Application Development

Application Development
Delivering applications to satisfy business needs is a blend of technology, tools and
technical architectures. Application Development coverage provides an understanding
of the technologies and best practices for delivering applications to the production
environment and for maintaining their evolution over their life cycle, including
governance and control issues.
Application Integration & Middleware
Middleware and application integration are relevant to all IT endeavors. Covering the
unique issues that arise when creating connections among purchased applications,
legacy systems and new applications, Gartner research can help you make strategic
decisions regarding product selection as well as costs, benefits and best practices.
Business Intelligence & Data Warehousing
Build on the cornerstones of infrastructure, applications and best practices to deliver
management insight from enterprise applications and data. BI tools and applications
deliver a range of reporting and analysis. Combine BI solutions with effective
structure, quality improvement and governance of information and learn to maximize
payback and minimize risk.
Business Process Management
Services and tools that support explicit process management (analysis, definition,
execution, monitoring, administration), BPM solutions have proven effective at
creating and improving business processes. Gartner research will help you plan,
develop, purchase and install BPM tools that will maximize your short-term savings
and long-term value.
Consumer Technologies
The proliferation of home digital products and services demonstrates that
technological maturity alone does not ensure market success. Consumers also require
ease of use and clear utility to embrace new technologies. Gartner research analyzes
consumer market trends and buying triggers for a wide range of digital technologies.
Customer Relationship Management
Learn how to balance business needs with demands of customers, consumers and
constituents. CRM coverage addresses increased emphasis on customer wants and
needs through customer-centric strategies. Gartner research includes coverage of
business intelligence, customer data integration and other technologies, as well as the
people and process issues that surround them.
Data Management & Integration
Strategies, trends, technologies, and vendors that enable effective structure,
management, leverage, and governance of information. Key components of Data
Management and Integration include data integration, data quality, database
management systems (DBMS), data warehousing trends, and enterprise information
management (EIM).
Emerging Trends & Technologies
As technology continues to advance and its impact reverberates in every aspect of
business and society, planners and investors need to understand when to embrace a
technology-enabled trend in its formative stages versus when to ride out the hype
cycle. Gartner research identifies the most disruptive trends arising from emerging
information technology and assesses their potential impact.
Enterprise Architecture
Learn how to establish a decision framework that enables the various parts of an
organization to articulate how information and technology can be used in the context
of business strategy. Gartner research will help you understand how to deploy an
enterprise architecture program that will improve business and technology decisions.
ERP & Supply Chain Management
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) software continues to play a vital role in
centralizing enterprise transaction data. Supply chain management solutions are
gaining renewed significance as organizations strive to respond more quickly to
market conditions. Gartner provides insight and guidance relating to the selection,
implementation and management of these technologies.
High-Performance Workplace
The tools, technologies and methods that help users get their jobs done. The High
Performance Workplace integrates a diversity of perspectives and a wide swath of
technologies, including business intelligence, collaboration support, business process
management, content and knowledge management, communications, e-learning,
productivity tools and related infrastructure.
IT Asset Management
A critical task for any business is understanding and controlling costs and associated
cost drivers. IT asset management is a fundamental IT discipline that lays a
foundation for improved cost control and deeper understanding of the business value
of IT. Gartner research helps IT organizations develop world-class IT asset
management programs that improve procurement, optimize costs and establish IT
credibility throughout the enterprise.
IT Management
Most companies can exploit technology to improve business results. Whether they do
depends largely on the interaction between business and IT leaders. Gartner research
delves into IT management practices, disciplines and attributes to help companies
succeed - through governance, strategic planning, financial management, risk analysis
and organizational performance.
IT Operations
Achieve excellence in production operations, infrastructure and service management.
Gartner's IT operations research provides comprehensive coverage of organizational
alignment challenges, management system architecture, best-practice process
frameworks, process definitions and integration, operations management software and
suppliers, and metrics.
IT Services
Organizations must understand their options in the IT services market and how to
work with service providers to achieve beneficial results while avoiding problems.
Gartner research covers all segments of the global IT services market, including
consulting, integration and development, network services and product support.
Mobile & Wireless
Mobile and wireless technologies must be at the strategic heart of every organization's
IT plans. As these technologies proliferate and mature, they will bring new consumer
and business applications to more places and devices. Gartner research provides
guidance on mobile and wireless market trends, product characteristics and
deployment best practices.
Networking & communications Equipment
Enterprise network design requires a thorough understanding of technology trends and
characteristics and other considerations that impact provisioning decisions. Gartner
research focuses on diagnosing problems, gauging the impact of new applications on
network and prioritizing the projects that will deliver the most value.
Networking & communications Services
Understand how to exploit technology and market trends to deliver consistently
excellent network service levels while minimizing costs. Learn contract negotiation
and cost management best practices for traditional communications services, plus how
to evaluate and select outsourcing alternatives. Gartner research covers the critical
sourcing, staffing and management issues.
Open Source
Organizations considering enterprise Linux and open-source solutions must be guided
by the principles of fitness for purpose and value for money. They must understand
the maturity level of open-source solutions in various areas of software production, as
well as the latest issues relevant to technology, operating systems, policies and
More than just a cost-cutting tactic, outsourcing must be managed as a strategic
initiative that can shape your enterprise. Outsourcing options include IT services
(infrastructure and applications) and business process outsourcing (BPO). Gartner
provides guidance on sourcing strategy, vendor evaluation and selection, contract
development and managing an outsourcing relationship.
PCs, Laptops & Handheld Devices
Market data and analysis of buying criteria relevant to enterprise procurement,
deployment and management of PCs and handheld computers. Gartner analyzes
product functionality and market trends and explains the decision frameworks and
methodologies that organizations should employ when making client platform
Regulatory Compliance
Senior managers are focusing on compliance concerns because of their impact on all
aspects of business operations. Efforts to comply with regulatory requirements must
be supported by appropriate IT systems. Gartner research covers relevant technology
solutions and provides guidance for IT and business leaders seeking to manage risks
and automate controls.
Security & Privacy
Information security and privacy concerns are a high priority for many enterprises.
Organizations should focus on their business needs and risk assessments to prioritize
security initiatives. Gartner research covers the latest threats and countermeasures,
product data and market analysis and how to implement effective security policies and
management practices.
Servers & Storage
Trend analysis and advice pertaining to the server, storage and storage management
markets. Gartner research analyzes vendor technology strategies and product offerings
and provides guidance on the procurement, deployment and management of server
and storage hardware and software.
Web Services
Enterprises that derive value from basic Web services must explore how to exploit
this new development paradigm. Users must be protected from the risks of Web
services, while still reaping the benefits. Gartner research provides insight into Web
services technology and how it is used by leading organizations.