day – Business Studies Department 480.00 Buddy Bear Trust, Dungannon Carols by Candlelight, S.U. service 650.00 Cancer Research Bun sale 200.00 Diabetes UK (NI) Cake Sale – Vicky Black, Hannah Craig, Kerry Campbell 210.50 Emmanuel, Africa (Uganda) 500.00 Guide Dogs for the Blind Mrs J Anderson 142.00 New Beginnings Charitable Trust (Uganda) Fun Run Poppy Appeal Sale of badges / collection in assembly Readathon English Department - sponsored reading in aid of children suffering from Cancer/Hodgkin’s disease Simon Community Harvest Service Collection 301.55 Uganda Campaign Mr Sidor / Citizenship class – carwash 150.00 150+ Food Parcels Local Senior Citizens Misc charities Misc collections 1,518.00 296.86 2,190.85 1,415.80 TOTAL £8,055.56 Further donations were made to a wide range of charitable organisations: RAFA Wings Appeal, Cash for Kids, Friends of Africa Missionary Endeavour, Children in Need etc ……………….. Speech Night 9 14 November 2013 Headmaster’s Report Dromore High School CLASS OF 2013 So let us now pay tribute to all our young people who took GCE and GCSE exams or their equivalents during 2013. Firstly GCE and BTEC Level 3 equivalents. We are delighted with the results achieved by our A2 students. The vast majority of these students did not manage to gain a grammar school place when they were 11 years of age – but they have made a suitable reply by achieving results which secured university and other Higher Education places. These results confirm our decision to develop 6th form and the Governors and staff wish all our students every success as they move on to university, college or into the world of work. Approximately 91% of our students looking for university places achieved that target... the rest are attending foundation degree programmes. Significant results were achieved by: Andrew Sleator James Camblin Tara Meeke Timothy Savage Andrew Martin Nadine Sullivan Andrew Cunningham Blake McVeigh Neill Harrison and many more. Speech Night 10 14 November 2013 Headmaster’s Report Dromore High School We are particularly pleased how some students, who join us in lower sixth from other schools, performed. Some schools which crave elitist status fear that by retaining some students it will affect their overall school performance in the league tables. Our philosophy is that where the basic criteria have been fulfilled we will give them an opportunity. I congratulate these students for their tenacity and obvious courage. In terms of university places our students have accessed courses mainly at Queens University Belfast and University of Ulster – others are going to UCD and some to attend university and colleges on the mainland. Courses include: Agriculture, Law, Education, Veterinary, Sports Studies, Product Design, Business, Finance, Archaeology and various Arts and Humanities subjects. The overall subject pass rate at A*-C was 82% with 40% of our students achieving 3+ at A*-C with another 10% having 2+ A*-C with a D grade 65% of our students achieved 2+ A*-C Our 5 BTEC subjects were high performers achieving 100% pass rate at A*-C with all entrants achieving a * Distinction – the equivalent of an A* at A Level. Other subjects obtaining a 100% pass rate included RE and Business Studies. Two of our Speech Night 11 14 November 2013 Headmaster’s Report Dromore High School pupils Ellen Woods and Joshua Cargill achieved 100% in AS Art and Ellen is exhibiting work in Londonderry at Turner Exhibition for Young Artists. In mid-September we met to recognise the achievements of our first cohort of 6th formers. It was a fantastic afternoon when our young people were challenged and encouraged by our guest speaker – Mrs Janet Toal (née Cromie) a past deputy Head Girl. Tonight we want to acknowledge the trophies which were presented to mark achievement in various aspects of 6th form work. Mrs Elizabeth Brown is a former member of staff of Dromore High School and Year Head. Both of her boys Andrew and Richard attended this school and moved into the law profession. Tonight she presents to the school the Elizabeth Brown Cup for Achievement in A Level English Literature. I invite Elizabeth to come forward and present this trophy to our Chairman Mr Patterson. The Sleator family have been strong supporters of DHS and Mrs Joan Sleator continues to be a member of the Board of Governors. Her 4 boys attended