Humbold-Kolleg Conference
"Technologies of the 21st century: biological, physical, informational and
social aspects"
Pavlov Institute of Physiology,
Saint-Petersburg, nab. Makarova, 6
Monday, 26.09.2005
Arrival of participants, accommodation in Hotels
Round-Table. Discussion on the topic: “Science against the threat of terrorism” – free
discussion of different aspects of the complex problem
1800 -1930
September 27, Tuesday
900 – 930 – Official Opening of the Humboldt-Kolleg Conference in Pavlov Institute of Physiology of Russian Academy
of Sciences
Session 1. Technologies of the 21 century: biological aspects
Chairmen – Prof. J.Schwarz , Prof. D. Dvoretsky, Acad. A. Nozdrachev
- Schwarz J. Physiological Institute of Hamburg University, Hamburg, Germany
Physiology of subthreshold currents
950-1010 - Zatsepina O. Shemyakin & Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Moscow, Russia
The nucleolus as a target for induction of apoptosis in mammalian cells
10 -10 - Krylov B. Pavlov Institute of Physiology of RAS, St.-Petersburg, Russia
New physiological mechanisms for pain relief
10 -10 - Bunik V. Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Phosphono analogs of -keto- and -amino acids as the mechanism-based in vivo
inhibitors of the key mitochondrial dehydrogenases
1100-1130 - Coffee break and POSTERS discussion
1130-1150 - Deyev
S. Shemyakin & Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Moscow, Russia
Antibody engineering for cancer diagnostics and therapy
1150-1210 - Volchenkov D. Research Institute of Physics, St.-Petersburg State University, Russia and
Centre de Physique Theorique (C.N.R.S), Luminy, Marseille (France).
A toy model of gene expression regulatory network
12 -12 - Alexandrova L. Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology, RAS, Moscow, Russia
Modified pyrimidine nucleosides and 5`-O-phosphonates of nucleosides: synthesis and
antiviral activity
1230-1250 - Lopatina E. Almazov Institute of Cardiology, St.Petersburg, Russia
The influence of cardiac glycoside on the growth of explantat of cardiac tissue
1300 – 1400 - Lunch
Session 2. Technologies of the 21 century: biological aspects
Chairmen – Prof. Tsetlin V., Prof. Treede R.
1400-1420 - Treede R.-D.
Mainz University, Mainz, Germany
Laser-evoked potential as a diagnostic tool in clinical neurophysiology
1420-1440 - Tsetlin V. Shemyakin-Ovhcinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, RAS, Moscow
Proteins and peptides from snake and snail venoms: structural and pharmacological
14 -15 - Degtjarev D. Bioinformatics and Bioengineering Department and Belozersky Institute of
Physico-Chemical Biology, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Software development for genome analysis: knowledge-based improvement of the
automatically generated multiple sequence alignments
1500-1520- Rogachevsky I. Pavlov Institute of Physiology of RAS, St.-Petersburg, Russia
Metal-bound forms of 4H-pyran-4-one derivatives modulate nociceptive responses of
sensory neurons
1530 – 1600 - Coffee break and POSTERS discussion
1600-1620 - Lutful H.
Bangladesh Agricultural University Mymensingh, Bangladesh
Technology of the 21st century: Biotechnology for the Improvement of Indica RiceApplication of Molecular Genetic transformation Methods for the Generation of
Transgenic Rice
1620-1640 – Krupitsky E. St.Petersburg Scientific-Research Center of Addictions and Psychopharmacology
affiliated with St.Petersburg State Pavlov Medical University, Russia
A double-blind, placebo controlled trial of naltrexone and fluoxetine for heroin addiction
treatment in Russia
1640 – 1700- Korotkov K. Institute of Ecology and Evolution RAS, Russia
Forecasting of the ecosystem distribution in a mountain region (by the example of the
Caucasus high mountains)
1700-1720 – Polenov S. Pavlov Institute of Physiology RAS, St-Petersburg, Russia
Development of novel approach for prophylaxis and treatment of brain ischemia and
1900 – Visit of the Theatre and free evening
Bobryshev P., Bagaeva T., Podvigina T, Filaretova L. Contribution of glucocorticoid hormones in the maintenance of
gastric mucosal integrity in rats with desensitization of capsaicin-sensitive sensory neurons
2. Komashnya A.V., Chalisova N.I., Zakutskii A.N. Modulatory effect of aminoacids on brain cortex tissue
culture of rats
3. Gusakova K.A., Pobilenskaya O.A. Drinking water corrected to the composition of mineral elements
4. Karetsky A., Lopatina E., Pennijainen V. α3-izoform Na-K-ATPase modulates process of cells growth in
chiken retina
5. Katina I.E., Karymova E. Endogenous antibiotics control gating mechanism of TTX-resistant sodium
