International Tourism

Study field: Geography
Requirements: Tourism
Starting dates: Autumn/Spring
Duration: Autumn/Spring Semester
Tuition fee: 1200 EUR
Contact person:
The module „Tourism“ covers theoretical and methodological fundamentals of
tourism, provides an introduction to the main features of tourism demand, its modern
trends and geographical aspects. Module provides an introduction to the concept of
modern tourism, touristic activity organising fundamentals, development of tourism
products and implementation processes. The module covers the various aspects of
theoretical and practical knowledge of tourism marketing theories, processes and their
modelling, to reveal the value of marketing to students, to develop their critical thinking,
the ability to appoint and deal with the marketing problems. This course is designed to
introduce the students the various aspects excursion planning and tour methodology,
methods of preparation and conduction of excursions, classification of excursions, also
the basic principles of international tourism.
World historical and cultural heritage
The subject "World historical and cultural heritage " is based on the geographical and
historical content, allowing students to shape the perception and knowledge about
humanity's past, relationships between different cultures and ancient civilizations, about
the world cultural and historical heritage. During the course is developed
multicultural understanding about different areas of culture and cultural heritage value,
specificity and diversity, analysed globalisation processes and their impact on tourism
development in national and global context. Emphasis is placed on the world heritage
significance for tourism development.
Essentials of Tourism
„Essentials of tourism” course provides an introduction to the concept of modern tourism,
touristic activity organising fundamentals, development of tourism products and
implementation processes. The first part of the course is designed to explain the most
important concepts and terms of tourism, tourist needs and motivation. The second part is
related to the tourism product and tourism service analysis. The third part of the course is
dedicated to review of the organization of tourism, hospitality, entertainment and
transport services.
Excursion planning and tour methodology
Excursion functions: information; organisation of cultural leisure; creation of interest;
scientific knowledge; development of cultural view.
Classification of excursions by: content; composition and quantity of participants;
By content excursions can be subdivided into the ones that give an overview
(multidisciplinary) and thematic.
Excursion objects are classified as follows: on degree of preservation; content; according
to functional meaning.
On composition and quantity of participants excursions can be individual, for locals,
tourists, adults and school pupils, etc. The location for excursion can be town, suburban
area, industrial area, museum or it can be a complex of a few locations. Excursions with
the use of transport. Duration of excursion. Form of excursions.
Methods of preparation and conduction of excursions. A general excursion tour
methodology consists of two main parts: preparation of an excursion; taking an
Sequence for a new heme. Sequence for a new heme. Material learning and build up.
Preparing a route for excursion. Excursion planning.
Excursion techniques. Placement of excursion participants. Quoting during excursions.
Standard of speech of a tour guide. Tour guide contact with group.
Tourism geography
Tourism geography course provides an introduction to the main features of tourism
demand, its modern trends and geographical aspects. The course starts with the concept
of tourism demand, its modern features and tendencies analysis. The second part is
connected with classification of the tourist activities and tourism resources. The third part
is dedicated to the health, educational, recreational, occasional, entertainment, business
and religious tourism specific features, resources, diversity and studies of geografical
spread of these features.
Tourism marketing
Studying of the study subjects of the module will provide students to theoretical and
practical knowledge of tourism marketing theories, processes and their modelling, to
reveal the value of marketing to students, to develop their critical thinking, the ability to
appoint and deal with the marketing problems in Tourism Company. The program has
provided the necessary knowledge about the specificities of tourism services, which are
reflected in the service creation, presentation, promotion and other components of cell
systems, for successful tourism business‘ organizing. The students will be able to assess
the environment of tourism marketing, to analyze complex of tourism marketing, to
conduct market research, develop marketing plan.
International Tourism
International tourism refers to travelling from one country to another for recreational or
business purposes. It's an essential activity to the countries being visited as it provides
social, cultural, educational and economic benefits. International tourism has being on the
rise in the recent years in most countries worldwide. International Tourism Business is
one of the very rapidly expanding segments of global economy. This sector has been
losing its confinement and becoming an integrated activity. International tourism industry
embraces cultures and values, history and tradition, technology and logistics, lifestyle and
economic resources. Tourism is an integral part of the national strategy and its image as
well as decision making in the areas of infrastructure and investment.
Emphasizing the economic and cultural dimensions of travel, International Tourism
Business explores the enterprises and technologies of tourist activity with a particular
focus on tourism as a phenomenon through which nations, regions, and individuals
produce and consume experiences.
1. World historical and cultural heritage
2. Essentials of Tourism
3. Excursion planning and tour methodology
Hours per
4. Tourism geography
5. Tourism marketing
6. International Tourizm
Total: 30