our school and have achieved highly in their respective areas. I would ask Joan to present to Mr Patterson the Sleator Cup for Achievement in A Level Mathematics. Speech Night 12 14 November 2013 Headmaster’s Report Dromore High School Tonight too we receive from the Royal British Legion a cup to be awarded for Best Overall contribution to Sixth Form I would ask Mrs Hawthorne and Mrs Wilson to come forward and present this trophy. We are delighted that members of the Hawthorne and Wilson family have joined us this evening along with Brian Hagan – Chairman of the Dromore Branch of the Royal British Legion. The 2 families donated money to the Branch in lieu of flowers following the passing of Mr Tommy Hawthorne and Mr Tommy Wilson. As a school we are pleased to accept the generosity of both families as they present a ‘Tommy’ figurine and a large shield for Best Sixth Form Contribution. Once again, at GCSE and equivalent level, the school sustained its high level of achievement. In early September the Irish News published the highest performing schools at 5+ A*-C and Dromore High School featured very strongly in that list across the entire jurisdiction and would have done even more strongly using the benchmark of 5+ A*-C including English and Maths. This year we have performed particularly well against expected performance. The 5+ A*-C was 76% This year too the girls reflected the regional trend outperforming the boys by 12% Speech Night 13 14 November 2013 Headmaster’s Report Dromore High School However of particular note was the achievement of 5+ A*-C including English and Maths. We increased our past performance by 9% to 56%. This was a remarkable achievement and one which needs to be sustained. Amongst the high performers this year were: Jane Ashfield Chris Tinsley Tammy Montgomery Philip Best Zoe Campbell Jemma Smyth Yasmin Erwin Rebecca Chambers Charlotte Jordan Lauren Hamilton PAST PUPILS We always take great interest in the progress of past pupils. For example: Katie Louise Hunter 1st Class Hons in Media Studies and Production Christopher Campbell Graduated from Pennsylvania College of Medicine with a B.Med and Bachelor of Surgery Roderick Tate MA with Hons in Economics and History Nikita Harron won Rooney Award at SRC Michelle Herron BSc (Hons) in Computing and Information Technology – now studying a Masters Rachel Gray (née Jess) BA (Hons) Early childhood Studies Timothy Greer Hons History Key Stage 3 End of Key Stage tests have been the subject of much media comment and speculation. Department officials, Teaching Unions, GTCNI and others have differing opinions as to their Speech Night 14 14 November 2013 Headmaster’s Report Dromore High School efficacy. In school we have continued to make our returns to CCEA in Communication, Using Maths and ICT. Our pupils have been performing extremely well and overall figures lie comfortably in the Upper Quartile range. Indeed in ICT 92% of our students are scoring Level 5 and above. I believe it is important to end the uncertainty around the ‘fitness for purpose’ of these tests. Are they a system check in which case a much lighter intrusion into school would suffice; are they a pupil/parent check for progress – in which case the professionalism of teacher assessment should suffice without a vast system of moderation. Banbridge Area Learning Community Over the past 4-6 years Dromore High School has been an active member of the Banbridge Area Learning Community. Whilst progress has been made it is my belief that to be more successful it is timely that a Director or someone with general oversight of course provision across each community should be given responsibility for shaping direction and controlling provision. I would like to pay tribute to Mr Aiden McCormick, SELB and David Vint / Robert Megarity from SRC and Mr Hawthorne (our school liaison teacher) for all their work in this area. Attendance Speech Night 15 14 November 2013 Headmaster’s Report Dromore High School Later this month we will recognise the achievement of those students who attended school without missing one day last year. During the presentation 70 young people will receive certificates and we congratulate them all. Every year we manage to congratulate pupils on 5 years full attendance. Tonight we congratulate the following students and their families on this remarkable