Note of the Meeting on Tuesday 25 February 2014

Scottish Qualifications Authority
Qualification Support Team: HN Travel and Tourism
Note of the Meeting on Tuesday 25 February 2014
Members were welcomed to the meeting and apologies noted.
Note of Previous
The team reviewed the note of the last meeting and agreed that it is an accurate record of the
HN Articulation Project - An update on the project was provided:
 Main areas being looked at include combined assessments, integrated assessments,
increased use of sampling
 Exemplars are being produced for the subjects in the pilot to demonstrate how to assess
more than one unit using a single instrument of assessment – these would be in addition to
existing exemplars not instead of
 The project has developed an academic competences framework which the team
reviewed. It was agreed that a mapping of relevant Travel and Tourism units could be
carried out against the academic competences to explore where these could be developed
within the qualifications
 Rather than the development of a new unit covering the defined academic competences, it
is likely that enhanced guidance will be produced to support the unit Personal
Development Planning
Matters Arising from
Previous Meeting
State of the Nation Report (Digital Tourist) – The team discussed the unit Visual Communication:
Social Media. It was felt that this unit had more of a marketing slant and should not be added to
the Applied Technology grouping.
The team agreed that most candidates have good I.T. skills and that ITAS and USAP may no
longer be appropriate as mandatory units. Some colleges have delivered the unit Digital Culture:
Online Communication this year but have still to carry out an evaluation.
Annual Survey
Entry Requirements
The team discussed the Events awards and the possibility of building the PDA into the HN Travel
and Tourism frameworks as an additional qualification.
The team discussed the regionalisation of Scottish colleges. Structures in many of the new
colleges are still being developed.
It was noted that the HNC/D in Activity Tourism is due for review.
The team reviewed and discussed the uptake figures for the qualifications as well as the
distribution of grades awarded for the Graded Units.
The team reviewed and discussed the candidate and centre survey responses.
Consistent comments were made on the following areas:
 Too many reports
 Too much PEST analysis
 Not enough variety in types of assessment
 Lack of geography knowledge
The team also discussed specific units referred to in the survey responses. In particular it was felt
that the unit Influences on the Travel and Tourism Industry covered too many areas and would
benefit from being more focussed to allow candidates to study fewer topics in greater detail.
The team discussed entry requirements for the HN programmes and the new CfE qualifications. It
was agreed that most colleges require applicants to have a minimum of 1 Higher and 3 Standard
Grades at 3 or above (or equivalent).
The challenges for candidates progressing from SCQF level 5 to level 6 and to HNC were also
discussed. It was noted that some colleges require internal students who have completed the NC
at L5/L6 to sit an exam in order to be considered for a place on the HNC.
It was reported that a request has been made for a formal review of the NC in Travel and Tourism.
It was noted that a new PDA in Sustainability has been developed which includes the unit
Sustainable Business Practice at SCQF level 6 – it was suggested that this unit may be a suitable
Review of Units
alternative mandatory unit for the Study Visit unit for those centres who had expressed concern at
the withdrawal of funding for study visits. Although it was acknowledged that the Sustainable
Business Practice unit could provide a good foundation for the Planning and Sustainable
Development in Tourism and the Structure of the Travel and Tourism Industry units there was
mixed views on whether this should be included in the NC as a mandatory or optional unit. There
was some support for modifying but retaining the Study Visit unit as mandatory.
It was reported that the Qualification Manager for the Communication units had put a bid in for
contextualised assessment exemplars.
The team discussed the need for introducing a wider variety of assessment methods across the
units. It was noted that in many units the assessment method isn’t prescribed. It was agreed that
comments from the survey on specific units would be collated and an audit of the specifications
carried out to identify where they could be enhanced to facilitate the use of alternative assessment
methods and/or incorporate guidance on delivery.
It was noted that the Internal Assessment Report (previously called the Senior Verifier Report) has
now been published on the HN Travel and Tourism subject page. No specific issues were
highlighted in the report.
It was noted that the Scottish Tourism Alliance annual conference is taking place on 12 and 13
March 2014.
Senior Verifier Report
Scottish Tourism
Staff Development and
Support Needs
Any Other Business
An outline of the new Executive Certificate for Tourism Professionals which is funded by Scottish
Enterprise, working with the St Andrews Partnership and the Edinburgh Tourism Action Group
was provided for information.
Date of Next Meeting