DNA and Cloning

DNA and Cloning Project
Background: From the cloning of a mammal (Dolly the sheep) to working on cloning an extinct
mammal (the Wooly Mammoth) and an endangered mammal (the northern white rhinoceros),
scientists have had huge research advances considering the structure of DNA was only
discovered in 1953. One cannot help but wonder if the asexual reproduction of humans may
become possible too.
Framing question: Should animals be cloned? (Be specific about the animal of your choice.)
Four questions about human cloning: (Think about the costs, benefits, advantages of sexual
versus asexual reproduction, necessity, etc.)
1. Research your four questions.
2. Build a model of DNA.
a. Use biodegradable or recycled materials to represent each part of DNA. You will
need 6 different parts: deoxyribose (sugar), phosphate, and the four bases
adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine. You will also need some way to connect
these parts. (Smaller is better!!)
b. The model must be at least 8 nitrogen bases long on each side.
c. Include a key to identify each part (label it).
3. Write a report that answers your questions. Your report should have a minimum of 3
a. Paragraph 1: Introduction that includes a description of what cloning is.
b. Paragraph 2 or more: Answers to your questions with supporting evidence (you
need statistics and facts). You need to include WHERE you got the information
c. Paragraph 3: Conclusion/ evaluation. Evaluate whether you think we should clone
d. You need to use at least two different sources for your information (Wikipedia
cannot be one of them!) You must list the two sources at the bottom of your
Checklist for a Perfect Score!
DNA Model:
A key to indicate the 6 parts of DNA
DNA is correctly made (adenine pairs with thymine and guanine pairs with cytosine)
DNA model has correct double helix shape
Attractive and shows effort
Cloning Paper:
Paragraph 1:
Describes cloning
Shows understanding of cloning (not copied but written in your own words)
Paragraph 2 or more
Answers the four questions based on framing question
Critical thinking- questions show curiosity and thinking
Uses evidence (facts!) to answer questions
Conclusion/evaluation paragraph:
States an opinion
Based on evidence
Information Sources:
Uses at least two sources of information
Wikipedia is not used as a source
Sources are listed at the bottom of the paper