achievement. Would the following 5 students come forward and receive their special 5 year attendance award from Mr Donaghy. Jade Gillespie Timothy McCracken Adam McDonald Adrien Pelan Jon Loney And then we have 1 pupil who has performed heroically achieving 14 years attendance without missing Congratulations are due to Andrew Sleator. a day. Andrew has already received his award at our 6th form recognition of achievement ceremony. Speech Night 16 14 November 2013 Headmaster’s Report Dromore High School EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Participation and achievement in extra-curricular activities remains very high. The young people in Dromore High School are fortunate to have a wide range of activities from which to choose and in which to challenge themselves. Many courageous performances have been recorded. For example the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme for our young people enables them to demonstrate courageous and risk taking activities by taking them out of their comfort zone. 6 members of last year’s Year 14 have managed to secure their Gold Award and will be going to the Palace to receive it. None of these types of activities would have been possible if staff were not willing to do this voluntarily and so I pay tribute to all staff who add value to the work we do in the classroom and develops our young people personally and socially. SPORTING ACHIEVEMENTS 2012/13 CROSS COUNTRY Kerry McDowell (Minor Girls) finished 6th in Down Schools’. She joined Brooke Shaw & Alanna Wilson as the team finished 5th. Timothy McCracken won a silver medal in the Inter Boys at the Down Championships. Kerry, Timothy and Matthew Surgenor all qualified to run at the Ulster Schools’Championships – Timothy performed best finishing in 25th Speech Night 17 14 November 2013 Headmaster’s Report Dromore High School NETBALL All teams participated in Banbridge District Councilsponsored events Year 8 – runners-up in Banbridge DC Cup Minors – runners-up in League & Cup Inter A – runners-up in League & SFs in Cup Inter B – League winners Representative Honours were gained by Rebecca Rooney U19 and Sophie Fletcher U15 – Regional Development Squad HOCKEY U12 – winners Mid-Ulster League U13 – SFs MU Cup U15 – SFs MU Cup U16 – shared Ulster High Schools’ Cup, winning the MU Lge & Cup 2 XI participated in the grammar-school McDowell Cup Representative – Laura Morton (U15 SELB) & Emily Beatty (U17 SELB) RUGBY U12 – winners Ulster High Schools’ Shield U14 – finalists Ulster High Schools’ Shield U15 – QFs of Medallion Plate U16 – winners of Pollock Cup (14 yrs in row) & Ulster High Schools’ Trophy U18 – participated in 2nd XV Ulster Schools’ Comp Winners of Masters Cup (against Banbridge Academy across four age groups – 5th year in row) Ulster U17 Development Squad – Adam Cromwell, Luke Fitzsimmons, Adam Ferris, Marcus Heath, Curtis Jackson, Nathan Wallace Ulster U18 Development Squad – Jonathan Creighton, Adam Reaney, Peter Dorman, Adam McDonald, Adam Kelly Representative – Ulster U18 Inter-Pro (Ryan Hughes, TJ Morris, Ross Bingham, Chris Wilson, Matthew McMaster) as well as former pupils – Jason Gribbon, Jonathan Rosbotham Speech Night 18 14 November 2013 Headmaster’s Report Dromore High School FOOTBALL U16 – winners of the inaugural NI Senior Plate & retained the Banbridge DC Cup U15 – SFs South Down League U14 – South Down Shield runners-up U13 – SFs of South Down League & Mid-Ulster Cup U12 – Mid Ulster League & Cup runners-up U12, U14, U16 & U18 participated in the prestigious Northern Ireland Cup competitions ATHLETICS Co Down Schools – 1 Gold, 5 Silver & 3 Bronze medals. Down Champion – Miguel Marques (Shot Put) Ulster Schools’ – Alanna Wilson produced a suberb run to win gold in an age-group that she is still eligible for next season. Dromore pupils fared well finishing in the top half of their events – Kerry McDowell (High Jump), Kelsea Knox (Discus), Timothy McCracken (3000m), Ben McCloy (Javelin), Adam Walker (Discus) & MB Relay Team. Irish Schools’ – Alanna Wilson 6th 100m N.I. Club Championships – 4 gold (Thomas Stewart – Triple Jump, Timothy McCracken – 3000m, Kerry McDowell – 80m, Caitlin Allen-Collins – Javelin) 4 silver & 5 bronze Inter-Schools’ Sports – trophies won for Junior Girls, Overall Girls, Junior Boys, Overall Boys & Overall School. Robin Cantley – best overall