Answers Tourism 3.doc

Geography of Tourism 3
August 12.5, 2010 (Hoy tomorrow is the 14th, you work it out)
39. What are the main features of Global Tourism. Consider the spatial expression of
these features.
North/dev'd Countries vs South/developing countries
Established, heritage, classic locations versus exotic, wild and adventurous
Business tourism, recreational tourism, adventure tourism
East versus west conundrum--ethnocentrism and culture shock
Classical versus modern tourism
Rich versus poor-- Money rich, information richm socially enhanced Are they rich
Patterns Arising
Anglo bias
Growing Asian tourism
Adventure tourism
Recent patterns arising from GFC
40. What distinguishes Tourism from other economic activities (eg farming of shops)
Page 283-284 See previous tourism 2
41. Describe the importance of the following factors involved with tourism.
Wealth of the industrial sector, rising living standards, dev't of a cashed up
middle class, more leisure time and paid holidays,
Motives for travel--business travel, health, education, recreation
Development of transport-- motor car and airlines with associated infrastructure ,
Development of Internet- expand horizons and opportunities, on line services and
banking, on line communication, reservations etc.
and Organisation and servicing of tourism neoptions for accommodation, tour
operators, marketing tourist organizations, massive growth of associated businesses
and new service industries
42. How have internationalisation and globalisation of tourism affected this industry.
Page 284-285
Internationalisation-- international and intercontinental tourism growing
Domination by Europe and America is trickling down to other countries and the
new growth economies, Ownership of the industry is trans national.
Globalisation The tourism industry by it's very nature is a global business with
links all over the world. With large TNC's and a growing number of local operators
linked by high speed communication and transport.
More countries are involved in tourism with the growth and democratisation of the
global economy.
Seamless Pathway-as a result of globalisation, reduction in barriers, business links
Communication, accessibility and security
Globalised TNC;s a and local links
Developing world reaching out- new opportunities for development
Adventure tourism
Overcoming geographical interia and distance decay
43. Tourism is a complex industry Make and outline or a mind map of all of the
things that impact on tourism. Discuss how these might affect the global pattern of
tourism. DO this on the board start with table page 284
44. Discuss the comparitive influences of government contributions to tourism versus
Private Local and International operations.
Tourism is mostly private enterprise
Range of productive activities linked to tourism
Scale of operation international to local scale
Private financing from a variety of sources
TNC's more powerful that most of the worlds governments
P.Ent. more flexible than government bureaucracies
Governments may act in the best interests of their citizens
May promote tourism
May enact regulations and laws
May provide support services
May collect taxes, fees and other revenue
45. Discuss the spatial patterns, social and economic considerations of local providers
of tourist operations versus international operations
World wide linkages
local expertise and informal linkages
Complex spatial patterns
regional linkages
Cost/Benefits to wealthy owners
trickle downto local operators, services & crafts
Huge benefit to national economies of
Developing countries
Global Corporate Finance
Local Sources, limited national sources
46. Identify 5 changing aspects of Tourism
Package tours, Small group tourism, individual travel, adventure tours,
cultural and environmental tourism rural tourism, Increasing market diversity
47. Compare and contrast the impact of individual tourism, package tours, and
adventure tourism. Easy You can do this.
48. What are the motivations behind cultural or environmental tourism. Page 290
A highly educated and enlightened population, Discretionatory income, Sports and
Adventure, Healthy Lifestyle, Exposure to the NEW, education and personal growth,
new environments and heritage journeys, quality individual tourism
49. What is Rural tourism? Give some examples. Page 290
Domestic rural homestays, Rural adventures for the Urbanites, International
50. Where are the Headquarters of the largest hotel groups? Page 291
well look at the map! Write answer on board. Check on Social Emergencies
51. Identify 7 corperate groups that own large numbers of hotels. Page 293
52. The diversity of tourist options is an advantage for the small operator.
What drives large scale operations by TNC's? How might that have a spatial
expression? Page 291-292
53. What sector of the industry will be dominated by small scale operations? Consider
the spatial expression of this? What are the social and economic ramifications of
small scale operations?
54. What is the purpose of the Following Economic organisational patterns. Consider
the spatial aspects of each one.
Horizontal integration, Vertical integration, diversification
55. Why is large scale tourism transnational in location, operation and ownership?
In which countries are the main tourist operators located which areas do they
dominate. Page 294
56. Identify the NGO's involved in world tourism. What is the purpose of these
NGO's page 294
57. Explain the meaning or implications of the diagram on page 295 Figure 3.1.45
58. Outline the influence of Technological change on the pattern of World tourism
page 296 to 299
59. Outline the political and economic factors influenceing world tourism.
Page 299-303
60. How does the attitude to tourism differ between governments? Page 300-303