channels (NaV1.8)
6. Kipenko A.V., Penniyaynen V.A., Lobov G.I. Effect of ethanol on sensory neuron neurite growth in
organotypic culture
7. Krasilshchikova M.S., Kunafina E.R., Speransky A. I., Zatsepina O.V. Induction of autoimmune antibodies to the
nucleolar protein fibrillarin by long-term injections of SJL mice with subtoxic dozes of HgCl2
8. Lensman M.V. Polenov S.A., Otellin V.A., Balestrino M., Burov S.V., Korzevsky D.E., Kostkin V.B., Artemieva A.I
Amelioration of ischemic brain damage by creatine supplementation
9. Luchakov Yu. I. A new physiological mechanism of thermoregulation of homoiothermal organisms in the thermoneutral
10. Matveeva Z.S., Pobilenskaya O.A. The hygiene of locomotors apparatus of pupils
11. Mordvintsev D. Yu., Kasheverov I.E., Zhmak M.N., Ilin V.I., Utkin Yu.N., Tsetlin V.I. Building of efficacious aconotoxin binding model to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and acetylcholine binding proteins
12. Mourovets V.O., M.V. Lensman, A.I. Artemieva, V.A. Zolotarev, S.A. Polenov Effect of creatine treatment on behavioral
consequences of global cerebral ischemia in rats
13. Pennijainen V.A. Research of a role Na+, K+-ATPase in regulation of growth neurites of sensory neurons
14. Sidorenko I.N. Changes of the neurophysioplogical indices in conditions of peripheral nerves impairment and their
correction by stimulation of the somato-vegetative physilogically active zones
15. Starostina L.V., Varfolomeev A.L. Representation of sound source motion perception in the human event-related
16. Stepanova N.V., Chudovskaya O.V. Benefits and hazard of radon
17. Tomilova. A.S., Kisileva A.A. Use computer technologies in correction eyesight at schoolchildren
September 28, Wednesday
Session 3. Technologies of the 21 century: physical and technological
Chairmen – Prof. Pisarev R., Prof. Kaplyanskii A.
900-920 - Pisarev
R. A.F. Ioffe Physical Technical Institute of RAS, Russia
Linear and Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy of multiferroic materials
920-940 - Sokolov I. A.F. Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute of RAS, Russia
Optically induced space-charge and conductivity gratings in wide-gap semiconductors
9 -10 - Popel S. Institute for Dynamics of Geospheres of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Nonlinear Waves in Complex (Dusty) Plasmas
10 -10 - Sidorenko A. Institute of Applied Physics AS RM, Moldova
Resistive transitions broadening in superconducting MgB2
1030 – 1120 - Coffee break and POSTERS discussion
1120-1140 – Maximov
M. Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute of RAS, Russia
Semiconductor lasers based on self-organized quantum dots: from invention to
1140-1200 - Vexler M. Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute of RAS, Russia
Electrical and optical properties of silicon MOS tunnel structures
1200-1220 - Solov'yov A. Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute of RAS, Russia
Theoretical physics of complex mesoscopic and nano systems: current status and new
12 -12 - Vasyutinskii O. Ioffe Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
Ion imaging of chemical reaction
1300 – 1400 - Lunch
Session 4. Technologies of the 21 century: physical and technological
Chairmen – Prof. Timofeev Y., Prof. Cherepkov N.
1400-1420 -Timofeev
Y. St. Petersburg State University, Russia
Remote sensing of atmosphere from space
1420-1440 - Timoshkin A. St. Petersburg State University, Russia
Theoretical search for single-source precursors for nanoelectronic materials
1440-1500 - Uzdin V. St. Petersburg State University, Russia
Hierarchy of scales in magnetic nanostructures
1500-1520 - Elizarov A. A.F.Ioffe FTI of RAS, Russia
Calculations of electron angular distribution in resonant Auger decay for atoms with open
1530–1600 - coffee break and POSTERS discussion
1600-1620 - Cherepkov
N. State University of Aerospace, Russia
On the complete experiments in photoionization of atoms and molecules
1620-1640 - Glazov A. Physical-Technical Institute of RAS, Russia
Photoacoustic effect and residual stresses
1640-1700 - Fedorenko S. St.Petersburg State Polytechnic University
A new look at decoding algebraic codes
1700-1720 - Zaitsev A. St.-Petersburg Department of Steklov Mathematical Institute
Approximation of the sample by the Poisson point process
1720-1740 - Kornev N. Institute of Technical Thermodynamics, University of Rostock, Germany
Simulation and measurement of flow phenomena in a coaxial jet mixer
1800 - Meeting of members of St. Petersburg club of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Election
of president and vice president of the club.
