Year 9 Visual Arts Term 2 Vincent Van Gogh Research Assessment Task 40 Marks 10% OUTCOMES BEING ASSESSED 5.8 5.9 5.10 uses their understanding of the function of and relationship between artist – artwork – world – audience in critical and historical interpretations of art demonstrates how the frames provide different interpretations of art demonstrates how art criticism and art history construct meanings The Subjective & Structural Frame Using the Subjective and Structural frames use the following website to complete the following questions. Select TWO paintings from Vincent van Gogh’s gallery. Print each of these paintings and complete the questions for EACH painting. SECTION 1 VAN GOGH PAINTINGS 16 MARKS EACH (a) Copy the image (1 Mark) and list the title, size and date of the artwork below each image. 3 Marks. (b) What do you like most about this artwork? How does this work make you feel? 4 Marks (c) What techniques has Van Gogh used to generate this feeling to the audience? Highlight where in the artwork the particular technique is used. 4 Marks. (d) Describe how Vincent Van Gogh has applied the paint to the surface. 4 Marks. SECTION 2 POST MODERN FRAME 8 MARKS (a) Write one paragraph defining the Post Modern frame and how you have used the Post modern frame to develop your practical artwork. 4 Marks. (b) List the steps that you have used to create your practical artwork for this term. 4 Marks. DUE DATE: _________________________________________________________ THE MARKING SHEET IS TO BE SUBMITTED WITH THE ASSESSMENT TASK ON THE DUE DATE SECTION 1 VAN GOGH PAINTINGS 16 MARKS EACH QUESTION A List the title, size and date of the artwork below each image. Includes a photocopy of the image being discussed. 1 No copy of the Image in included. 0 All three requirements stated. Two of the three requirements stated. One of the three requirements stated. Nothing stated. 3 2 1 0 QUESTION B What do you like most about this artwork? How does this work make you feel? Demonstrates a good understanding of the subjective frames, is able 4 to articulate their opinion of the artwork and support their response with reference to the artwork. Demonstrates a good understanding of the subjective frames, is able 3 to communicate their opinion of the artwork and support their response at a satisfactory level. Demonstrates some understanding of the subjective frames, is able to 2 state their opinion of the artwork. Answers question with no reference to the subjective frame. Does not 0-1 support his response with reference to the artwork. QUESTION C What techniques has Van Gogh used to generate this feeling to the Highlight where in the artwork the particular technique is used. Demonstrates a good understanding of the brush techniques Van Gogh uses in the selected artwork. Is able to describe in detail the way that Van Gogh does this technique. Uses the image to highlight examples. Demonstrates a good understanding of the brush techniques Van Gogh uses in the selected artwork. Is able to describe the way that Van Gogh does this technique. Refers to the image in their response. Demonstrates some understanding of the techniques used by Van Gogh in the selected artwork. Describes the technique briefly. Demonstrates a basic understanding of the techniques used by Van Gogh in the selected work. No reference to the image selected. audience? 4 3 2 0-1 QUESTION D Describe how Vincent Van Gogh has applied the paint to the surface. Demonstrates a good understanding of the technique used to apply 4 paint to the surface. Gives specific reference to parts of the artwork that demonstrate this technique. Demonstrates a good understanding of the techniques used to apply 3 paint to the surface. Gives reference to parts of the artwork that demonstrate this technique. Demonstrates a satisfactory understanding of the way the paint has 2 been applied to the surface. Gives some reference to parts of the artwork that demonstrate this technique. Demonstrates a basic understanding of the technique used to apply 0-1 paint to the surface. No reference is made to the image selected. SECTION 2 POST MODERN/SUBJECTIVE FRAME 8 MARKS QUESTION A Write one paragraph defining the Post Modern frame and how you have used the Post modern frame to develop your practical artwork. Demonstrates a clear understanding of the Post modern frame and 4 provides a detailed definition of the post modern frame. Clearly states the techniques used in their practical artwork that support the use of the Post Modern frame. Demonstrates an understanding of the Post modern frame and 3 defines the post modern frame at a general level. States the techniques used in their practical artwork that support the use of the Post modern frame. Demonstrates a general understanding of the Post modern frame and 2 defines the post modern frame at a basic level. Mentions the techniques used in their practical artwork with no connection to the post modern frame. Demonstrates little understanding of the Post Modern frame. Basic 0-1 definition is provided and little understanding of how the frame has been used to produce practical artwork. QUESTION B List the steps that you have used to create your practical artwork for this term. Clearly states all the steps that are used to create practical artwork. 4 States most steps used to create the practical artwork. 3 States some of the steps to create the practical artwork. 2 Few steps are stated; some steps are forgotten and not mentioned. 0-1 Teachers Comment Students comment Mark / 40