JB athlete. New records were set by Alanna Wilson (100m & 200m), Kerry McDowell (High Jump & Discus), JG Relay, Robin Cantley (Discus) & Matthew Corbett (Javelin) Both Girls & Boys teams had incredible success in the Year 9 Team Competitions – both were Co Down Champions, with the Girls winning the Ulster Schools’ title and the Boys finishing in 2nd place. This success is without doubt unprecedented at this level. Representative – Year 9 Co Down Squad – Kerry McDowell, Alanna Wilson, Brooke Shaw, Caitlin AllenCollins, Robin Cantley, Matthew Corbett, Reece Montgomery (Dylan Branker & James Moore also selected but unable to compete due to injury) Speech Night 19 14 November 2013 Headmaster’s Report Dromore High School Kerry McDowell picked up an award for Co Down Athlete of the Year in her age group sponsored by Ulster Athletics Council OTHER Banbridge District Council Youth Sports Awards No fewer than 3 of the school’s teams were shortlisted for the Youth Team of the Year – U16 Girls Hockey, U16 Boys Football & U14 Athletics Squad TJ Morris won an individual award for Karate Tennis Emily Beatty, Sam Bothwell & Peter Bothwell continue to perform at the highest levels at both Ulster & Irish level. Peter is studying at the renowned Spanish tennis school Sotogrande. Peter continues to improve his ITF worldranking Equestrian Open team finished 1st in the 1m class. Competed successfully at the Mossvale Schools Show Jumping League Fishing School participated in the Waterways Ireland Schools’ Coarse Angling Competition Mountain Biking Jacob Dickson continues to participate at a high level in Europe Speech Night 20 14 November 2013 Headmaster’s Report Dromore High School EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES My thanks are due to all staff who assist with games and extra curricular activities and provide a richness to life at DHS: Art Mrs McMahon, Mrs Finnegan Badminton Mr Hawthorne, Mr Rankin Chess and Draughts Mr I Todd Choir and Orchestra Mrs Storey and Mr Currie SU Mrs Stevenson, Mr Wylie Mrs Graham, Mr Rankin Mini Company Mrs Neill, Mrs Milford, Mr Bronte Angling Mr Hawthorne Extra Curricular Sport Miss Robinson, Mrs Espie, Mrs Thompson, Mr Kirk, Mr Benade, Mr Bronte, Mr S Todd, Mr Sidor, Mr Hawthorne, Mr Haslam, Mrs Kerr, Miss Kilpatrick, Mr Gamble, Mrs V Fitzpatrick Equestrian Events Miss Kilpatrick STAFFING CHANGES Since this time last year there were 7 new staff appointed to Dromore High School. Miss Preston- Teacher of English (Signature Project); Mr Teggarty - Teacher of Geography; Miss Comac – Teacher of ICT/Maths; Mrs Best – Teacher of Science; Mrs McNellis – Teacher of Science; Mrs Fitzpatrick – Teacher of Maths (Signature Project); Mr Annett – Youth Tutor We also welcome on a temporary basis Miss Anderson Speech Night 21 14 November 2013 Headmaster’s Report Dromore High School We are sure these members of staff will bring significant skills to our school community. We also welcomed back in September 2013 Mrs Morris after maternity leave. Several members of staff were married over the last year. We congratulate: Joanna and Gareth Kerr Sarah and Shane Burns Lynsey and Andrew Owens Lorraine and Jason Brock We congratulate and rejoice with: Mr and Mrs Nelson on the birth of their daughter Beth Mr and Mrs Rankin on the birth of their daughter Hanna Mr and Mrs Wilkinson on the birth of their son Oscar Mr and Mrs Stephenson on the birth of their son Tye Mr and Mrs Morris on the birth of their daughter Annie May Last year we said farewell to a long serving member of staffMr Sandy Todd. This gentleman has contributed so much to the life of this school – from rugby coach to year head, to exams office, to duty group leader, to report manager, to exam scheduler, to timetable scheduler to SMT and much more. But most of all he was a friend to many. We wish him every blessing for the future. This year as sixth form supervisor he completes 25 years service for Dromore High School and I would ask him to come forward to receive his award from Mr Patterson our chairman. Similarly we wish Mrs Anderson and Mr Anderson a long and happy retirement and thank them for Speech Night 22 14 November 2013 Headmaster’s Report Dromore High School their varied contribution to school life especially in the classroom and their interest in charity. THANKS Once again we want to thank Mr Walker for