Adushkin V.V., Andreev S.N., Popel S.I. Cavitation Mechanism of Formation of Nano- and Microscale Mineral Particles
in Ore Deposits
Berezovskaya E.A.,Timoshkin A.Y., Tulub A.V.The Fragmentation process of molecules under electron and proton
Davydova E.I., Sevast’yanova T.N., Kosygina A.S. Evaluation of sublimation enthalpy of adducts 14th group element
Kalashnikova A.M. Pavlov V.V., Pisarev R.V., Sänger I., Yakovlev D.R., Bayer M. Nonlinear Magneto-Optical
Spectroscopy of Semiconductors
Karachinsky L.Ya. Long-wavelength quantum well and quantum dot laser heterostures grown on GaAs substrates
Andreev I.A., Kizhayev S.S., Molchanov S.S., Stoyanov N.D. and Yakovlev Yu.P InAs/InAsSbP photodiode structures
grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy
Kryzhanovskaya N.V. Self-assembled quantum dots: growth and properties
Nazarov A. Natural reactor Oklo and Variations of Fundamental Constants
Novikov I.I. Narrow vertical beam divergence laser diodes based on longitudinal photonic band crystal waveguide
Rodionov I. Determination of thermodynamical characteristics of PbV2O6 by high-temperatural mass-spectrometry
Salin V.I. Color distinction of television picture details
Schmidt A.A. Atomic-scale Monte Carlo simulation: a useful tool of modern nanotechnology
Trifonov P.V. Divide-and-conquere approach in list decoding of Reed-Solomon codes
September 29, Thursday
Session 5. Technologies of the 21 century: social and technological aspects
Chairmen – Dr. Mazhuga V., Prof. Shkarovsky M.
- Shkarovsky M. St. Petersburg State Archive, Russia
Forming and activity of radical movements in Russian orthodox Church in the 20 century
20 40
9 -9 - Soboleva E. Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera)
Museums and national identity in the process of globalization
9 -10 - Panchenko D. St.Petersburg State University, Smolny College of Liberal Arts and Sciences,
The role of communication in theoretical knowledge
10 -10 - Ostrovsky A. St. Petersburg State University, Russia
Maldivean reefs: recovery after 1998 mass bleaching event
1030 – 1100 - Coffee break and POSTERS discussion
1100 -1120 - Mazhuga
V. Institut of History , St. Petersburg, Russia
Ancient Grammar and its posterior tradition in the modern science
1120-1140 - Utkin L.V. St.-Petersburg State Fores Technical Academy, St.Petersburg, Russia
Imprecise probabilities as a unified frame work for risk analysis
Kasatov A.A. The propriety law in the Anglo-Norman England. About beginnings of modern European propriety law, a
methodological aspect
Khotyakov M.L. The subject of economics debating with Lionel Robbins
Kozmin A., Nerler P. The reunited archiv of Osip Mandelstam and a small XML-based toolkit for manuscripts publishing
in the Internet
Tarasenko S. R. Russia’s Accession to the World Trade Organization: Social Consequences
1200 – 1300 - Lunch
Session 6. Technologies of the 21 century: physico-chemical,
informational and social aspects
Chairmen – Prof. Blekhman I., Prof. Evarestov R.
-Evarestov R.A. St. Petersburg State University, Russia
Comparative study of TiO2 and ZrO2 crystals
13 -13 - Grachova E. St.Petersburg State University, Department of Chemistry, Russia
“Very-mixed” clusters of specified composition. Direct insertion of XIII group metals in
coordination environment of transition metal carbonyl clusters
1340-1400 - Pozdnyakov A. Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering, Russia
Microfluidics in view of polymer composite approaches
1400-1420 - Ketkov S. G.A. Razuvaev Institute of Organometallic Chemistry, Russian Academy of
Sciences Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
New results in laser spectroscopic studies of organometallic sandwich molecules
1430 – 1500 - Coffee break
1500-1520 - Blekhman
I. Organization Institute of Problem of Mechanical Engineering, Russia
Mekhanobr-Tekhnika Corp.
Stability of states - energetics of transitions
1520-1540 - Zaitsev S. Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology
Biopolymer nanostructures based on two polyelectrolytes and enzyme
1540-1600 -Tiunov A. Institute of Ecology and Evolution RAS, Russia
The environment-friendly management of soils and organic waste: low input, slow
1600-1620 -Tishkov V. Chemistry Faculty, M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow
Biocatalysis for Synthesis of Chiral Drugs
1620-1640 - Korol A. Department of Physics, St Petersburg State Maritime Technical University, Russia
Nover sources of electromagnetic radiation
1700 – 1800 Round-Table. Discussion with participation of the German Corporations in St.
Petersburg, on the topic: “Science and innovations” – free discussion of different aspects of the
complex problem.
Kalinina Irina Independent Legal Initiative NGO, Moscow, Russia
How the new technologies can be used in order to improve access to law and state
Nikitina Tatjana State University of Economic and Finance St. Petersburg
Features of innovations in financial sphere
Poster session will take place during September 27 -29 in the Hall of