his help in organising this event in such an effective way. He is meticulous in his preparation and thanks to him, things run smoothly. My thanks too are due to Mrs Gribbon, Mrs Livingston and Mrs Morris for the catering, Mrs Anderson and Mrs Owens for the floral displays, the office staff for all their clerical work, all my staff for their loyalty to the school. FUTURE THINKING Let me spend just a few minutes now looking into the future. For Dromore High School there is still so much to be achieved. Firstly There is the challenge of securing a site for and the building of a new school. Every effort must be focused on this. A game plan must be agreed between Governors/Principal/SELB/ESA/DE and the new sectorial body for controlled schools. No quarter must be given. Our pupils, staff and community deserve more. Secondly Speech Night 23 14 November 2013 Headmaster’s Report Dromore High School This new school should consider the option of a full service school. This needs to be secured and would be of enormous benefit to the Dromore Community. Thirdly As the school has developed its sixth form this must be consolidated and new targets relentlessly pursued and secured. Fourthly The 5+ A*-C including English and Maths target needs to be driven up towards 70% and to do so intervention strategies need to be further developed and targeted provision become normalised. In particular we need to address the needs of our disadvantaged pupils; and those pupils who leave without a Grade C in English and Maths. We have already begun to do so… but we need to do more. Fifthly ICT provision needs to be enhanced and opportunities sought out to take regard for significant developments similar to those in USA schools. Sixthly A new organisational and leadership structure needs to be developed bearing in mind our recent growth. This must be done despite the school not moving into a new school group. These are significant areas of work which must be initiated, continued, developed or concluded. However, the future looks extremely bright for this school. Speech Night 24 14 November 2013 Headmaster’s Report Dromore High School It comprises a significant, hard-working Board of Governors who are so supportive yet provide challenge for the leadership as they seek to execute their roles. I pay tribute to their loyalty, support and enthusiasm as they reach the end of this term of office. It has a well developed leadership team which works courageously to secure the best outcomes for pupils. Mrs Herron, Mr Wright, Mrs Mitchell, Mrs Ravey, Miss Uprichard and Mr Todd who has just retired. It embodies a professional and caring staff who are results orientated, charitable and community focussed. In short this school seeks to do its best for its young people by providing rich experiences which reflect life opportunities in the 21st Century. In Waterstones last Saturday morning they had a quote from C.S Lewis on display. “You are never too old to set another goal or dream a new dream.” This is such an encouragement for this school and for me in particular. This has been a tremendous year for me. Getting an OBE and an Oscar in the same year; off-loading my daughter during the Speech Night 25 14 November 2013 Headmaster’s Report Dromore High School heavy snow in March; seeing the first set of 6th formers graduate from our school. I have worked with amazing people, teaching staff and support staff, and together we have moved this school to the forefront of educational achievement and pioneered many projects and developments which are now mainstream. I want to pay tribute to all my colleagues and friends for the way they have assisted me down through the years – especially my wife Hazel – who has had to put up with my moods, absence and single-mindedness. Without her support I would have achieved little. But as I get older I continue to dream new dreams, I continue to see new goals to be achieved and God willing I’ll be given the time and power to do it – as head of this school or otherwise. Mr Chairman the school has enjoyed another very good year. We remain a happy and dynamic community, courageous and willing to take risks. We are rich in talent and determined to rise to the challenges. Mr Chairman I am delighted to present my report which records another exciting year in the life of this school. Speech Night 26 14 November 2013